Maksvytis rejected the offer of the Club of the European Cup / News


Donatas Urbonas journalist

2021-07-06 13:33

Nuotr.: Ira Somov (VTB United League)

Nuotr. Ira Somov (VTB United League)

Kazys Maksvytis, previously close to a deal with the European Cup team, continues his search for the club for next season. According to BasketNews, the 44-year-old specialist has been the main candidate to coach Promitheas of Patras in recent weeks, but the Lithuanian will not be working on this team.

Triples released this season

According to sources, the Darbenai technician did not agree with Promitheas on the economic conditions and rejected the Greek offer.

Maksvytis recently visited Greece and met with the president of the Patras Club. Promitheas also considered the nominations of former Euroleague coaches Milan Tomičius and Georgios Vovor, but what they wanted most was to see Maksvytis at the helm of the team.

However, Promitheas was unable to satisfy the strategist’s financial wishes. According to BasketNews, the Patras team will most likely be coached by Luis Casimiro, a 60-year-old Spaniard who has managed Unicaja de Málaga for the past three years.

According to sources at BasketNews, there is a high probability that Maksvytis will continue to work with Perm “Parma”.

The Lithuanian VTB League club has been training for the past two years. In the pandemic season, Maksvytis’ team reached fifth place in the VTB league, and this year they entered the playoffs from eighth position, and also reached the final four of the FIBA ​​European Cup.

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What you came here looking for this Moskvicius, he did not coach a serious club in his life, and the advantage was only because he won the world youth championship with Valanciuna, but he appeared with Neptune in the Euroleague and then with Adomaitis and La Juventus left Neptune in the Euroleague

Lopiny, Kazys was the only one with n smaller budgets capable of apostatizing Jaska. and the last card won without Valanciunas, mo EL with the half winning team could win 4 out of 10 macu so I hid the creator


O ka Ten Donatas urbonas Mini article Twiteri About the rejection of Kazio Klubas Who else zalgiris Kaunas added


The coach is not everything. I don’t really remember seeing children playing cat in the yard. Cars are parked on site. There is nowhere to play. Xbox won’t skillfully play at home

When will journalists talk about the LKF fiasco?


He noticed that last season zalgiris lkl did not level at all, because the level of lkl dropped towards the north, and the Euroleague looked very good, although it took the victory of the pair to the top8. Then there was no goal to change the helmet. but for her next season, Zalgiris will have one or two victories in three months, she will not be a siler, we must not forget that she has paid a small budget for the salaries of the players, so she will be a fan in court, she will will automatically strengthen during the season,

It is

The budget for salaries is cut only slightly. The debt is and will be covered in five years. By the way, his pessimistic estimate due to budget reduction also counted after 2,000 tickets were sold for each match. If there will be a new covid mutation or something else, the budget will be even worse. With reinforcements I think I’ll be careful.

Blet LKF sleep nx. Parma will take it again and VEL we will not have a coach 100% dedicated to the team …


The LKF de facto has no administrator. Sabbath does not make decisions because it is waiting for a new election in which it will probably not participate. Even Kazlauskas turned his back on him. Javtokas and Jakilautis will manage the Lithuanian cat, and they will decide who will be the coach


So could you wait because I have a feeling the siler will get drunk on my grudges in three months?

The Shillers will remain in the team until the end of next season, even if EL finishes with a 0 win and LKL is in second place. If you notice the Zalgiris in the middle of the season, don’t let go of the player. The exception was probably Pérez, but apparently he himself agreed to leave.

please take the team




Vainauskas can only work in the Vievis mill, not take over the Prienu club, that old niuxas👹👹👹

No matter what Prienus and at the same time become the leader of the team, he could return to Lithuania and train. trainer. Because if you go to any Eurocup team, you will still have trouble re-training the national team. And Prienus can be absorbed by Jonas Vainauskas with foreign investors, maybe it’s good. Prienai could participate in the Northern European Basketball League, where Utena and I believe that he will participate if he does not reach the Champions League during the selection.


in the national team please, there is no better candidate


Unicso’s Perasovicius will be kicked all the way in December. All Parma has to do is play a good game and negotiate favorable contract terms.


Probably a man is looking for a team that allows him to also train for the national team. Knowing that the team needs a hit, we have a lot of young and talented players, I think Maksvytis would be the best option to coach the team, knowing their achievements with the youth.


What kind of talented young player do you have here? So a lot of that talent that I have in LMAO


at least let them sign a contract so they can work with the national team next year.


Let the federation pay so much that it is not necessary to fight yet. here it is necessary to dedicate 100 percent to the team, not to expand into several jobs

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