Major changes go into effect Thursday – some benefits will change, some will have salaries


“We try to make everyone in the country, elderly, working or looking for work, disabled or children, feel positive changes. In the near future, we hope to offer more solutions that guarantee well-being”, says Monika Navickienė, Minister of Social Security and Job.


The wage subsidies will be paid until August 31, but their intensity will gradually decrease. For the first calendar month, the amount of the salary subsidy will be 100%. calculated funds, but not more than 90%. the amount of the monthly minimum wage (MMA), that is, 577 euros, and in the second calendar month – 60 percent. MMA size, that is, 385 Eur.

Employers will also receive wage subsidies for employees returning from downtime. Said subsidy will be paid for each employee who has been declared downtime for at least 75 working days (at least 600 working hours) during the first 6 calendar months after the announcement of the quarantine, and the employer has received a salary subsidy during downtime to keep your job.

100% will be paid during the first calendar month. calculated funds, but not more than 90%. MMA allowance, per second calendar month: 60 percent. MMA. Support will be paid no later than August 31. and only if said worker returns to work and goes to work.


If the quarantine is lifted, the last aid for the self-employed will arrive in July (paid in June): a payment of 260 euros. No benefits will be paid for July and August. Self-employed workers who have terminated their activities may claim a job search subsidy. Currently, almost 6 times fewer people receive the job search benefit than in 2020. at the end.


As of July 1. Self-employed workers whose self-employment activities were terminated no earlier than 3 months before the declaration of emergency or quarantine and who requested the status of unemployed may also receive the job search benefit.

Until August 31, a job search allowance of € 212 will be paid for job seekers.


Starting June 8. The legislation is already in force, according to which the payment of the unemployment insurance benefit is resumed twice for the unemployed who have registered with the Employment Service within 6 months after the termination of the payment of the unemployment benefit. unemployment insurance for work or self-employment.

As of July 1. Those who receive a social security pension for incapacity for work, widowhood and orphans, compensation for work accidents or are beneficiaries of social assistance benefits will be entitled to full unemployment benefit. So far, they have only been paid the difference between the benefit they receive and the unemployment benefit.

Unemployment benefit is granted to people who have had at least 12 months of unemployment insurance in the last 30 months before the date of registration with the Employment Service and have the status of unemployed.


As of July 1. 100 percent. Payment for sickness in the hands of COVID-19 workers who work in the fields of health, public safety, public order or education, where contact with sick people is inevitable or necessary, whether or not they have contracted clients (patients ) or colleagues.


As of July 1. Individual beneficiaries of social assistance pensions and beneficiaries of small pension supplements may apply to Sodra for an individual benefit of EUR 28.

An individual benefit can be requested from July 1, but no later than 12 months from the date of access to this benefit. It will be possible to request it not only online on a personal account or when arriving at the territorial Sodra, but also by phone.

As of July 1, those who receive:
• social old-age pension,
• social assistance disability pension (except for disabled children under 18 years of age),
• Social assistance compensation if received by a person who has reached retirement age or has lost 60%. and more work capacity,
• social pension,
• Pension supplement, because your pension or the amount of all pensions received is less than 260 EUR.

Single widows who also receive social assistance pensions or small pension supplements and who have not yet been entitled to a widow’s pension or who receive a widow’s pension of less than € 28.63 may also receive benefits per single person.

Widows may receive a higher single person benefit instead of a lower widow’s pension if they stop paying a lower widow’s pension.

The single person benefit will also be available to elderly or disabled beneficiaries of an orphan’s pension who are entitled to both a widow’s pension and an orphan’s pension but who have chosen to receive an orphan’s pension.

It is important that the person’s place of residence is in Lithuania, that the person is not married in Lithuania or abroad, or that the marriage is divorced.

As of July 1. In the case of cash social assistance to the poor (social benefits, compensation for heating and hot and drinking water), the widow’s pension and the single person’s benefit will not be included in the income and the widow’s pensions will not be taken in mind when determining a person’s financial ability to pay for social services.


As of July 1. changes relevant to the determination of the level of special needs relevant to the elderly come into effect. The medium and high special needs levels are still in effect, so from the beginning of July more older adults will be able to benefit from the 50 percent. discount on public transport.

It is important that the level of low special needs available to the elderly is matched to the average level of special needs and a new certificate of disability is issued. Special needs identified for them will not be reevaluated.


As of July 1. The assistance of a personal assistant will be available to all disabled persons for whom this need has been identified, regardless of age, severity or nature of the disability.

A personal assistant can provide assistance at home or in a public space. For example, you can help with food, get to the right place, help communicate, manage financial resources, navigate the environment, organize leisure and recreation, accompany and help get to work, find the right vehicle, help move where the environment is not adapted.

If a disabled person who needs personal assistance has an income of less than € 256, they should not be paid for personal assistance. If the income is higher, the disabled person should not pay more than 20%. the cost of providing assistance and the individual contribution must not exceed 20%. your income.


As of July 1. wages for social service workers are increasing. Fixed minimum wage ratios will be increased by 30% instead of the current 20%, and social workers will also receive more money for the existing qualification category.

An additional 2.8 million LTL has been allocated to municipalities to increase employee salaries in the field of social services. euros.


As of July 1. amendments to the law come into force, according to which as of September 1. Free school lunches with no income assessment are available not only to all preschoolers and freshmen, but also to all freshmen. It is not necessary to request and apply for free lunches without assessing the income allocation.

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