Ma first appeared in public after Ant Group’s IPO revocation.


Jack Ma. Photo by Mark Schiefelbein (Scanpix / AP Photo)

Jack Ma from the Alibaba Group read a message to 100 Chinese rural teachers remotely on Wednesday morning. This is its first appearance in the public domain after the country’s government stopped planning $ 37 billion for nearly three months. USD Ant Group Initial Trading (IPO).

The Chinese billionaire withdrew from the public sphere (including the social network) at the end of October, following his speech criticizing the country’s regulators and state banks for the canceled IPO.

The businessman not only happened and in November he planned the filming of the television of an African country, in which he was going to be a judge.

It was officially said that Mr. Ma went on vacation. However, the abrupt withdrawal from the air has led to speculation about his whereabouts and condition. There was even talk that she left him. However, his friends, who wished to remain anonymous, denied such rumors and assured that he would continue to quietly try to negotiate with the party about the development of Ant and Alibaba activities.

Alibaba’s shares in the Hong Kong office rose 8.7% on Wednesday, according to Ma Ma’s video.

My classmates and students have become enriched and are more committed to education and the well-being of society, says an entrepreneur in a speech to teachers, who, by the way, also began his career as an English teacher.

The report is accompanied by a short video clip of Mr. Ma visiting a school that is rebuilding its foundations.

France Télécom adds that Chinese regulators are conducting an antitrust investigation on Alibaba, which has significantly reduced the group’s shares.

The investigation was announced on December 24, just weeks after the political bureau of the Communist Party of China called for an end to monopoly abuses and the disorderly development of capital. neither Ma, nor Alibaba, nor Ant grup (Alibaba’s financial services business) were mentioned in the report. But on December 26. The People’s Bank of China issued rare reprimands to the Ant Group.

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