M. Zalatorius released free – Business starts


Mantas Zalatorius, President of the Lithuanian Bank Association. Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

Mantas Zalatoris, president of the Lithuanian Association of Banks, who was arrested Tuesday in a corruption case, was charged with influence trading and was released on Tuesday after being questioned, lawyers reported.

Zalator’s lawyer, Aidas Maeika, told BNS on Wednesday that his defendant was at home: He was released after an interview last night.

According to him, Mr. Zalator was accused of influence trading, and the alleged house was searched on Tuesday.

Since the morning they searched him (…) At home, at work, in the car traditionally, the lawyer said.

A. Maeika also added that he and his accused have so far refrained from commenting on the police investigation.

Renata Keblien, a representative from the Special Investigation Service (STT), told BNS that Ms. Zalator had been detained for failing to make arrangements and for not communicating with the identified individuals.

At the time, the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), Vald Sutk, the Office of the Prosecutor General, was requested to be arrested on Wednesday, but the Vilnius District Court did not grant such permission.

Sutkus was detained during a pre-trial investigation into alleged large-scale bribery, bribery, influence peddling, embezzlement, and counterfeiting.

The Special Investigation Service (STT) and the Attorney General’s Office on the pre-trial investigation and V. Sutkus, M. Zalator and four other business people were arrested on Tuesday, but the police did not specify what accusations were made against the detainees. .

A person is considered a suspect from the moment of arrest. At the moment, we do not detail what pronouncements have been made to which person, BNS clarified STT representative R. Keblien.

Law enforcement links potential crimes to illegal lobbying and the impact on court proceedings. Teissauga stated that V. Sutku owned 400,000 Eurkilm.

According to the prosecutor’s office, the available data suggests that V. Sutkus, while serving in the LVK and representing the interests of its members and other business entities, using their functions, public position, paintings, rice or other trace, may have received illegal monetary remuneration for his work. impact of the adoption of various laws relevant to business.

Mr. Zalator is alleged to be involved in various episodes of the criminal scheme.

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