M. Stankeviius takes over the operator of the Rontgen platform


Aware: 2021-02-17 09:54

Martynas Stankeviius, UAB Treia diena, Managing Director of Commodity Rntgen, Director. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Business beginnings

Martynas Stankeviius, manager and manager of the Rontgen crowdfunding platform, will take over the shares of the operators of the Resolution Holdings platform, which manages the real estate company (RE), and other partners.

The Bank of Lithuania authorized the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Resolution Holdings, Gediminas Sirvidas and Paulius Lavrukaiis for one week. Before the transaction, the value of which has not been announced, M. Stankeviius owns 6.12% of the shares of the company.

Ugnius Meidus, CEO of Resolution Holdings, a market-based brand Newsec, said in a statement that real estate financing is not the group’s core business.

As alternative financing for the market has strengthened, we have agreed that from now on we will only participate in Rontgen’s activities as advisers and advisers, he says.

[infogram id=”67c1a186-96b1-465c-a3ea-b42d51e24043″ prefix=”NLa” format=”interactive” title=”Statyba ir NT. Rontgen finansavimo duomenys 2019-2020 m.”]

According to M. Stankeviius, the platform’s strategy will continue to promote conservative investments protected by insurance and strive to be the most conservative and secure platform on the market.

We plan to loan a 1.013 million LTL loan this year. Eur 2 times more than in 2020 We intend to offer investors, especially recently, investments that are not only under construction, but also finished income-generating objects. We will give investors the opportunity to earn 58% of annual salaries, always guaranteeing loans with higher value assets, it says in the report.

Platform operator G. Sirvidas and P. Lavrukaitis since 2017. Invested in another Optimal Progress managed company in the market under the brand name Bolds Property Partners.

Resolution Holdings, which is owned by the Swedish company Newsec, U. Meidas, Neringa Rastenyte Janinaienė, Giedrius Ragai, Martynas Babilas and Rida Kalvaitienė, has been acquiring the Three-Day share since 2019.

The partners each own 46.94% of the platform operator’s shares.

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