M.Skuodis removed the owner of Oro Navigacijos from his position


The order to remove the boss of Oro Navigacija was signed by the minister on Tuesday.

“The company’s board of directors expressed distrust in the manager and did not see the opportunity to work with him further, the opinions of the manager and the board on the implementation of the company’s objectives, operational efficiency and investments differed. I do not have any reason to distrust the company’s board of directors.

Therefore, after assessing the long and inherited situation in the company, which may harm national security interests, the stagnant implementation of the state’s expectations, the long-standing confrontation between management, which turns into confrontation and the employees, I made the decision to dismiss the manager, ”says the Minister of Transport.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Marius Skuodis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Marius Skuodis

Board: We support the decision of the Minister of Transport

Oro Navigacijos’ board supports the decision on Tuesday of the Minister of Transport and Communications, Marius Skuodis, to dismiss Marius Beliūnas, director of the company, and hopes that the future new manager, selected through a transparent competition, will help implement company goals, plan investments, and meet state expectations.

“The company’s board of directors did not approve the company’s strategic business plan, which, in the opinion of the board, did not reflect the founder’s expectations. Additionally, divergent approaches to sustainability policy, transparency, risk management, and investment in safety and efficiency have strained communication with the board of directors.

Therefore, I welcome the Minister’s decision and look forward to a transparent and swift selection of a new manager that meets the interests of all stakeholders and helps the company not only survive the biggest crisis in aviation history. but also use it for further development, ”said Dangirutis Janušas.

M.Beliūnas began working at Oro Navigacija in 2018 as an advisor to the CEO. He then worked as head of the company’s Safety, Quality and Safety Department. In April of last year, he became the acting director of the company. After winning the announced competition for the position of director of the company, former Minister of Transport and Communications J. Narkevičius was appointed to head this company.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Oro Navigacija state company

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min photo / Oro Navigacija state company

Following the dismissal of M.Beliūnas, Redvita Četkauskienė, director of the company’s Legal and Documentary Management Division, was appointed interim manager of Oro Navigacijos. A competition will be announced to elect a new director of the company.

“During my tenure, I will endeavor to ensure that all state-owned companies change their legal form to public limited companies as soon as possible and so that the appointment of company directors is depoliticized, with responsibilities transferred to modern boards of directors,” said the minister.

Oro navigacija is the only company in the country that is granted the right to provide air traffic information, communications, navigation and surveillance services and air navigation information to aircraft flying in Lithuanian airspace. The company has 250 employees.
