LVŽS announces electoral program: appropriates three government documents, proposes to establish the post of deputy prime minister


At the beginning of the preamble, the LVŽS states that during the last four years it has demonstrated through its work that it consistently fulfills its obligations to the voters.

“Since 2016. LVŽS in Lithuania implemented changes: people’s incomes grew, the state administration became more transparent, implemented structural reforms that made it possible to modernize entire areas of state life,” says the party and the names even more: the Average monthly salary increased, 3.9 billion euros were abolished, Sodra’s debt of one billion euros was transferred to the state budget, the financial situation of young families improved and the price of medicines decreased.

He claims to have given priority to doctors

LVŽS announces that during his government, the average (net) salary of teachers increased by an average of 25.6 percent. (188.9 EUR). Doctors’ salaries have also increased.

“Through actions, not words, we have shown that doctors are our priority. Their salaries went up: in 2016, the real average salary (per position) of doctors was 1,763 euros; – 2573 EUR 2016 the average real salary (per position) of nurses was 889 euros; – 1,295 euros “, writes LVŽS and praises other achievements, such as the reduction of emigration.

Research shows that people have started to trust the state, they feel happier.

“Research shows that people have started to trust the state, to feel happier, for the first time in 30 years the problem of emigration has been solved: for the second year in a row, more people have started to return to Lithuania than to leave her, “says the party.

However, LVŽS says it sees long-standing problems that “require more attention from the central government than a mandate from Seimas.” These include social exclusion, change, and a long-term vision in education, science and health.

Ensures that he does not live on

LVŽS declares that it represents traditional values, promises the continuity of the works and attends the Seimas elections with the motto “A ti. For the family. Lithuania ”.

“In detail, we emphasize that political decisions should be based on values ​​such as the protection of human life and health, close coexistence with nature, the harmonious fostering of traditional family and community, patriotism, historical memory. and the preservation of Lithuanian statehood by creating an economic, social and political environment “. , – write the match.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / LVŽS council meeting

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / LVŽS council meeting

The LVŽS also affirms that it is not a “party that lives in terms of terms and programs dedicated to them”.

“Our priority is the constant development of the country in the long term. We demonstrated this during this period by creating strategic documents for the development of the state: the National Progress Plan for 2021-2030 and the DNA Plan for the Future Economy of Lithuania.

According to this plan, only for the implementation of long-term investments until 2021. about 6.3 billion euros will be allocated by the end of which new and additional investments will amount to 2.2 billion euros. the remaining EUR 4.1 billion. The planned investments have accelerated ”, explains the party.

According to her, these two documents, as well as the National Energy and Climate Action Plan updated by the Government for 2021-2030, are the electoral program of the LVŽS.

You want to establish a state bank

Among other things, the party highlights a series of works that it promises to implement
in particular:

  • the creation of an indexation mechanism for child money and the introduction of the 13th pension;
  • improvement of the health care infrastructure, increasing its functionality, so that, if necessary, it can be easily transformed and adapted to emergency situations;
  • the introduction of a higher education financing system based on state agreements with institutions of higher education and the provision of state funding for all undergraduate students who meet the criteria for good learning established by the state;
  • Improving funding programs in all fields of culture so that they better meet the specificities of each field, the needs of the public and non-state sector, would allow the implementation of the priorities of professional arts and ethnic culture. Stronger areas for creative industries and innovation;
  • establishment of a state-owned bank, income tax benefits, for identical benefits applied in the EPZ, at least 1 million. introduction of the euro for investment projects in rural areas with up to 1000 inhabitants and creation of at least 20 jobs;
  • introduction of the post of deputy prime minister. This position would ensure the smooth and uninterrupted work of the Government should a Prime Minister be replaced.

You can familiarize yourself with the complete preamble of the LVŽS program and three documents prepared by the Government here.

And read more about the Seimas elections in October in a special 15 minutes polapyje.
