Lung Ventilator and Mask Makers Do Not Slow Down Even After 15MAX Quarantine


Sewing shops rushed to sew masks and medical gowns; manufacturers of plastic, metal, furniture manufacturers built medical panels; The manufacturers of cosmetics and alcohol launched to prepare disinfectants, the American biotechnology company Thermo Fisher Baltics began to supply tests for coronavirus to Lithuania, so the companies have adapted to the new needs, but how are they doing now?

Rapidly reoriented production

The coronavirus pandemic hit Lithuania unprepared, even before the quarantine was announced, not only the population but also doctors began to lack almost all protective measures.

People were running desperately through pharmacies for medical masks and disinfectant fluid, doctors lacked respirators, protective clothing, and the state was facing a shortage of evidence of coronavirus.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas (VUL Santara Clinics) / Doctors fighting the coronavirus

When the coronavirus appeared to be cornering Lithuania, the public was amazed at the country’s business, which in a couple of weeks had redirected production towards the most important products at the time: sewing shops rushed to sew masks and dresses doctors; manufacturers of plastic, metal, furniture manufacturers built medical panels; Manufacturers of cosmetics and alcohol began preparing the disinfectant liquid, and Thermo Fisher Baltics, a company that belongs to the United States biotechnology group, began supplying Lithuania with evidence of coronavirus.

During the annual report in Seimas on Thursday, President Gitanas Nausėda praised these companies as an example for Lithuanian businesses.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Gypsies Nausėda

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Gypsies Nausėda

“In the next 6 to 7 years, with targeted investments, we can fundamentally change our face, not dust, but change. We demonstrated that we can do this during a pandemic, when in a very short time companies went on to produce what is needed to save lives. His example could become a source of inspiration for all Lithuanian businesses. We can’t even imagine how much we can, “stressed the president.

Today, the demand for most protective equipment has already decreased, but companies are in no rush to stop producing new products. The managers of these companies emphasize that maintaining the production of medical products in Lithuania is extremely important, only then will the country be safer during future pandemics.

Will be included in continuous range

Intersurgical, a manufacturer and developer of Pabradė-based medical respiratory systems, was one of the first to rush to help doctors who lacked protective equipment.

After receiving a call from the doctors, this company, adapting its products, created a new product overnight: innovative mask filters, which retain almost 99.9 percent. of all bacteria and viruses.

Photo from the Facebook account of Aurelijus Veryga / Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga and plant manager of Intersurgical Sigitas Žvirblis (left)

Photo from the Facebook account of Aurelijus Veryga / Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga and plant manager of Intersurgical Sigitas Žvirblis (left)

Under an agreement with the Ministry of Health, Intersurgical will supply a total of one million respirators exclusively for the Lithuanian market before August 31.

Sigitas Žvirblis, General Manager of Intersurgical 15 minutes The company said the company will include innovative face mask filters in its permanent range, as this product for doctors working in the “red zones” has sparked interest in many countries. It is true that the company is still unable to export the respirator because the mask filters must be certified.

“We continue to manufacture and modify this product to make it more comfortable to use. Until now, we produce only for Lithuanian doctors, a priority for Lithuanian life, but there are many people who want to buy these products in other countries. However, we are not currently authorized to sell them to other countries, in order to officially sell them in the European Union (EU), we need to be certified, which is not so simple. The process is ongoing, but it will take more than a month, “reported S. Žvirblis.

The new respirators are also used by workers in the inter-surgical plant for protection.

We specialize in patient respiratory safety equipment, and this product is completely different for medical personnel, so the need is really great, said S.Žvirblis.

“The respirator has been developed by merging our existing products into one and modifying it to better adapt it to personal protection. We specialize in patient respiratory safety equipment, and this product is completely different for medical personnel, so the need is really high, “revealed S.Žvirblis.

Foreigners are interested in the lung ventilator.

Even after the end of the quarantine, Teltonika sees a need for its latest product, which began building a lung ventilation device in the heat of the pandemic.

Julius Švagždys, Head of Corporate Marketing at Teltonika 15 minutes He reported that prototypes of lung ventilation equipment have already been produced and that the company is ready for mass production. It is true that the product needs to be certified before that.

“We created the team, it really works, it looks impressive. We are currently working on certification because we cannot accept orders without medical certificates. The certification phase has just entered, it is quite a long process,” taught J. Švagždys.

Lung Ventilation Company / Equipment Photo Developed by Teltonika

Lung Ventilation Company / Equipment Photo Developed by Teltonika

The company’s engineers built the professional medical team in an incredibly short time. One of Teltonika’s first products was related to medicine, so the company has hoped to return to this field for some time. Therefore, a company spokesperson calls the development of lung ventilation equipment a quick but well-thought-out step.

“A small group of people enthusiastically became involved in the project to help Lithuania. Such a high-tech device was built in 30 days, “revealed J. Švagždys. According to him, in addition to this product, the company intends to introduce other medical devices in the near future.

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