Lukashenko: Belarus Would Not Oppose Western Observers During Presidential Elections


“If you want to observe the elections, come tomorrow. We are not opposed. We are not hiding but we do not have to show a finger how to live. We know how to live,” said Lukashenko; His words were quoted by the state news agency BelTA.

He emphasized that “neighbors and partners in the West sometimes follow double standards when evaluating what is happening in Belarus, especially during the electoral period.”

“They are already beginning to insinuate us: make sure everything is democratic, so there is no fighting in the streets,” Lukashenko said.

He suggested to European countries: “We need to take care of ourselves. That’s where the problems are. “

“But, you know, you want to hide your problems behind the screens of neighboring problems. You should point your finger at neighbors and others. It won’t work either. Those are no longer the times, “said the president.

In this context, he recalled the clashes during the “yellow vest” demonstrations in France and the recent unrest in the United States.

“You see what’s going on there. No tear gas. Criticize [prezidentą Donaldą] Short (Donald Trump), USA For lack of democracy. Try to sting Russia. Bijo And they probably decided to train with Belarus again. Nothing will work, “said the president.

However, Mr. Lukashenko noted that “there is something to be learned from western partners, in particular business development, the use of new technologies: this experience must be explored and implemented with us, and we are doing it successfully.”

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said on Wednesday that it will not observe the presidential elections in Belarus because it did not receive an invitation in time.

“The director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) told the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that, in the absence of an invitation to observe the upcoming presidential elections, the ODIHR cannot observe the current electoral process” , said.

Earlier, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly informed its Belarusian counterparts that the epidemiological situation in the country would prevent it from sending observers to Minsk during the presidential elections on August 9.

For her part, Lidia Yermoshina, president of the Belarus Central Electoral Commission (CEC), said Minsk would invite international observers as the spread of COVID-19 slowed down.

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