Lukashenko Announces Launch of Astrava Business Nuclear Power Plant


“Our first nuclear power plant is preparing for commissioning.” I invite all of you, I think, on November 7, an important day for us, to go there and realize that we produced the first electricity in our power plant nuclear, “Lukashenko said.

Initially, the first unit was scheduled to launch in 2016, with the date postponed to 2018. November. However, an incident occurred during the installation of the reactor vessel, therefore the commissioning of the unit was postponed to 2019 and finally to 2020. The second unit is scheduled to be launched in 2021.

May 6 nuclear fuel was brought to the power plant. Since August 7. Nuclear fuel was loaded into the first unit.

Lithuania and other Baltic countries do not keep this power plant being built by the Russian company Rosatom unsafe and are opposed to its commissioning.

Lithuania and the most active critic of the Astravas nuclear power plant, emphasizing the need to meet the safety requirements in the project. For its part, Minsk rejects the criticism.

The Baltic countries are planning to boycott the power of the Astrava nuclear power plant and are intensively seeking a consensus on how to implement these plans.
