Luis Scola, 41, who is not detained in Tokyo, reminded Lithuania: “Many teams did not get here.”


The Argentines crushed Japan (0-3) in a Group C match 97:77 (26:16, 20:22, 19:15, 32:24), which has already ended the show.

Luis Scola, 41, was hard to catch again: he scored 23 points (4/13 dvit., 5/8 trit.), Bounced 10 balls and scored 21 utility points.

In these games, L. Scola accumulates an average of 23 points and 7 rebounds.

“It just came to our notice then. I don’t know how he is 41 years old … Although no, I know, he works very hard. I don’t think he has stopped at least once in the last 25 years. Even the next day the season ends. He works. He works extra, he has personal trainers, basketball court at home. He doesn’t stop. He has pushed us forward for the last twenty years to incredible places. We are not the second best team in the world, everyone understands that, but it pushes the team forward, it challenges it. Just enjoy it. I love it “, Argentine coach Sergio Hernández did not dedicate many good words to the veteran.

By saying that Argentina is not the second best team in the world, the coach had in mind the 2018 world championship in which the Argentines obtained second place.

L. Scola himself did not say the same kind words to his friends: according to the basketball player, they are still motivators to keep playing.

“They are my friends and they give me energy, they push me forward, I try to do the same. Being with them means a lot to me. I couldn’t be here without them, “he admitted.

L. Scola is already in his fifth Olympics and he and Argentina have made the playoffs in all of them. The forward made his debut for the national team more than twenty years ago and then failed to make it to the Sydney Games, so he is very appreciative of this achievement. L. Scola also reminded the national teams that they are not present at these games.

“It just came to our knowledge then. When I got into the national team, we played in the playoffs and we didn’t make it to the Sydney Games. Then we got to the 2002 world championship and our goal was to be in the top eight. That’s how it all started. Still “We are here now. I do not forget where we started. We are again among the eight best teams in the world, and there are not many good teams among them: Lithuania, Serbia, Canada, Brazil. We have to appreciate it”, recalled the leader of the Argentine team to the Lithuanians.

He revealed that he was also watching the final of the Olympic qualifying tournament in Kaunas, where our team fought against Slovenia.

“As for Lukas, I remember those games when he played against Lithuania. I was happy because I thought Slovenia was more relaxed. Then I realized that I had not yet played Luke and that I would have the opportunity to do so. I think I will tell you in the future that I played against him. He threw 48 points at us, we lost, but I played against him. It’s incredible, “the Argentine bowed to the Slovenian star.

The rivals of the Argentine team in the quarterfinals will be revealed after the draw; These can be the United States, France or Australia.

“The most important thing is that we play with each passing day. We have to be even better in the next game and who knows ”, the legend looked at the quarterfinals.
