LSDDP conference election forecast: determined to work with the winner


As previously announced, the list will be led by Minister L. Linkevičius, second – G. Kirkilas, third – Juozas Bernatonis, fourth is Zigmantas Balčytis, and fifth – Vice President of the Vytautas Kamblevičius faction.

Sixth, member of Seimas Irena Šiaulienė, in addition, Minister of Economy and Innovation Rimantas Sinkevičius, Minister of Agriculture Andrius Palionis, former Member of Seimas Kęstutis Daukšys and Jonas Pinskus. Zenonas Vaigauskas, former president of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), was also included in the list.

G. Kirkilas emphasized that the elected politicians for the Seimas will be able to start working immediately.

“Once elected, they are ready to work. Unlike many others, or even the ruling majority party, some politicians. Because they have experience in government work, we estimate that the list includes 8 current or former members of the Government with experience in municipal and parliamentary work ”, the party’s president, G. Kirkilas, presented the list with known names at a press conference.

According to him, the program is also backed by the idea of ​​the welfare state of the head of the country, Gitanas Nausėda.

“We nominate candidates in almost all single-member constituencies, we will have a complete list of 141 candidates,” said the politician.

LSDDP conference election forecast: determined to work with the winner

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“I offered L. Linkevičius to keep our list, he is more popular, everyone does it, more solid,” joked G. Kirkilas.

He stated that the post of Prime Minister would be offered to Minister L. Linkevičius.

An LSDDP spokesman said there should be a faction of about 15 people in the next Seimas.

“The key question in these elections is whether to continue the policy of reducing social exclusion launched by this government. When almost all economic growth is used for these purposes. We are applying to the main aspects of economic and social life, which reduce social exclusion, ”said G. Kirkilas, president of the LSDDP party, at the press conference.

“I still believe there will be a center-left coalition after the elections,” he predicted.

“Our program is not correct, it is not populist, but classical, social democratic,” said Seimas member G. Kirkilas.

“If we are elected, and I think they will be elected, we will participate in the formation of the ruling coalition, because I still think that there will be a left-wing coalition after the elections.” This is the concept and it will continue, “promised the head of the LSDDP.

L. Linkevičius stated that this Government followed a policy of left-wing opinions.

“When there is a change of government, it is necessary to refine the trends that need to continue and correct what is not,” said the leader of the list of the LSDDP, L. Linkevičius, at the press conference, adding that this government was implementing a left program.

At the press conference, G. Kirkilas recalled that experts say that children’s money in Lithuania further reduced social exclusion.

“We propose to reach the threshold of at least 150 euros to keep it constant. And next to it are all the other niche aspects: the feeding of the primers is free and the like. To achieve these objectives, we need to increase the redistribution of the Gross Domestic Product, to do it wisely. It does not mean that we are trying to make business conditions somewhat more difficult, “explained G. Kirkilas.

The electoral program LSDDP presented to the media promises that the average old-age pension will reach 60% by 2024. Average salary in the national economy, the amount of the minimum monthly salary would reach 1,000 euros, the average monthly salary would exceed 2,000 euros.

Nothing will rise against Skvernel

Foreign Minister L. Linkevičius will participate in the Seimas elections in the world constituency of a single Lithuanian member.

LSDDP conference election forecast: determined to work with the winner

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“It has already happened, it took a lot of effort to activate the diaspora abroad, not everyone, to put it mildly, is actively participating, they are not participating in the elections,” he lamented.

In the Pilaitė-Karoliniškė single-member constituency, the LSDDP has decided not to nominate a candidate, and Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis will run there. The candidate will also not be nominated where Antanas Vinkus will run.

There are always disagreements

Politicians also discussed the political situation when the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Unions (LVŽS) ended the consensus on raising common candidates during the Seimas elections.

According to G. Kirkilas, there are always disagreements in the ruling coalition.

“I think living and establishing ourselves in parliament will force us to come to an agreement. I think there will be more center-left parties, but it could happen anyway. There is always controversy in the ruling coalition, but we are discussing many issues. We help avoid mistakes in some places, “he said. The politician said that this was only a pretext for the LVŽS.

“Perhaps even more useful to us, in a sense,” he explained.

Featured Values

Delphi recalls that the LSC announced at the last Council meeting that it was terminating its cooperation with the LSDDP. This decision, according to them, was made “after the dissenting opinion on the adoption of the essential values ​​of the laws that implement the provisions of the LVŽS program.”

“Concerns expressed at the LVŽS council that after the last council meeting, which decided to nominate joint candidates with coalition partners, members of the LSDDP group did not support the LVŽS faction in the Seimas in voting on issues of key value, especially those related to health policies, measures to reduce alcohol consumption. ” , – The party report then quoted LVŽS chief R. Karbauskis.

“It would be difficult to explain to people who are waiting for the implementation of our program and who support our policy why one or another person who does not publicly endorse our values ​​does not even vote against them is nominated as joint candidates,” says R. Karbauskis.

At the end of the spring session, “social workers” were the only ones in power to support the proposal to liberalize alcohol consumption by allowing the sale of low-alcohol alcohol in beach cafes. According to the report of the “peasants”, the decision to nominate the leader of this party Naglis Puteikis together with the candidate of the Party “Welfare Lithuania” is still valid, the members of the faction “Social workers” Antanas Vinkus and R. Šalaševičiūtė Iran to the Seimas elections.

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