Lost: Indrė Stonkuvienė and Vidas Bareikis celebrated Halloween the day before | Names


On social media, actor Vidas Bareikis and his heart friend Indrė Stonkuvienė shared photos and short videos. They show how a couple dressed in Halloween costumes on Friday night prepare dinner: pumpkin soup and carve the main symbol of this holiday: the pumpkin.

Indrė Stonkuvienė herself confessed to her followers that she is celebrating Halloween for the first time in her life and wished all other friends and fans a good Friday night, health and patience.

Vidas Bareikis also sent congratulations to fans on Instagram: “I have such a wish and congratulations on Halloween. At this rather difficult time, when we are separated from friends, relatives, it is still possible to have a celebration. It is enough to buy a couple of pumpkins, in a good mood, close to a close person and you can perfectly spend the holidays. Congratulations to all! With the arrival of Late “.

Instagram photo / Halloween celebration moment by Vido Bareikis and Indrė Stonkuvienė

Instagram photo / Halloween celebration moment by Vido Bareikis and Indrė Stonkuvienė

Instagram photo / Halloween celebration moment by Vido Bareikis and Indrė Stonkuvienė

Instagram photo / Halloween celebration moment by Vido Bareikis and Indrė Stonkuvienė

It is true that Indre and Vidas forgot to greet and give gifts to another member of the family: Staffordshire Terrier Rou. It was adorned with an arch that symbolized the devil’s horns, delivered to the bone.

“Today is a Halloween party at our house. We made dinner, we cut the pumpkins. But we have another family member who also has to celebrate Halloween. Now we are going to her,” V. Bareikis said on social media.

Instagram photo / Halloween celebration moment by Vido Bareikis and Indrė Stonkuvienė

Instagram photo / Halloween celebration moment by Vido Bareikis and Indrė Stonkuvienė

Laughing out loud, but only a few hours after celebrating Halloween for two, Indre and Vidui thought that this horrible party of the year was not celebrated on October 30, but on October 31. The couple later confessed, laughing together, that they were sincerely convinced that everyone was officially celebrating Halloween on Friday.

“And today is not Halloween, it is tomorrow. We celebrate it in advance, first. Really fun, ”Vidas said with a smile. – It is here in addition to celebrating the thirtieth day rookie, shoot fireworks in two and say bliamba, today probably everyone is prohibited and nobody celebrates. But before everyone celebrates Halloween tomorrow, let’s do something else. This is what people who are one step ahead of others do. With next Halloween. “

Later, Vidas Bareikis shared the recording on social networks. The famous man still could not believe that he had managed to make such a mistake.

“2 pumpkins, a nail and a saw on the head, a little” blood “, a recipe for Beata pumpkin soup, horns and a bone for Rou’s gift, a children’s dress that (he asked to emphasize) was left to Indre This is a vacation for you! ”Wrote V. Bareikis.

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