Loss of a doctor in Šiauliai: family members delivered a farewell letter to officials with specific surnames


The woman’s relatives promise to contact the prosecution to find the perpetrators and punish them. And the deceased doctor’s former workplace, Šiauliai Hospital, asks to refrain from comment, adding that the doctor was fired due to serious labor violations.

Most of the doctors at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital heard the news that a young colleague, an anesthesiologist, resuscitator, had given up his life on Monday morning. They found her at her home in Kaunas.

“The most beautiful memories are both about the doctor and about the person,” the former colleague told LNK.

The mayor of Šiauliai, Artūras Visockas, said he was very sad.

“Very sad. And for her and for the whole family. I don’t know the real reasons, but when a 36-year-old woman ends her life, it means that she had reached the maximum point and the man decided to get rid of that tension in the most cruel, ”said the mayor of Šiauliai.

Colleagues say that the doctor has experienced psychological harassment, management pressure at work. They refuse to talk about it in public, but informed Seimas member Jurgita Sejonienė. She was the first to announce the loss on her Facebook account.

“I know that a young doctor has committed suicide. I know that relatives will go to the prosecution. And colleagues, of course, are afraid to speak, that is natural,” conservative J. Sejonienė told LNK.

Auristida Gerliakienė, director of Medical Sąjūdis, says that the doctor’s conflict with the administration was due to non-transparent accounting of working time.

“Due to opaque schedules, falsified hours and written waiting times. Who did this doctor disagree with? And there was a conflict with the administration, the mobbing began. She went to the administration already with a lawyer. Later she was dismissed herself with the accusation of falsifying documents ”, explained A. Gerliakienė.

According to unofficial data, the doctor’s relatives handed over the farewell letter that she had left with the officials. In which he named the culprits for the pressure he was experiencing. Not one, but several people who hold managerial positions at Šiauliai Hospital.

The medical family promises to demand the identification of those responsible and punish them. Šiauliai Hospital does not comment on the reasons for the conflict, only confirming that the doctor was fired last week.

“The doctor was fired from Šiauliai Hospital due to serious violations of labor obligations. At this point, I would like to ask for understanding and correction and for the deceased doctor and his loved ones. We will not comment on these accents for the moment, ”explained Sonata Tenytė, representative of the Šiauliai Hospital.

According to some politicians, the Ministry of Health (SAM) should immediately create a special commission to investigate the circumstances of the incident.

“We just realized that we would not be apathetic. We simply have no reason to talk about research. We have not received any official information or evidence, “said Simona Bieliūnė, adviser to the Minister of Health.

The ministry will first await the results of the police investigations. The head of the medical movement says tensions over working hours are due to insufficiently funded hospitals being forced to make constant savings.

“This lack of money is forcing administrators to manipulate finances. And they manipulate so much that their activities simply become criminal. I think the conflict was between that employee and it was because there were opaque things. I didn’t want to put up with it, “A. Gerliakien L told LNK.

Deputy J. Sejonienė agrees to request the Labor Inspectorate to assess the situation at the Šiauliai Hospital.

“The fact that employees of health institutions in general are more inclined not to go to the Labor Inspection, but to the Attorney General’s Office and ensure reporter status also shows that people are intimidated,” said the politician.

The sails were placed near SAM 2 years ago. When a doctor at Lazdynai Hospital left his life due to harassment. Then his colleagues demanded to solve the old problem of medical institutions, psychological harassment, as soon as possible. According to J. Sejonienė, efforts to improve the psychological and emotional health of doctors stopped when the pandemic broke out.
