Lonely Christmas Even for COVID-19 Survivors: No Exceptions for Recovery


Restricted movement and communication

From December 16. In Lithuania, the quarantine is being tightened, so restrictions on movement between municipalities are being introduced. Only grocery stores, preschools and health facilities will operate.

Communication is also restricted: close contacts are not possible between more than one family or members of the same household, unless it is necessary to provide assistance, care for the sick or who cannot care for themselves. In public places, it is true that groups of no more than two people are allowed, as well as groups of members of a family and / or a household.

Personal celebrations can also take place only if not more than one family or household member is present. This also applies to Christmas.

I’d like to meet

This point caused confusion among COVID-19 people who were already sick. 15 minutes A reader told the Daiva portal that her coronavirus infection was transmitted to her entire family in November, including her husband and son. But now you have no way of knowing if you could visit a family of close relatives during the holidays, which COVID-19 has already had.

“The fact that we got infected with this virus was confirmed by tests, and my husband and I were in the hospital for a short time, but only for tests because he had pneumonia. We were sick in mid and late November, we are healthy now, thank God. The cousin and the husband of the husband fell ill in the first half of November, but we were infected in different places. Perhaps it is possible through St. Christmas to meet members of two families who have already fallen ill and recovered from COVID-19? I can’t find the answer anywhere, “Daiva said.

Perhaps it is possible through St. Christmas to meet members of two families who have already fallen ill and recovered from COVID-19? I can’t find the answer anywhere.

The woman was surprised that, like all over the world, the number of people suffering from this disease is increasing in Lithuania, so perhaps such people can communicate at least with close family and friends. Because those who are overwhelmed do not seem to pose a threat to themselves or others.

The same is repeated by another 15 minutes reader: “I recently had COVID-19. I do not understand why the Government does not speak of lighter restrictions for these people. After all, it has already been scientifically proven that it is impossible to get sick or get infected again in 4-6 months. Therefore, I do not understand why I should stay in a closed house and not be able to visit family, friends. After all, I will not infect them in any way, nor will they infect me …

Police call if you have questions about movement restrictions to call their line. There they tell me that they don’t know what to do in that case. And what’s even more beautiful, when they call the SAM toll-free number, they don’t answer! Yesterday I called all day, waiting between 45 and 50 minutes, maybe 6 times. And nothing. Today I started calling specifically at the beginning of business hours and so on all afternoon! Yes, the musician and the repetition of “please wait” sounded to me until 1:15 pm … Incredible. It would be a lie to say that employment is high. The line is simply unintentional and unintentional and simulates a false wait. “

The short answer: no

However, there are no exceptions for people with COVID-19 at least so far.

Response of the Ministry of Health (SAM) to 15 minutes the question of how these people could communicate more freely was brief.

“The Ministry of Health recommends St. To welcome the members of a family farm to Christmas,” replied Vytautas Beniušis, head of the SAM Press Service.

COVID-19 survivors are only exempt from the need to isolate for three months after illness, even in the case of high-risk exposure.

According to data on Tuesday, 53,501 people in Lithuania suffer from coronavirus, 41,665 people have already recovered.
