Lobbyists rolled up their sleeves: How did the lottery and gambling tax amendments stop?


Matta Maldeikis, a member of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee (BFK), was briefed on the pre-trial investigation into the attempted bribery last week by the Special Investigation Service (STT).

Seimas Mindaugas Puidokas member Kęstutis Motiečius’s assistant is suspected of offering him 50,000. bribed M. Maldeikis to support and influence other representatives of the nation in order to suspend or indefinitely postpone the draft reform of the Lottery and Gambling Law.

Specifically, the STT did not name.

Suspicions of bribery and influence peddling have been brought to K. Motieitis.

The focus is on amendments that increase taxes.

At the same time, Samoil Kac, owner of the gaming company Tete-a-tete, is also suspected.

He is chairman of the board of directors of the National Gambling and Gambling Business Association (NRAWA), but has been suspended on suspicion.

The role of S. Kaco in the crime under investigation was not specified by the STT.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Samoailas Kacas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Samoailas Kacas

One of the amendments to the Lottery and Gaming Tax Law, which increases fees for lottery and gambling organizers, was registered by representatives of the nation on May 20.

This was done by a large number of members of the Seimas Youth and Sports Affairs Commission and several other parliamentarians.

The amendments have passed the stage of presentation in the Seimas, they are proposed from 5 percent. up to 10 percent. increase the tax rate for lottery and gambling and force lottery organizers to allocate no more than 8% of the aid. as of now, and 16 percent. funds from the face value of lottery tickets distributed during the quarter.

Since the amendments were registered, various lobbyists have tried to adjust them, influence the course of consideration, or make other suggestions related to the gambling and lottery market.

This can be deduced from the information provided in the Transparent Legislative Processes Information System (SLIDESHIP).

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Lottery tickets

Photo by Josvydas Elinskas / 15min / Lottery tickets

The impact was sought by three organizations

The lobbying activities carried out on June 4 were declared here by Oleg Smirnov, president of NLŽVA, director of Tete-a-Tete.

Two days earlier, he proposed to the members of the Seimas, the Presidency, the Government and the Ministry of Finance to carry out an investigation on anti-competitive practices in the gambling and lottery markets.

In addition – implement the institutional reform of the Gaming Supervision Service, prepare new versions of the Laws of Gambling, Lotteries, Lotteries and Gambling Tax.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Olegas Smirnovas

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Olegas Smirnovas

On June 7, Vilius Kriaučiūnas, political aide to the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), acting on behalf of LVK, the Investor Forum and the Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation, submitted a proposal not to adopt the amendments to the law earlier mentioned. about Lotteries and Gambling.

According to him, the proposal was presented to the Seimas Youth and Sports Affairs Commission and the BFK.

On June 8, Andrius Karaliūnas, President of the Lithuanian Lottery Association (LLA), addressed the members of the Seimas Youth and Sports Affairs Commission, the members of the BCF and the president of the Antanas Health Committee Matulas regarding amendments to the Lottery Law. and Gambling tax and amendments related to the Lottery Law.

He handed over the specific project to the parliamentarian

He informed the members of the Seimas Youth and Sports Affairs Commission and the BFK that he had proposed not to approve the aforementioned amendments and handed over a specific bill to A. Matulas.

A. Karaliūnas requested to unify the taxation of lotteries and gambling businesses by establishing a uniform tax base (income received) and a uniform tax rate of 5%.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Matulas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Antanas Matulas

Such proposal was registered by A. Matulas on June 8, and he named it prepared together with the President of the LLA.


15 minutes the politician said it was part of his long-standing strategy to fight addictions.

“There is no relationship with the association, I don’t even know the president of the association, we communicate only electronically. As if I didn’t appreciate it, now I even wonder if I needed to register it. But I don’t think the state should encourage gambling. ” commented A. Matulas and assured that the introduction of its registered offering will reduce the appeal of the game and the state will raise more funds in the budget.

The president of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, A.Karaliūnas, also spoke in a similar way.

Most importantly, the excitement is waning.

“The tax system is simplified because lotteries have one base, one fee, the game has two bases and five fees <...>, to the state budget [nueis] more money sometimes seems like five times, and most importantly, the game is declining, problem players are declining, and the bad reputation of the game is being resolved, ”said A. Karaliūnas on what he would change after accepting his proposal .

A. Matulas was chosen based on his field of interest.

The LLA president said he had applied to A. Matulas because he was interested in addictions and last year he worked in the Seimas Addiction Prevention Commission.

“I have seen during deliberations on various issues that he is indifferent to this issue,” said A. Karaliūnas.

He stated that he had not met with Matula and that he had put the bill in writing.

“I sent him that version by email,” said the LLA president.

At the initiative of this association, LVK’s proposal was born not to adopt modifications to the Law of Tax on Lotteries and Games of Chance.

OR 15 minutes confirmed Kamilija Linkutė, LVK’s head of communication.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Seimas Building

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Seimas Building

It is true that he clarified that the representative of the confederation V. Kriaučiūnas was only the preparer of said proposal in writing and did not personally offer anything to the members of the Seimas.

“The letter sent to the Seimas was signed by Eglė Radišauskienė, General Director of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Danas Arlauskas, Head of the Lithuanian Employers Confederation, and Rūta Skyrienė, Executive Director of the Investor Forum Association. The letter was sent on behalf of these organizations, “he replied. 15 minutes noted K. Linkutė and added that he was received by the members of the committee and the Seimas commission and the heads of the offices.

A representative of LVK stated that the politician did not respond to the letter.

NLŽVA sent a memorandum to the authorities

O.Smirnov said he received no reaction from politicians when he sent a memorandum to authorities on trends and regulation of the gambling and lottery market.

He allegedly proposed a study of the gambling and lottery markets, changes to the law, and more.

“It just came to our attention then. It’s a shame, a lot has been written,” lamented the NLŽVA president.

The memorandum also mentions the amendments to the Tax Law on Lotteries and Games of Chance registered in the Seimas in May.

We got no reaction. Sorry, a lot has been written.

If they were adopted, the incentive to gamble would increase and less money would be raised in the budget, NLŽVA said.

“Under the new bill, gambling income would be taxed, not the number of tickets distributed. In other words, a lottery organizer would be encouraged and could reduce the tax base by increasing the amount of the prize pool.

This would mean that the increase in the jackpot would increase the attractiveness of the players (higher winnings, greater incentives to bet) and, at the same time, reduce the amount of taxes collected in the budget (compared to the amount of fees collected from the number of tickets distributed). memorandum.

Fotolia Photo / Gambling

Fotolia Photo / Gambling

Transparency would increase when announcing who enters the Seimas

Assessing the fact that lobbyists operating in the lottery and gambling markets have declared their influence on the legislative process, the director of the Lithuanian branch of Transparency International, Sergejus Muravjovas, stated that transparency in this area is increasing.

Still, many of these activities still remain in the shadows.

“It just came to our notice then. I heard from colleagues, representatives of organizations, that right now we see maybe only a tenth of everything that is really happening.” 15 minutes commented.

Right now, we see perhaps only a tenth of everything that is actually happening.

To increase transparency, lobbyists’ statements could be more detailed and politicians should be more active in saying what influenced the development of one or another legislation, announcing meetings where the legislation is discussed, Muravyov noted.

It is also worthwhile, according to him, to make public the information about the people who are granted a one-day permit to enter the Seimas, the presidency or other public sector institutions.

“This data should be kept for more than one year. I think it should be kept for at least three years so that the same Central Commission of Official Ethics can, if necessary, carry out proper investigations into possible illegal lobbying activities,” Muravjov said. .

The key is to justify why the lobbyist’s proposal was appropriate.

Commenting on the fact that Deputy Matul registered the proposal initiated by the lobbyists and both announced it publicly, a representative from Transparency International welcomed the last step.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Sergei Muravyov

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Sergei Muravyov

“There is nothing wrong with politicians contacting registered lobbyists. It is natural and very good for them to declare those meetings, to report that some suggestions may have been taken into account. Most importantly, they can justify why it is done. “said Muravyov.

“In a democratic state, it is very important to listen to the widest range of opinions possible, to listen to different positions. <...> However, we expect two things: transparency: we want to know who has met and what has been discussed, and we want to have the most equitable decision-making with our decision-makers, “he added.
