Lithuania’s TOP5 Favorite Used Cars – Some Choices Are Really Unexpected


According to car sales expert Paulius Valiukėnas, not only the Swedish Volvo, the German quality benchmarks Volkswagen, Opel and BMW, but also the Czech Škoda have recently been included in the list of the most popular and notorious cars.

According to P. Valiukėnas, director of the used car trading company Longo LT, there is no single answer as to which automaker is the best, but there is a trend for buyers to continue to focus on high-quality cars tested by the weather. mainly with a diesel engine. According to the company, since January last year, Volvo has remained in the first place among the best-selling cars without competition, 19%, Volkswagen (13%) and Opel (12%). In the fourth – Škoda (9%) and in the fifth – BMW (7%).

According to the car sales expert, before buying a vehicle, buyers are initially interested in its durability, additional safety technologies and fuel consumption, thus evaluating the value for money. According to him, the importance of this aspect is more appreciated by buyers looking for Volvo cars.

The portrait of Volvo car owners features families and drivers who promote a calmer lifestyle. This brand is associated with a rich package of benefits for the frequent buyer in the world, which, thanks to the extremely comfortable seats, includes not only quality and comfort, but also reliability and safety, since even the used cars of this brand are equipped with advanced technologies to protect passengers from traffic accidents, ”says P. Valiukėnas, adding that these cars are reasonably appreciated for their spacious boot and spacious cabin.

P. Valiukėnas warns that Lithuanians are not lacking in attention to Volkswagen cars, which are not only praised for their comfort, but are also set to a standard of quality. It is a vehicle that is always valued by Lithuanians for its durability, low maintenance cost and ergonomics:

In third place are the Opel brand cars. According to the auto sales specialist, this brand impresses customers with its conservatism, maturity, low operating costs, inexpensive “helmet” insurance, dynamic driving characteristics and excellent sound insulation.

The list of proud vehicles is not far behind
Škoda ECU. The models produced by the concern are known around the world for their reliability, durability, pleasant handling and relatively low cost – Škoda has a wide range of car owners. The cars of this vehicle are recognized by both natural and legal persons, which allows them to travel with the family or the company. In addition, these cars have long earned a reputation for being the least maintenance friendly. “

Surprisingly, at the bottom of the list is the Bavarian BMW, which is often imagined as a vehicle for a young person who has barely survived, but more and more middle-aged and older drivers are also behind the wheel.

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