Lithuania’s real estate market can be supplemented with a new type of apartment: micro-houses – skeptics are already pointing out the shortcomings.


A new vision of housing – microvivienda

Real estate market activity continues to be higher than ever, buyers looking for their own home for themselves or for rent. Although the affordability of real estate in Vilnius is good, according to economists, there are certainly residents who would like to live closer to the city center, but housing is too expensive for them here. According to Mindaugas Statulevičius, president of the Lithuanian Real Estate Development Association, this type of housing could be the first property for its citizens.

The interviewee says that the idea of ​​micro-housing was born together with the Chamber of Architects when proposals were presented to the Ministry of the Environment for the improvement of the Technical Construction Regulation (RTS). According to M. Statulevičius, micro-houses could be a very suitable housing for residents who like the urban lifestyle, those who do not imagine living outside the city center, do not have their own car and have little at home. However, the idea of ​​this type of property is difficult to implement today due to the STR already mentioned.

“Please be advised that there are some hurdles in designing small square foot homes. And, of course, there are hygienic and sanitary restrictions, regulations on the number of parking spaces. These days it is the case that even if you are designing small houses, you need a parking space, although it is obvious that these are more urban lifestyle apartments and people, especially young people, sometimes do not even think about having those cars. Or elderly people who only use public transport or walk ”, explains M. Statulevičius.

Lithuania's real estate market can be supplemented with a new type of apartment: micro-houses - skeptics are already pointing out the shortcomings.

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The interlocutor emphasizes that micro-housing projects should not be understood as the construction of ant hills, a kind of ghetto. According to him, it is believed that it would be possible to integrate this type of real estate in projects of ordinary apartments closer to the city center. Those whose finances do not allow the acquisition of traditional real estate could also live in the desired location in the city.

“They can be integrated into regular projects, but small in square footage, with proper planning. Because, for example, if a person is looking for housing in a certain place due to the amount he has, he cannot buy because the total expression of that product is greater. But if he were twice as small, it would already be a fair price for him. A person, for example, does not need a parking lot, it is not necessary for the sun to constantly shine through the windows. You want an apartment where you live alone and only want to come home from work at night, leave early in the morning, and don’t need anything else. That, I think, is going to be a discussion about it now, because it is common in the West. These small apartment-style projects in the city are more installed in existing buildings by dividing the apartments into several, dividing, making separate entrances, etc. ”Says the LNTPA president.

According to M. Statulevičius, it is proposed that there can only be a certain number of apartments of this type in a project (as a percentage of the total number of apartments). In addition, to determine what would be the minimum size of said house, for example, 15 square kilometers. subway.

“But the essential nuances should be that they have optional parking spaces, they are not subject to insolation requirements, etc. Nobody really wants to create anthills, but integrating these apartments into projects where people can buy a house, in our opinion, enriches the real estate market ”, concludes M. Statulevičius.

Microwave houses

Microwave houses

Comfort would be obtained through technology

Without a doubt, hearing about this type of housing raises questions about the quality of life in them. According to M. Statulevičius, there is no need to worry about that, because today both designers and interior designers can offer smart solutions that help to comfortably plan even the smallest spaces.

“We suggest looking in more detail: why it is not possible to build new apartments of this type to be small, but to use the latest technologies: functional designs. Today it is also possible to hide the bed, integrate the table, the bathroom. Knot to make very spacious, but very smart to fix it, you can’t necessarily make a floor, you can make floors with a mezzanine. These are ideas, but our current strict and narrow requirements, trapped in frames, are limiting. Time to discuss it, “he says the interlocutor.

See more than one threat

The idea of ​​micro-housing is young in Lithuania, so there have been very few discussions, many more awaiting in the future. According to Sigismund Mauric, an economist at Luminor Bank, before thinking about this idea, one must decide in which direction Vilnius is going: if the development of the capital is sustainable, how important is community spirit and quality of life for the city. It is in these areas, according to Mr. Maurico, where the implementation of the micro-housing idea could have an impact.

“First of all, I see various threats. First, this type of housing can complicate the development of communities and neighborhoods, which is declared by both the municipality and the chief architect. Because there is a desire to encourage quarterly construction to separate public and personal spaces. The latter would be in charge and care of the entire population. That is, if we put both large-area homes in a neighborhood and homes that are very small, they are likely to be more for rent, perhaps for people of different social backgrounds, it will be much more difficult to create a friendly neighborhood. ”Emphasizes the interlocutor. He adds that such a division of a real estate object can cause problems to be able to make decisions about improving the quality of an apartment building by vote, etc.

Microwave houses

Microwave houses

“For example, if the buyers of this type of housing are investors, they will definitely not want additional costs for the installation of a common playground, etc.”, points out M. Mauricas.

According to the economist, it would also be a mistake not to provide parking spaces for these types of apartments, because if the owners or tenants of such apartments buy or rent a car, there simply would be no where to park it. In addition to the parking space, the value of the apartment itself is decreasing and the number of people who could buy or rent such a home is decreasing.

“These people who have a car are forced to live in the suburbs, so the goal of increasing the population in cities may not be achieved,” says Ž. Mauricas.

Foreign countries have learned

According to the economist, those lessons should be sought abroad. Ž. Maurice says Australia has followed a similar path, but soon regretted it, as housing construction in small areas drove most of the population out of large city centers – they moved to the suburbs, which began to expand rapidly. and abruptly. According to the economist, the idea is as good as it is good, but there is a risk that “the gin will come out of the bottle” and the city will have more problems than benefits.

“Another thing, due to STR and insolation, such requirements are not created for nothing. The question is what can become the condition of the people living in such apartments. Because we have examples in the world, like Hong Kong, where people live in cages where there are 4-5 square meters. m of premises, but the question is whether it is necessary in Lithuania, because there is no shortage of apartments in our country, the offer is good enough, the affordability of housing in Vilnius is still good enough. Once again, it should be emphasized once again that if there is enlargement, a lot of attention must be paid to the sustainability of development. We have to think about how these people will live, what the neighborhoods will be like ”, says the interlocutor.

Lithuania's real estate market can be supplemented with a new type of apartment: micro-houses - skeptics are already pointing out the shortcomings.

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Ž. According to Maurico, the main cities of the world already face competition: residents prefer to choose to live in the suburbs, to have a larger living space than in a small apartment in a big city.

“This means that cities will compete not only in terms of their urban mood, urbanity, etc., but also in terms of quality of life. Currently, these large cities are investing heavily in improving their quality of life, neighborhood, etc. so that people don’t feel like they live in a cold apartment building or don’t know their neighbors. <...> If we make Vilnius one of the traditional cities that people are now fleeing from, are we heading in the right direction? “Asks the economist.

Concerned about the formation of gated communities

However, one of the advantages of named micro-houses is their affordable price, according to economist Ž. Maurico, this can also become a problem.

“If such infrastructure is put in place, it is possible that in the future people with adequate incomes will move, immigrants and the district will become what will attract people,” he said, adding that gated communities tend to form in areas so minority. .can also become a handicap for sustainable urban development.

The economist adds that one of the smallest apartments in the entire European Union is being built in Lithuania anyway, there is a lack of apartments with a larger area.

“The richer the country, the larger the area of ​​apartments. With some exceptions, such as Hong Kong. In Scandinavia, for example, the area of ​​housing in cities is twice as large as in Lithuania. It is as if we have to increase that area, not reduce it yet ”, says Ž. Mauricas.

So far, micro-homes in Lithuania are just an idea, but it is already clear that such real estate would really attract its buyer. On the other hand, like Ž. Mauricas, we must not forget the overview of the city and the maintenance of a good quality of life in Vilnius.

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