Lithuania’s disastrous foreign policy –


The Saartworld parliament has approved Defense Minister and former Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili as the country’s new Prime Minister and a new government under his leadership. The politician in this post replaced Georgian Gachary, who resigned last week.

Garibashvili’s predecessor, Gachary, resigned over plans to arrest the country’s top opposition leader, Nika Melia. The latter was arrested yesterday after using tear gas at his party headquarters.

In the wake of the parliamentary elections in October, which have been overshadowed by allegations of fraud, the internal political crisis deepens.

The conservative Žygimantas Pavilionis, chairman of the Seimas Foreign Affairs Committee who arrived in Tbilisi, the capital of Sakartvelas, a few days ago, threatened the ruling parliamentary party Sakartvelo that Lithuania would initiate sanctions against the country and prevent its entry into the EU and the NATO. causing a political crisis. and Lithuania.

Ž.Pavilionis himself sees nothing wrong with that and even stated in his personal account on the social network “Twitter” that “the Ivanishvili regime should pay for the arrest of Niko Melija”.

On my Facebook account, a Facebook politician is happy with the work he has done: “It seems that I am right after all, although some in Lithuania and, of course, the top brass in Tbilisi criticized me for trying to stop what was starting “. The headquarters is being gassed as Putin once did. An opposition leader has been detained, although the entire opposition has said they want dialogue and negotiations with the government, but Ivanishvili’s favorites have acted like Putin or Lukashenko. We need to lift the world and respond. Yesterday I spoke with everyone, today the whole world has to react. “

The world, and first and foremost Sakartwell Prime Minister I. Garibashvili, has already reacted to such actions by Lithuanian politicians. “For me and my team, the statements of this person mean absolutely nothing. No one has the right to address us with incomprehensible and dishonest statements,” he said, recalling that the ruling party “Georgia’s Dream” had been re-elected for a third term.

According to the information available to the editorial board, following the speeches of Ž.

Rolandas PAULAUSKAS, signatory of the Act of Independence, comments on the situation:

“The foreign policy of any country should be developed for the benefit of the country or in an idealistic context. Let’s look at Lithuania from both sides.

If we look at the prism of “profit”, what benefits can we expect from obstructing the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, when we know that the Germans need gas, and what benefits do we expect from putting the Germans on the wheels? ?

The same is true of relations with Belarus. What benefits did Lithuania receive after the closure of the Druskininkai sanatorium, leaving the population without income and the budget without taxes? What benefits will the port of Klaipeda receive without cargo? And what is the benefit for Lithuania of having a hostile Belarus on its side?

And here are the benefits for the United States of coming into conflict with Russia. This country, by solving its geopolitical problems, is creating a buffer zone between Russia and Western Europe, since beyond the Atlantic it is aware that a united Europe would become an insurmountable competitor for the United States. And again, what is the benefit for Lithuania of becoming a buffer and participant state in the future battlefield?

Assessing the situation through the prism of idealism, more questions arise, because in that case we should be ideal ourselves, but if we only remember the case of Algirdas Paleckis, we see that we are not like that. This is even more evident in the stories not only of Alexei Navaln, but also of the persecuted Julian Asanja, the recently jailed Spanish rapper Pablo Hasel, Mikhail Saakashvili, whose homeland the prosecution awaits, or Nadia Savchenko, who is imprisoned in Ukraine. If you want to teach the world after climbing, we should teach everyone in turn, not selectively.

Why do we have the current situation? Again, two answers are possible. For example, people who engage in foreign policy, even though they realize they are behaving inappropriately, have no political will, succumb to the influence of the strongest, and do so for their own benefit.

On the other hand, there are those who do not really understand what is happening and why. They probably believe that there are “good” and “bad”, when in reality there are only economic and geopolitical interests of the countries.

The visit of the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Seimas Ž.Pavilionis to Sakartvelas would be fun if it weren’t sad. Because what is currently happening in that republic of the Caucasus is also happening in Ukraine, where three opposition channels have been closed and the assets of the opposition leader have been seized. However, the Seimas is not going to Ukraine to handle matters.

Ž.Pavilionis has a statement that “Lithuania needs more America.” It is now that he is fighting for more America not only in Lithuania, but also in Georgia. So let’s ask ourselves again: are you working for Lithuania or the United States?

The most obvious problem in Lithuania recently is that the people responsible for the future of Lithuania have a limited understanding of what is happening in the modern world and who is fighting for what. And the fact that they teach other countries is not surprising. Art critics are often those who don’t know how to create art themselves. “

Audrius BUTKEVIČIUS, signatory of the Act of Independence and former head of the Ministry of National Defense, comments on the situation:

This is a typical variant of the older brother’s behavior. Members of the Seimas Žygimantas Pavilionis behave in the same way as Russians who come to the territories where I believe they have the right to teach the local aborigines. If a person leaves the political border, he can be ignored, but when the chairman of the Seimas Foreign Affairs Committee does, it is a political move. Especially in assessing the threats to use their influence in NATO and the EU.

I have lived in Sakartvele for 8 years and I know its political elite well. The people of the country do not really need advice on how to behave in their own internal situation. They taste everything perfectly fine.

Such serious interference is guaranteed to be unacceptable to both the opposition and the ruling parties. You will both see this as an insult and I sincerely hope that, seeing the behavior of this representative of ours, you will not take your position to identify with the rest of Lithuania.
