Lithuanians who have not received the desired vaccine spill bile to doctors; they don’t see the need to allow the vaccine to be chosen.


For its part, the presidency agrees that it would be irrational to allow vaccination to be postponed pending the desired vaccine, and ensures that public doubts about AstraZeneca will dissipate over time. After all, all vaccines used in the country are safe and effective.

AstraZeneca would rarely be chosen

Last week, the news portal asked its readers which manufacturer’s vaccine against COVID-19 would be the most acceptable to them. More than 12 thousand people expressed their opinion. portal visitors.

The survey highlighted that Lithuanians evaluate vaccines differently. More than half (58.3%) of the respondents chose the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

Just over a fifth (21.2%) of those surveyed said they do not plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The most obvious warning sign is Lithuania’s attitude towards the AstraZeneca vaccine. Only 323 respondents (2.6 percent) mentioned the vaccine as the first choice of British and Swedish companies. Even the Sputnik V vaccine, which Lithuania does not plan to use, was chosen by almost 7 times as many (17.8%) readers of the portal.

What vaccine to vaccinate, notify in advance

Paulius Kibiša, director of the Kaunas City Polyclinic, said that there are cases in the vaccination center when a person who comes to get vaccinated wants to choose a vaccine, and without receiving the desired vaccine, he changes his mind and walks through the door.

“We are faced with the desire to choose that vaccine. But currently, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, individuals in priority groups do not have that opportunity. What kind of attack do we vaccinate, ”said P. Kibiša, adding that to avoid delays, those invited to be vaccinated were informed in advance about the vaccine they would need.

“So that fewer people come, turn around and do not get vaccinated, we inform them with which vaccine they will be vaccinated,” explained the director of the Kaunas Municipal Polyclinic.

According to him, for various reasons, around 7% do not come to be vaccinated. “From what we have registered, we see that it does not come as much,” Kibiša said.

Unsatisfied attack calls

Aušra Varpučianskienė, deputy director of the Šiauliai Center Polyclinic, said that the employees of the medical institution only perform the functions assigned to them in an orderly manner, but receive unfounded complaints from those who did not receive the desired vaccine.

“We are tired of calls, threats and demands to explain why we offer that vaccine. Our role is to vaccinate. That is what we do.

People come and imagine that they can choose what they want. We often say that you can buy whatever you want in the store, and this is what the state bought (…) On Monday they brought a type of vaccine and we are vaccinated. We get another shot on Tuesday, people get vaccinated that day and get another shot.

Well, it seems to people that we are maliciously classifying them here, or we are not intentionally giving them the vaccine they want, ”said A. Varpučianskienė.

Skiepijimo centruose lietuviai apsisuka sužinoję, kad jiems teko nepageidaujama vakcina, dalis net plūsta niekuo dėtą personalą, nes jaučiasi nuskriausti.<br />G. Bitvinsko nuotr.  “Itemprop =” thumbnail “class =” LGallerySingle__image “data-v-aacb7394 =” “/> <span class=
More photos (13)
Lithuanians turn around at vaccination centers when they find out they have received an unwanted vaccine, and some are even flooding staff because they are offended.
Photo by G.Bitvinskas

He recalled that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was difficult to store and that every effort was generally made to use it as soon as possible. “It’s not like we put it in the fridge and wait for someone to take care of it,” explained the representative of the Šiauliai Center Polyclinic.

People who refuse vaccination because they have not received the vaccine from the desired manufacturer are not included in a separate list, the reason for refusal is not stated separately, and they will be offered the vaccine again before moving to the next priority group. Then the vaccine will be offered again at random.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I really don’t know what she will be like,” added A. Varpučianskienė.

Presidency: skepticism will pass

Simonas Krėpšta, the president’s senior adviser on economic and social policy, admits that there is a lot of skepticism about the AstraZeneca vaccine in the country’s society. However, the adviser to the head of state believes that the public’s negative attitude towards this vaccine is short-lived, because according to him, the vaccine is approved by the European Medicines Agency and is effective.

“It just came to our knowledge then. There is probably no specific reason here, apparently there are also certain factors, when we discussed the interruption of the supply of this vaccine in January, then a decision was made, delayed for several weeks, at what age people they would use this vaccine. Apparently, everything went well, “S. Krėpšta told” Žinių radiju “on Tuesday.

“There is skepticism about this vaccine in a certain group of society. However, in our opinion, this is something in the short term and the most important thing is that all vaccines are approved by the European Medicines Agency and really show effectiveness”, added.

It also emphasizes that the latest data from the UK clearly shows the effectiveness of the AstraZenceca vaccine.

“As the latest UK data shows, AstraZeneca’s efficiency in avoiding difficult cases is really very, not very bad, over 80%,” noted S. Krėpšta.

Speaking to journalists on Monday, Gitan Nausėda himself assured that he could do it with the AstraZeneca vaccine when he had to vaccinate against COVID-19. In this way, the head of the country hopes to clear up the doubts that float in the public sphere about the reliability of this latest vaccine.

SAM: only safe and effective vaccines are used

For its part, the Ministry of Health urges the public not to question the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine and to follow the scientific data and the conclusions of the competent authorities.

SAM representatives recalled that more than 20,000 people participated in clinical trials with AstraZeneca. people of all ages from 18 years. Studies have shown that the vaccine elicits an immune response in all age groups.

Skiepijimo centruose lietuviai apsisuka sužinoję, kad jiems teko nepageidaujama vakcina, dalis net plūsta niekuo dėtą personalą, nes jaučiasi nuskriausti.<br />Photo by S.Viūra “itemprop =” thumbnail “class =” LGallerySingle__image “data-v-aacb7394 =” “/> <span class=
More photos (13)
Lithuanians turn around at vaccination centers when they discover they have received an unwanted vaccine, and some even flood staff because they are offended.
Photo by S.Žiūra

After a thorough evaluation of the study results and data on the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccine, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (EEA) approved the vaccine in the European Union and its use in all groups of patients. age. from 18 years.

This conclusion of the EVA means that the AstraZeneca vaccine is safe, effective and meets all quality standards of the European Union.

The same evaluation procedures and criteria were applied to other vaccines registered in the European Union, manufactured by the pharmaceutical companies Moderna and BioNTech & Pfizer. If the responsible authorities of the European Union had any doubts about the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccines, they would not have been registered and they would not have been authorized for vaccination in the general population ”, emphasizes the response of SAM.

The ministry views the COVID-19 vaccine as an important weapon in the fight against the pandemic and has said it is taking steps to dispel public mistrust.

“In collaboration with doctors, experts, opinion leaders and the media, the ministry is promoting the dissemination of science-based information on COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines, thus clearing up unfounded doubts,” says SAM.
