Lithuanians turned the car into a mobile home: with it they will explore all of Norway Life


He set up a house in his car

Last year, before the pandemic broke out, Rasa and her husband still managed to visit abroad, but this year they decided not to fly anywhere and explore Norway, where they have lived for more than 13 years.

“The man received a job offer and a year later I received an invitation. We piled up our humble cloak and left with six children. It was difficult to make ends meet in Lithuania with a large family, we lived from salary to salary, we had a debt recalls R. Genotienė. “Now we both have jobs, the children have grown up and my husband and I are living in the golden age, we are implementing all the ideas that we could not turn into reality before.”

Personal album photo album / Rasa Genotienė, Vytautas Genotas

Personal album photo album / Rasa Genotienė, Vytautas Genotas

Having traveled all over the world until then, the couple managed to visit Cyprus and Mexico last year and then began to think about camping, as it is more visible and the chances of catching the virus are much lower than traveling through airports with a lot of passers-by. . However, the price of the campers was high, so Rasa’s husband got the idea to use his work car.

“We have a car with room for things in the back. We opened its door and looked at what could be done. So little by little we started looking for ideas on the Internet, says R. Genotienė.” Everything had to be arranged so that it was comfortable for both me and my husband, because he is so much taller. “

If we vacation in Norway for two weeks, we would pay around 2,000 for the night. euros. And now we see a beautiful view, we stop and spend the night.

Until then, the couple sometimes rode in this car on other trips, but the accommodation had to find a place to stay. So now that the two of them embarked on their first trip in a new caravan in May, things were easier.

“We had a test drive when we went with my husband and daughter for the weekend. Later he left the house and we stayed for the night. We wanted to see what had to be improved, changed ”, explains Rasa.

According to R.Genotienė, the installation of the car took only one week; During this time, the couple managed to buy all the necessary items and build them. Also, Rasa had the goal of arranging everything so that there was enough space for both the bed and the necessary tools, and everything would look neat.

“We have boxes made where, after unscrewing the screws, they are removed together with the plates and the cart is left empty. We wanted to avoid having to build everything for hours, because you still need a car for a man’s job, ”explains R. Genotienė.

The furniture is compact and easily transforms.

Since Vytautas works in the construction field, installing a house on the car did not cause him any problems. However, the most important task was to find a way to do everything in a comfortable and compact way, and Rasa herself offered a number of ideas.

“My job was to say what I wanted. For example, I had to put some pockets in the windows that could hold tools, food; I sewed, but my husband already had to figure out how to place them. We also wanted a box for bedding, shoes, clothes, hygiene items. Everything should be in order for me, – explains R. Genotienė. “It was also important that we not only had a bed, but that we could transform it into a corner to sit with a table.”

Photo from personal album / Rasa and Vytautas Genotai turned the car into a caravan

Photo from personal album / Rasa and Vytautas Genotai turned the car into a caravan

Although the car is small and weird to think that it fits all the necessary furniture, Rasa, by telling how he installed everything, shows that it is easy to live in it with all the comforts.

“For example, when you take out a drawer that contains tools you put in an extension and put in the stove, and you can use another drawer to make a sink. We installed the biological toilet outside in a closed tent. Chemicals are added there to avoid unpleasant odors. We also have a shower: we heat the water and put a special shower in the bucket, which we hang in the bathroom tent. Then we can take a quiet bath, ”says R. Genotienė.

When he became interested, Rasa says that he noticed that a lot could be installed in his caravan; the couple even found special pots and pans that didn’t take up much space. At the same time I had to buy dishes and other necessary furniture, so the total cost was about a thousand euros.

“As the man says, the first vacations will be the most expensive because you had to buy everything. We were looking for chainrings that wouldn’t rattle or break while driving, but still look beautiful. We also buy special inserts for cups, glasses, mugs to keep them tidy. We found pots and pans that are compressed, their bottom is made of metal with a silicone ring that folds down ”, says R. Genotienė.

As the man says, the first vacations will be the most expensive because you had to buy everything.

Although the spouses did not make major mistakes in the installation of the car, there were still additional costs when certain decisions made were underestimated.

“For example, I sewed blackout curtains that were glued to the window,” she goes to bed as she goes to bed and takes them off in the morning. But the light still goes on at night, so you’ll have to try another option, ”says Rasa.

By car, accommodation has become significantly cheaper

By setting up a caravan on her own, Rasa admits that riding a bike has become a lot more fun when she knows that everything is done with her own hands. Traveling this way, the couple enjoyed it so much that as soon as they returned from one trip, they were already starting to plan a new one.

“Now we go on weekends and we will have a normal holiday only in the second half of July. We follow the weather forecasts and, if all goes well, we travel. When we show bad weather, we do not usually take risks, because we usually choose to travel to the mountain ”, says R. Genotienė.

Photo from personal album / Rasa and Vytautas Genotai turned the car into a caravan

Photo from personal album / Rasa and Vytautas Genotai turned the car into a caravan

When planning where to travel, Rasa and Vytautas try to move around the cities and prefer to go into nature. And while there was not much expense to travel the mountains, most nights were separated, so now the couple saves a lot by spending the night stopping at any beautiful location.

“When we drive, we generally don’t go on roads, but on secondary roads, various detours,” says R. Genotienė. – If we vacation in Norway for two weeks, we would pay around 2,000 per night. euros. And now we drive, we see a beautiful view, we stop and spend the night; We do not plan our accommodation in advance. There is a fee at the campsites, but it is small; we stayed there with friends a few weeks ago, it cost 16 euros per person “.

Rasa points out that Norway is a grateful country for camping trips as there are plenty of places to stop and spend the night without the need for additional permits.

“Of course there are places where camping is not possible, usually a table is hung there, which means that it is not possible to build a tent or make a fire.” However, it is possible to stop with our car anywhere except in private territory ”, says R. Genotienė the advantage.

Photo from personal album / Rasa and Vytautas Genotai turned the car into a caravan

Photo from personal album / Rasa and Vytautas Genotai turned the car into a caravan

Rasa, who has visited several places in Norway, says that each of them is uniquely interesting, but the mountains always leave the biggest impression.

“We are used to the mountains and when we go where there is less, we immediately miss the beautiful scenery. We love the mountains, hiking, climbing, accompanying the sun with spectacular views. We are children of nature ”, says R. Genotienė.

We are used to the mountains and when we go out where there is less, we immediately miss the beautiful scenery.

For other travelers considering installing a mobile home on their own, Rasa is first advised to form a clear vision of what the person wants and what their needs are.

“While traveling, we noticed that in other Norwegian campers, everything is thrown under the bed. Maybe it suits them, but we knew immediately that everything must be in order and that everything will have its place,” says R. Genotienė.

Rasa admits at first that he feared his camp might lack convenience and comfort, but after several trips he found that he really enjoyed traveling like this.

“This year we have plans to go to northern Norway, and next year, probably in autumn, we will travel further afield to Europe. We are considering taking a vacation for about five weeks, choosing a country and exploring it, ”says Rasa.
