Lithuanians storm the coast – warning: tropical heat will continue next week – even more surprises


“It just came to our attention then. It’s good for the baby and good for us,” says the vacationer interviewed by the LNK news reporter.

“We long for the sun, the heat, the sea. The sea is a bit cool, but we will try to enter,” says another vacationer.

Currently, sea water is heated to seventeen degrees. The temperature keeps rising. It is true, although the climate is very hot, there are not so many bathers in the sea. People say the sea is quite cold, but it is a great way to cool off.

“Children bathe more and we, the elderly, can still be afraid. The water is good, warm,” says the man.

“We come to the sea two or three times a year. For now, we have allowed the hay to dry on the farm,” said the couple interviewed.

Other vacationers say that until the column of the thermometer reaches thirty, the sea is fine, but if this threshold is crossed, it will be necessary to look for shade and care.

“We are already waiting for the heat, we want to burn ourselves, because we are still white,” he says.

The folks at Kiit also add that you have to be careful, although the warmth is very rewarding.

Those who work on the beaches say that the higher the air temperature, the more work. Rescuers say that on a hot summer day, tourists seem to lose their minds, they do not always closely supervise children, so they run a bit constantly in the sea, and often an adult in the sun even falls asleep for a few hours.

“I would like to warn that vacationers who come to the beach, evaluate their health, answer the question of whether they can go to the beach with a health problem, because there will be more than thirty during the peak,” says Aleksandras Siakki, Deputy Director from the beaches of Klaip playasdos.

Doctors have to spin faster

According to experts, it is best to enjoy the sun until eleven o’clock and in the afternoon from sixteen o’clock.

“You can come in the morning or in the evening. For example, at ten in the morning it is much cooler by the sea, but during the heat it is better to be at home, in the shade ”, says the nurse.

Lithuanians storm the coast - warning: tropical heat will continue next week - even more surprises

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

He also adds that during the heat it is better to cover your head with something, thus protecting yourself from direct sunlight. It is best to avoid burns with protective creams.

High speed medics during heat are also forced to spin much faster.

“Because heat, not necessarily direct exposure, but high temperatures exacerbate chronic diseases, especially those with vascular diseases, older and overweight people suffer the most,” says Mindaugas Kliukas, a specialist in medical emergencies.

During the heat, doctors advise you not to stay in the sun for a long time and to take a shower or the sea when you overheat. Much worse, if heatstroke occurs, the temperature rises to forty degrees, the skin is dry because the person does not sweat, seizures can occur.

Then it is necessary to call an ambulance, put on cold compresses.

To prevent the sun from doing too much damage, doctors also recommend drinking plenty of water.

“You need to drink water in small sips all the time,” says Kliukas.

Promises impressive heat

It will continue to be very hot for the next few days. As the humidity increases, it will become increasingly congested.

On the night of June 21, the probability of rain is low. The wind is weak. Temperature 17-22 degrees of heat. The day is clear and dry. Wind southeast, south, 5-10 m / s. Temperature 29-34 degrees of heat.

On June 22, in places short rain, storm. The wind is weak at night and changes direction during the day, from 5 to 10 m / s. Temperature at night 17-22, during the day 28-33 degrees.

On the night of June 23, in some places it will rain briefly, during the day it will rain a lot, thunder. Wind changes direction, weak at night, during the day 5–10 m / s, during bursts of thunder in some places with gusts of 15–17 m / s. Temperature 17-22 degrees at night, 27-32 degrees during the day, 24-26 degrees at the seaside.

June 24 lots of short rain, thunderstorms. The wind is light at night, by day to the west, northwest, 5 to 10 m / s. Temperatures at night 16-21, during the day 24-29, on the eastern edge somewhere up to 32, on the coast 21-23 degrees.

On the night of June 25 in some places, during the day many short rains, thunder. Wind from the west, northwest, 5-10 m / s. Temperature at night 14-19, during the day 20-25 degrees.

With this in mind, we urge you not to be indifferent to your own health and the health of your loved ones. On a hot day, public health professionals recommend:

Try to be in rooms with fans or air conditioners. In the absence of such conditions at home, plan to spend time in a cool place: library, cinema, supermarket, etc.).

It is important that the ambient air temperature does not drop below 18ºC.

Drink fluids more often, little by little throughout the day, without waiting until you start to feel thirsty. Mineral, mineralized, drinkable or salty water is best for this.
Avoid alcoholic beverages, caffeinated liquids, sugary or sweetened beverages: they promote greater fluid excretion.

Avoid greasy and indigestible foods. Consume more liquid products, easily digestible skim milk products, fruits and vegetables. Foods like meat, which are rich in protein, increase metabolic heat production and promote water loss.

When you go out, put on a hat or use an umbrella instead of a hat. Also wear UVA and UVB filter sunglasses outdoors.

Wear light, bright, natural fabric, loose fitting, and breathable clothing.

Use sunscreens with the highest possible protection factor (30 SPF and higher). It takes 30 minutes to apply the protective creams. before going out into the sun.

To relax in nature, choose a shady place, avoid the sun, direct sunlight, limit the time in the open sun, be under umbrellas. It is especially dangerous to fall asleep in the sun.

Do not leave elderly or disabled people, children, animals in a closed car, even if all the windows are open. Cars heat up very quickly, leaving the rest of the car at risk of heatstroke.

Check that the surface of the child seat and the seat belts are not too hot to avoid burning the child.

Limit physical activity, especially at noon, from 11 am to 5 pm Plan gardening and other agricultural work in the early morning or evening.

For hot workers, special breaks should be provided in a cool place, the duration and frequency of which shall be determined at the discretion of the employer, but not less frequently than every 1.5 hours.

Frequent use of a cold shower or bath.

Keep the home environment cool. Cover the windows with light-colored curtains, blinds, or a material with an aluminum surface that reflects sunlight.

During the day, close and open the windows in the house only at night, when the air temperature has dropped.
During the day, use as little electrical equipment as possible, artificial light, as this generates additional heat.
If possible, sleep in a cooler room.

In case of cardiovascular diseases, monitor your health. Remember that in very hot weather, the effect of prescription drugs may change, so it is necessary to consult with your family doctor about the use of medications, their dosage.

Get medical attention immediately:

with severe sweating and muscle cramps (seizures);
when the body temperature rises> 40oC, in hot and humid skin;
find a confused or unconscious person.
