Lithuanian trucks detained in Kazakhstan: strained relations between countries over permits


“There are no tripartite permits at the moment, they are not enough, we need them, our governments do not solve them, we cannot find a common language between us, this is, above all, a big problem. In order not to stop the cars, we drive bilaterally. The load, the sender is the same as the Lithuanian, but the flowers do not grow in Lithuania, they grow in the Netherlands. They stopped the machines because we broke their system. We paid the fine, with the help of Linava, the State Road Transport Inspectorate, with the help of the Government, we dug up those cars, got tripartite permits and loaned them to another company. Otherwise, the machines would have been stopped until the tripartite permits appeared, ”N. Puidokas told Eltai.

After this event, 1,5 thousand cars had to be placed for a truck. EUR fines.

“The fine was still relatively in mind, as it would have to be paid in five days, so for us a car would cost around 1.5 thousand. EUR, otherwise it would be 3 thousand. Euros and finer,” said N Puidokas.

According to the director of the company, there have been several misunderstandings in Kazakhstan before, but for the first time.

“It is a death for our business, because our main clients, the main area is Kazakhstan. When we stop this trip … At the moment, it is practically not even worth it for a small company to look for new paths,” he admitted.

Zenonas Buivydas, secretary general of the Linava Transporters Association, said that Lithuania maintains tense relations with Kazakhstan due to the permits.

“The bilateral permits were enough, because the flowers are being transformed in Kaunas, coming out of Lithuania, but it is understandable that few flowers grow here, they are still from the Netherlands, Colombia or somewhere else. That treatment is different, it turns out that they are requesting permission from third countries, and they are in deficit because we are in a tense relationship with Kazakhstan for those permits.

Kazakhstan has always used several times more of these permits than we have. Last year we made parity bases that have the same number of permits, we have the same number of permits. bilateral permits and 1 thousand each. tripartite. They are very short now, no more. When those two vehicles were arrested in Kazakhstan, they arrested nine of us, but they were already driving with false permits here, ”Z. Buivydas told Eltai.

According to him, the lack of tripartite permits has always been felt.

“Previously, 9 thousand people were exchanged. (permits – ELTA), but Lithuanians do not need so many bilateral permits, we need more tripartite. Now we are trying to propose universal permissions. For example, 5.5 thousand each, but universal, ”said Z. Buivydas.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications informed Elta that 1,000 tripartite permits had been exchanged with the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020 on a parity basis. As many tripartite permits were distributed as received. The ministry also notes that carriers still have about 13 percent. unused allowances and asks carriers to be aware of the return of unused tripartite allowances.

“According to the long-term statistics on the use of permits, carriers annually return 5 to 10 percent to the Lithuanian Transport Security Administration. Unused allowances of the quota received, so the use of allowances requires, in particular, the understanding of the carriers themselves. If, after obtaining a tripartite permit, the carrier learns in time that it will not be used, he must return it in time for that permit to be assigned to another carrier with an order to Kazakhstan. “It is very important to use the permits efficiently and it depends on the understanding of the carriers, because it does not make sense to keep the permit and not use it,” the ministry said.

According to her, the relations between Lithuania and Kazakhstan are commercial and the communication channels work perfectly.
“There is also a direct line between the Lithuanian and Kazakh regulatory authorities. Communication takes place at the level of ministries and embassies,” the ministry said in a comment.

He also noted that there have been cases of vehicle arrests in Kazakhstan in the past.

“Lithuanian control authorities are also detaining vehicles of Kazakh carriers. The reasons for the arrest in both Lithuania and Kazakhstan constitute a violation of national law. The Ministry of Transport and Communications constantly recommends that carriers and associations unite carriers that follow the national legislation of the host state very precisely when making international shipments, ”the Ministry told Eltai.

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