Lithuanian talent winner Mikas Stankevičius became father of twins: “Wife with daughters barely escaped death”


Through the hair of death

Both Miglė and Miko’s family already had twins, so the couple who planned the second baby weren’t too surprised to learn that they would soon have two babies. The family of the spouses raising their firstborn Mykolas made their life plans for a long time before the twins were born and even finally decided to move to Prienai and leave Kaunas, but they did not dream of anything in the most terrible nightmares … Mist got infected with the Covid-19 virus in mid-May.

Miglė and Mikas with daughters / Photo from personal album.

Miglė and Mikas with daughters / Photo from personal album.

On May 16, Mick was taken to the hospital, where Migle was tested, and by night she had already received a positive coronavirus test. On the 17th, Miglė was admitted to the Kaunas clinics. Mick was waiting at home with Michael at the time. Ignorance, anxiety and chaotic thoughts were not lacking.

“We really released the quarantine wonderfully, we enjoyed the waiting period, we dream of going back to our new home in Prienai with the twins, but we will have to wait for the settlements. Now the most important thing is that we are all healthy, because our daughters are premature.

Mikas and Miglė Stankevičiai / Photo from personal album.

Mikas and Miglė Stankevičiai / Photo from personal album.

Nor did we suspect that things would happen that way when Miglei’s temperature rose one day. While waiting for Michael, he also had a fever, but no one found out about the coronavirus that year. This time, because the situation did not repeat itself for the first time, we did not panic either. The wife thought that the sudden rise in temperature would drop soon. Unfortunately. Two or three days after Migli got up and made sure she wasn’t feeling bad, I even offered to take her temperature. The result was disappointing: the thermometer read 39. I told my wife that we would be going to the hospital soon. We collected things and left the house. We naively hoped that we would go to them the same day, ”Mikas tells her story.

Mickey with daughter / Photo from personal album.

Mickey with daughter / Photo from personal album.

He was soon diagnosed with a coronavirus migraine and remained in the hospital for further examination. The girls did not transmit the virus, but everything was complicated by the mere fact that Mist was expecting twins. Doctors said that he could even have recovered quickly with a baby, but the twins became a great risk to his own life.

“The wife, who was lying in the isolation room, soon had a placenta bouncing off the uterine wall and began to bleed. First aid was given to the migra and a cesarean section was performed. The operation lasted almost an hour. The wife was in the hospital for four days, the girls saw this world the fourth. We were all on needles, ”Mikas recalls.

Miglė and Mikas Stankevičiai with their son Mykolas / Photo from personal album.

Miglė and Mikas Stankevičiai with their son Mykolas / Photo from personal album.

He couldn’t see the girls right away.

Great experiences and fear tortured Mika with Migle even when the girls came to this world. The couple recalls with horror when, after his birth on May 20, doctors did not bode well and said that the next weekend was decisive.

“We hoped and prayed that only they survived, because the doctors told us: ‘If you hold out for the weekend, everything will be fine.’ The girls survived, but doctors determined that it would be necessary to stay at the medical institution until the girls’ previously scheduled birth date of August 17. I sympathize with Mist because after experiencing such experiences she was unable to see her daughters right away. I had seen them before, I met the girls the next day and Migle was not allowed to do so due to the coronavirus. He had to comply with the quarantine and did not see his daughters. On the sixth day, he finally met the girls live. Until then, I had only seen the photos they sent.

Now we are very happy that everything is fine. The wife is recovering little by little. Our medicine is truly advanced. There are many predecessors in the Kaunas clinics at the moment, so caring for them is a huge job. Elze and Smilte were in good hands. Both girls are already breathing on their own, now it takes time to gain weight, learn to eat as they are tasted, and eventually be able to go home to their mom. Our family’s case is unique: even the doctors wonder how bad it was for their wives and daughters and how the girls managed to recover. Starting this Tuesday, Mist can be in the same ward with the girls. “

Mist with personal album photo / daughter

Mist with personal album photo / daughter

The names were chosen after the birth.

Mykolas, the first-born of Migli and Miko: four. Currently, the man and his son await the returning women of the family in Prienai, where they are setting up a new home.

“We are painting the walls of the new house together, so to speak, and we hope that we will all settle here soon. We decided to move to Prienus on the fly, we will translate a new page of our life. Mykolas is very proud of him, although now he lacks his mother: the boy is a great man, he is firm and unshakable. I try to make my son’s daily life as bright as possible. “

Mikas and Miglė with their son Mykolas / Photo from personal album.

Mikas and Miglė with their son Mykolas / Photo from personal album.

When asked for the twins’ names, Mick smiles.

“It just came to our attention then. For a while, we didn’t decide how to name the daughters. Actually, in the past, thinking of our names for boys ended in laughter about the weirdos that are all the rage these days. We think. in traditional naming because we both like those names better. When the girls were born, the doctors started calling them Adele and Barbora. Mist wanted to name one of the daughters Elze or Barbora, she couldn’t decide for a long time what name to give it, but here the final point was helped by his son Michael. He said the name Else is more appropriate. So I decided the next would be Smiltė.

I still remember when, while I was in Prienai, Miglė told me on the phone about the caesarean section and the condition of the girls. I stopped at the store and ripped my wallet. There was a shock, and not hearing what he was saying about me, the saleswoman got angry because I was laughing for a long time. Well yes, now I often think that the story of our daughters is really unique and especially rare, we can only thank God that everything ended happily. As the doctor said, we were born under a happy star ”.

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