Lithuanian strawberries are already in stores: how much will it cost to taste them?


Vaida Budrienė, communication manager for retail chain Iki, says that strawberries grown by early local farmers are receiving a lot of interest and their demand is growing, according to the report. This is also shown in the sales data: as soon as a fresh harvest appears, the strawberries are not left on the shelves.

“We are happy that at the beginning of May we can offer our customers freshly picked strawberries grown by local farmers, although spring is not in a hurry yet. We work closely together and carefully select suppliers, so that fresh, freshly harvested berries and high-quality products hit the stores. Strawberries have their fans, faithful to the expressive and fresh spring flavor, “says V. Budrienė.

According to the communication manager, the first Lithuanian strawberries are packed in 200 g jars. This deposit will cost 2.99 euros.

For growing berries: modern technologies

Valdemaras Juška, co-owner of Audrius Juška’s farm, which supplies strawberries to retail chains from a farm located in the Anykščiai district, says that various technologies are used to grow strawberries and the first harvest of strawberries hits stores early in May.

“We grow strawberries on our farm according to a special technology, in heated greenhouses, where we try to maintain a temperature of 16-18 degrees every day, regardless of the weather conditions. Although this year Lithuania was pressed by the cold and we did not pamper ourselves with the sun, the berries have already ripened and reached the markets ”, says the farmer.

According to him, residents are anxiously awaiting the first Lithuanian berries, and although the highest sales of strawberries are noticed when they begin to ripen to the maximum, at the end of May, there is a great interest from buyers from the first days of harvest. fresh.

Lithuanian strawberries are already in stores: how much will it cost to taste them?

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Grown in medium coconut shell

V. Juška says that strawberry seedlings are bought in the Netherlands, strawberries grown on his farm are biennial and ripen even in two harvests: spring and autumn.

“The strawberries are grown in special beds, they grow in a natural environment of ground coconut shell. Coconut provides favorable growing conditions for its roots, in addition, it is a natural material. Like all plants, strawberries are fertilized with mineral fertilizers, but we try to grow them in the most natural way possible, ”says the co-owner of the farm.

The farmer claims that he grows a variety of “Elsanta” on his farm. According to him, the berries of this variety not only have excellent taste properties, but are also intended only for local consumption, not to be transported to other countries.

Not only is it delicious, but it also has useful properties.

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in the world. They are loved for their special, refreshing, summery taste and bright appearance. But strawberries also have a large number of useful properties. These berries are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, the reserves of which are worth replenishing after the cold season. Strawberries also contain magnesium and potassium, which are good for the proper function of the heart. Strawberries have a low glycemic index and are not high in calories, but the sweet taste can perfectly replace dessert.

Strawberries are very tasty to eat alone, but they are also suitable for seasoning cocktails of various fruits, breakfast porridge, granola. Strawberries can be eaten with honey or ice cream. Of course, the combination of strawberries and chocolate has almost become a classic.

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