Lithuanian Science Awards Winners Announced


In the field of humanities and social sciences, the prize was awarded to Dalia Satkauskytė, a researcher at the Lithuanian Institute of Literature and Folklore, for her work cycle “Literature and society: socio-critical research”, announced Jūras Banys, president of the Academy of Sciences of Lithuania.

In the field of physical sciences, two groups of scientists were awarded.

Aldona Beganskienė and Aivars Kareiva, researchers at the University of Vilnius, were awarded for the work cycle “Development and Application of Multifunctional Materials in Modern Technologies”, Gediminas Niaura and Albert Malinauskas for the cycle “Investigation of Structure and Molecular Functionality of Materials in Vibrational Spectroscopy ”.

In the field of biomedicine and agricultural sciences, the work cycle award “Innovative pharmaceutical products: search for active compounds, technological functionalization and practical application” was awarded to Jurgas Bernatonienė, researcher at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences .

The Vytautas University researchers Magnus Regina Gražulevičienė and Audrius Dėdelė were also awarded in this field for their work cycle “The impact of the urban environment, psychosocial and epigenetic factors on health from infancy to maturity”.

The award for experimental development work in the field of technological sciences went to a group of scientists from
Center for Physics and Technology Sciences – Gediminas Račiukaitis, Mindaugas Gedvilis, Paulius Gečius. They were awarded for the work cycle “Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with material and its application to laser micromachining”.

No more than seven Lithuanian science prizes are awarded each year: two prizes in the fields of humanities and social sciences, physical sciences, biomedicine and agricultural sciences, and one in the fields of technological sciences.

This time there are six awards.

This year, it was decided not to award a single award in Humanities and Social Sciences, where the highest competition was received. There is no possibility to reveal more detailed reasons for the decision, according to Banis, due to confidentiality requirements, but confirmed that sometimes it is not possible to find a consensus in the commission due to the strict regulation of voting.

“We cannot comment, but I can confirm that there really was a very serious debate (…), sometimes it means that good works do not get the required number of votes, because the commission members stick to their opinion,” he said.

According to J. Banis, in the Humanities and Social Sciences section, 10 works were presented to the commission, in the field of technological sciences – six, in biomedicine and agricultural sciences – four, in the field of physical sciences the commission evaluated two jobs .

The Lithuanian Science Prize can be awarded for work done no earlier than the last 15 years, in which the current scientific problem has been examined and the research results have made a significant contribution to science, substantially stimulated further development. or significantly increased competitiveness through the development and implementation of the latest technologies.

The works must be published in the Lithuanian or foreign press no later than one year before the presentation of the documents to the award committee.

A prize amounts to more than 30 thousand. it can be shared by multiple researchers.

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