Lithuanian Post Is Flooded With Complaints About Delayed Parcels: Company Admits Work Stalls Due To Automation | Deal


15 minutes The editorial board has recently received a series of complaints about the extremely deteriorated activities of Lietuvos Pastas.

15 minutes Reader Sonata wrote that recently the Lithuanian post practically “stopped working”.

“Specifically, it completely stopped working, has several thousand negative reviews, complaints, fesibuke, as well as negative reviews, even the newspapers stopped delivering,” said Sonata, who wrote to the editorial office.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Indeed, when the website is opened, many negative reviews can be seen: residents are outraged not only by late shipments, but also by cases where the shipment delivered to Lithuania was returned to the sender abroad instead of reaching the recipient. in Lithuania.

in the meantime 15 minutes Reader Aistė, who works with online stores, wrote that she has been shipping packages through the Lithuanian Post for many years. The problems, he said, began when a state-owned company announced the transition to automated package distribution.

“From the day the robotic lines are launched, shipments don’t travel for 1-3 business days as before, but 3-8 business days or shipments disappear completely. Then the witch hunt begins because the post office does not want to give compensation. Postal workers themselves also testify that the robot is constantly stuck. It is not a secret to anyone, “wrote the reader.

Aistė was outraged by the inefficient use of state funds. As previously announced, Lietuvos Paštas is investing LTL 24 million in this project. euros.

Lithuanian Post Acknowledges Problems

Lithuanian Post 15 minutes acknowledged that the flow of customer complaints increased by roughly 60 percent in February, but this is associated with twice as many shipping flows as last year.

However, Lietuvos Paštas recognizes that some parcels and letters are delayed and one of the reasons for this is the introduction of automatic parcel delivery. It is true that the state company promises that these problems are temporary.

“As of March 1, Lietuvos Paštas started the transition to automatic package distribution. We are currently in a transition period: we are gradually connecting and calibrating all operational processes, of which there are hundreds, we are doing system improvement work. Because we operate 24/7, all of this work must be done in parallel, without disrupting current operations.

Projects of this magnitude inevitably present challenges that can lead to delays in some shipments during this period. We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience; we do our best to deliver all packages as soon as possible, ”says Norbertas Žioba, Lietuvos paštas sales and marketing manager, in a distributed report.

According to him, to ensure the fastest and smoothest possible package delivery, Lietuvos Paštas during this period dedicated an additional team of people, working in shifts 24 hours a day at the Vilnius Logistics Center. Additional staff have been hired in other departments as well, and a customer service contact center will function at increased capacity during this period. From now on, for the convenience of clients, consultants can also be contacted using the short number 1842.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

N. Žioba points out that at present the international logistics chain, which is still disrupted by the pandemic, poses additional challenges, as well as the unusually high flow of shipments, which remains at a level similar to that of the most intense months of November- December . February data shows that the number of packages traveled by LP EXPRESS postmen and couriers was more than double than in the same period a year ago. This allegedly caused delays during the transition period.

“We have planned to move to automated distribution in March, when package flow tends to slow. However, due to quarantine restrictions, it remains very high. As a result, the last stages of an automated distribution project must be implemented by the company’s equipment in exceptional condition, so even with additional resources and preventive measures, unfortunately certain operational interruptions cannot be avoided. We are now concentrating all our efforts on solving the delays, “says N. Žioba.

The company claims that these delays are temporary. Fully automated parcel delivery will help improve the quality of postal services, the speed of parcel delivery, and reduce the likelihood of errors that are unavoidable in manual parcel delivery.
