Lithuanian parents, whose sacrifice opens their hearts: do not stray from their children


Unfortunately, in Lithuania there are often cases where parents learn of a child’s serious illness and leave their mothers alone to cope with sudden difficulties. However, there are actually a number of parents in the country who not only help their wives care for their sick children, but also give their whole hearts to raise them.

On the occasion of Father’s Day, today we invite you to meet some of these parents who raise children called rays of hope. His love, devotion and sacrifice inspires them to believe in goodness and not lose hope.

Zoe and his dad Kęstutis

Tired of birth illnesses, Zoe sees nothing today. Therefore, it is customary to trust only those around you on a daily basis. Trying to resist their daughter’s illness from birth, the family never gave up. However, Zoe’s missing eyes, diagnosed ataxic cerebral palsy do not allow the baby to enjoy childhood.

Zoe, who became the hero of “Fulfillment Action 2017” some time ago, won the hearts of many Lithuanians. Then the baby’s radiant sincerity was affected by disturbed sleep and regression of speech perception. He walked hard, did not go up the stairs, stopped eating and drinking.

Zoe is still fed a special diet through a gastrostomy. Some time ago, a support project organized by TV3 Television and SEB Bank took over the costs of that special meal for Zoe. Funds were also allocated for the girl’s treatment.

At the moment, Zoe is already eight years old and, along with her mother, the girl’s father, Kęstutis, also cares for her. It is true that he is not the biological father of the girl, but she and her mother Laura have been raising her since childhood. “I often forget that I am not a biological father,” smiles the man.

“I am not the biological father of Zojytė, I gradually became his father. Laura and my son August were family, but we separated and started new families. However, the relationship did not take place and it broke both in Laura and in my families Later we started to communicate a little, sometimes I helped take care of Zojytė. This is how we started living as a family, “the man tells the story of the family of the two with Laura.

When asked what the word “Dad” means to Kęstutis himself, he says it symbolizes infinite joy, great responsibility, and constant learning. Kęstutis openly says that raising a sick child requires a lot of patience, and financial difficulties are a really serious test for the family.

“There is a lack of time, we constantly have to look for nursing and rehabilitation products, a lot of stress when thinking about the future. However, Zojytė has the strength not to give up when she sees how she tries, how she survives, when she cannot perform certain tasks. Personally, I had to learn to connect a special feeding system to instill special foods directly into the abdomen, because Zojytė contracted the flu and stopped eating herself. “

Kęstutis says that there is especially little time in his day. After all, the man not only works, but also helps Laura take care of little Zoe. It is true, the man adds that his family is especially helped by the people around them:

“I was amazed at how many good people there are. People’s faith in Zoe and her help gives her strength and optimism,” he says.

On the occasion of Father’s Day, Kęstutis wishes that everyone does not lose optimism and experience as much joy as possible, seeing the small and great victories of their children. “And enjoy every moment while you are in the family,” Kęstutis smiles optimistically.

You can contribute to help Zoe and continue her daily life here.

Zoe with dad Kęstutis

Zoe with dad Kęstutis

Manzanilla-Barbora and her dad Rim

Fourteen-year-old Ramune-Barbora from Rudamina, Vilnius district, has had to face difficult challenges since his birth. The girl suffers from a rare genetic skin disease: recessive dystrophic vesicular epidermolysis. The disease progresses uncontrollably over the years, but her parents do everything possible to make the girl’s life easier and avoid great pain.

Ramuna-Barbora is often called “Boy’s Butterfly” by those around her, because the girl’s skin is as fragile as the butterfly’s wings. However, on the day Ramune was born, his father Rima vividly remembers today:

“The older children were already well developed when our princess was born. The feeling was indescribable. All over again. When I first saw her and took her in my arms, I realized that it was something extraordinary, cute, close and extremely fragile, “says the man.

Rim says that, like Dad, he would like to be a close friend of his daughter, comfort her, intercede and understand her. But the man does not deny that his entire life since the birth of his daughter became a maximum test:

“I had to learn to raise my child differently. Learn to ignore the painful aftershocks of those around you, live in the hospital. Learn to enjoy what your child lives and enjoys. Ramune-Barbora’s strength, desire to living and overcoming difficulties, the pain was encouraged not to give up, to move forward alone, “says the girl’s father with sensitivity and adds:

“It just came to our attention then. Being strong and helping to overcome difficulties is already good. Being with your child when it is very difficult to see the pain and helping him to overcome it is a challenge. Be close when you need it most. the parents of lightning. “

You can contribute to the Ramune-Barbora aid in the following way: “Child Butterfly” Charity and Support Foundation; Account: LT607044060008318320; Payment code: 305216574.

Chamomile-Barbora with Daddy Rim

Chamomile-Barbora with Daddy Rim

German and his father Yuri

The history of the sixteen-year-old Germans is a particularly painful mystery for Lithuanian doctors. After all, he was a healthy boy until he was almost two years old, and one day he fell ill with cerebral palsy from the clear sky. Doctors still can’t say what caused such a fall from the German, but his mother Reda and father Yuri are doing everything they can to help their son live at least a little easier.

German’s father, Yuri, remembers the morning of May 22 perfectly. It was on this day sixteen years ago that her son was born:

“It was sunny, it was a very beautiful morning. I took the son in my arms and he took me to the window and I said: “Son, look how the sun greets you when it comes to this world.” Those happy days are impossible to forget, they filled my heart with happiness. German is our angel, a gift that God sent us so that we are not alone.

He taught us to be more caring and patient. Each facial expression, each look, each tear and smile of the Son is the most sincere. It is our sweetest and most wonderful ray of life ”, his father Yuri talks sensitively about his son.

Yuri says that today the word dad means a lot to him. According to the husband, the father is the most important in the child’s life, like the mother:

“Being a parent means acting in accordance with your conscience, beliefs and with full responsibility not only for yourself but also for your family. It is a gift, but also a responsibility, a sacrifice. The father grows up with his son and the father has to study constantly ”, he is convinced.

Yuri says that in the face of the tests, he gained a new experience, learned to adapt. German illness has forced the family to appreciate what we have every day.

“It just came to our attention then. I love and will love my ray. Hope, prayers, people’s support, family reunion and love help keep us from giving up,” says Jurijus.

You can contribute to help German and follow his life here.

German with Daddy Yuri

German with Daddy Yuri

Milan and his dad Daniel

Thirteen-year-old Milan, although already a teenager, suffers from many illnesses. The girl’s brain has an injury, bothered by symptomatic generalized epilepsy, severe mental retardation, cerebral palsy and where there are many other diagnoses.

But the day Milan was born, her father Daniel remembers the best of her. “That day was filled not only with joy, but also with the unknown, the fear that our son would not survive,” recalls the man.

Daniel says his daughter had to endure countless surgeries, thirteen anesthetics, as well as the intimidation of the people around her. However, the man has not given up for a day until now and has always stayed with his daughter. “Not giving up gives me strength, hope and faith, and above all, patience,” he says.

When asked what the word “dad” means to Daniel today, the man says that the word refers to responsibility, upbringing, and health. On the occasion of Father’s Day, the man also sends words of support to the other parents:

“I want other parents not to give in to the difficult challenges, because life still has many surprises,” says Daniel optimistically.

You can contribute to help Milan in the following ways: Milan Bernatovič Support and Charity Foundation; Company code: 305164394; Account number: LT69 7300 0101 5893 2344; Bank: Swedbank AB SWIFT / BIC Code: HABALT22; Bank code: 7300; Purpose of payment: Support for Milan.

Milan with daddy daniel

Milan with daddy daniel

Mildutė and her father Aridan

Milduta, 7, is well known to all viewers of the Compliance Campaign. Milda, born with multiple limb dysplasias, dislocated both hips, crooked feet and palms of the hands, was not expected by the doctors and kept repeating: she would not survive, she would not speak, she would not sit down. But the girl did not give up. She has endured more than ten operations, today she sits down herself, knows how to count, knows letters, molds, constructions and drawings.

Her father, Aridan, remembers that the day Milda was born, there were many tears of happiness in her husband’s eyes, and the same term “dad” means great responsibility and duty towards her husband.

“It was a very pleasant feeling, it is difficult to put it into words. For me, fatherhood is associated with care, love, joy, duty and responsibility,” he says.

When asked what gives a man the strength not to give up, he just smiles saying that the greatest driving force in his life is his daughter’s joy, energy, and optimism.

“I am fascinated by his strength, his desire to achieve his goal: to walk, to say ‘I love you, Dad a hundred times a day,'” he says.

On the occasion of Father’s Day, Aridan wishes that all parents do not give up and believe in their children. “Enjoy every child’s achievement. And most importantly, being a father, caring and loving ”, wishes Mildutė’s father.

You can help Mildute in the following ways: “Be My Friend” Charity and Support Foundation; Company code 305429526; Account No: LT67 7044 0600 0836 1747.

Mildutė with Daddy Aridan

Mildutė with Daddy Aridan
