Lithuanian mail has been interrupted for three weeks, but it will not follow the British example: it will not transport packages on Sunday | Deal


“My parcel has been stuck in the mail distribution center on Metalo Street 5 for 20 days. Other postal items are also stuck in this parcel sorting center. If the Vilnius region is congested, maybe it would be better to direct the parcels destined for non-Vilnius countries to Kaunas parcel distribution terminal? Lithuanian Post completely ignores complaints sent to your email. mail “, – outraged 15 minutes in a reader’s complaint sent.

This is just one of many complaints about the work of this state-owned company. About package delivery problems 15 minutes I already wrote in early March, but the complaints about the pace of work of Lietuvos Paštas have not stopped. The problems are recognized by the company itself.

Public outrage that packages were significantly delayed or not delivered came after the introduction of a robotic package delivery line by Lietuvos Paštas in early March.

“My shipment on February 5. In Lithuania, today is March 16, but I have not received it yet. There are already 9 of my packages in Lithuania and I have not received packages for more than a month. I understand that it is late, but it has been time since the deadline for delivery of the shipment. I was disappointed in the later work! ”. You can find such a record in the company section. in the comments section, where customers have left complaints with a much more defined vocabulary.

Some customers note that package delivery was already delayed in February, so they said the problem could have arisen before the automated distribution line went live on March 1.

The way out of parcel-covered mail: follow in the British footsteps?

The Lithuanian Post, which cannot deliver the packages on time, could use the examples from other countries.

As a result of the pandemic, with shipments increasing around the world, many businesses are facing delivery problems. According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, online sales in the country hit new records in January and November, accounting for more than 36 percent. all retail. This has also greatly increased the workload of couriers and postmen.

In response to the challenges, it was announced last week that the UK’s Royal Mail would implement a test package delivery on Sundays. As in Lithuania, this day has always been considered a “non-postal” day. However, new times have demanded the abandonment of traditions and the adoption of unusual measures.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./ source Royal Mail “

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./ source Royal Mail “

During the quarantine, the volume of parcels in Lithuania increased several times, so the Lithuanian Post also made deliveries to post offices on Sundays and holidays. However, this was not done permanently but in exceptional circumstances.

Lithuanian Post Representative 15 minutes informed that the company does not plan to work on Sundays.

“During the festive period, we organized mobile points in the main cities, which also operated on Sundays, and we also served the most popular ATMs on Sundays. This March 11, part of the post offices, main cities and mailers worked. These measures have helped to manage package flows, but we apply them in exceptional circumstances. By caring for the well-being of our employees, we do not plan to make working on Sundays a common practice, “said Ugnė Bartašiūtė, Head of Communication Department of the Lithuanian Post.

It is unclear when the issues will be resolved

After the introduction of the new Vilnius logistics center of Lietuvos paštas in the fall, it was praised that after the complete digitization of the processes, it would be possible to distribute about 12 thousand. shipping. As a result, the speed of Lithuanian Post’s logistics processes is expected to increase 2-3 times. Lithuanian Post has invested LTL 24 million in this project. euros.

However, at least not yet, things are not going according to plan and the pace is far behind. Representatives for the Lithuanian Post also acknowledge the problems.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

“Although most of the planned work went smoothly, in the first few weeks we faced unforeseen challenges, improved processes, identified problems to solve, and employees learned to work according to the new procedures. At the same time, we continue to see higher-than-usual packet flows, even in February, when the packet flow tends to decrease compared to last year, there are twice as many packets.

The delivery of shipments from abroad is still affected by international logistics problems caused by the pandemic. As a result, some packages traveled longer than usual to customers. ” 15 minutes U.Bartašiūtė wrote in the reply sent.

The company representative did not specify when the shipments would be delivered without delay.

“First of all, we sincerely apologize to our customers for the inconvenience. We do our best to deliver packages and letters as soon as possible: an additional team works in shifts 24 hours a day at the Vilnius Logistics Center. There are still problems, though. minor, most of the processes are running smoothly, ”said U. Bartašiūtė.
