Lithuanian mail changes centuries-old traditions: packages will be distributed automatically Business


“Today, Lithuanian Post celebrates its 102nd anniversary. We are changing century old distribution processes from fully manual to automated,” said Asta Sungailienė, CEO of Lithuanian Post, at a remote conference call on Monday.

According to Lietuvos paštas, when distributing each letter or package manually, different people had to see it between 7 and 8 times. It is claimed that during smart distribution 2-3 redistributions will suffice.

“Every time a dealer looks at a shipment or a letter, he reads the address and moves it in a new direction. Then another colleague picks it up and reads it again, turning it the other way. All this information is in the memory of the employees. This program fundamentally changes the processes, because all shipments without prior distribution will reach this center and will be immediately redistributed to the direct and final recipient ”, said A. Sungailienė.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

With the current capacity, Lithuanian Post distributes around 100,000. shipments and 100 thousand. emails. The fully operational automated distribution equipment will allow Lithuanian Post to distribute close to 20,000. Shipping and 30 thousand. emails.

The logistics center will distribute packages destined not only for Lithuanian residents, but also packages sent abroad or in transit.

“These are shipments from e-commerce stores that are shipped around the world. Prepared shipments will already travel to their destination countries in a few hours. And the post offices of those countries will be distributed accordingly, “said A. Sungailienė.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Asta Sungailienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Asta Sungailienė

According to the postal manager, the logistics center has installed automated distribution equipment: two parcel conveyors, automatic mail distribution machines, distribution automation software has been installed, which will allow the distribution process to be carried out faster and more efficiently. Best Quality.

According to A. Sungailienė, during the process, the device will weigh the shipment, measure the volume, scan the barcode and direct it in the required direction, according to the planned additional route of the shipment. Shipments will move in 380 directions on the conveyor, during the work shift they will be distributed to the final delivery point – there will be no intermediate pre-redistribution stations – the shipment will travel directly to the recipient.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

The Lithuanian postal director pointed out that due to such process, the quality of address writing becomes even more important.

“If we have a properly prepared shipment, after placing it in the new station, we have both the weight, volume, and address scanned. A correctly written address immediately indicates where this shipment should be routed, and an automated line will direct it to the In the meantime, if the address is not exact, the equipment will read all the data, but it will have to be directed to the part where the consignee of the shipment must be entered manually so that it is delivered where it belongs, “explained A. Sungailienė.

The first conveyor, to be activated at the new fulfillment center on Monday, will distribute shipments of up to 5 kg. A bulk line is currently being installed and its launch is scheduled for late this year or early next.

“The last stage will be the mail distribution machines,” he said.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

According to A. Sungailienė, so far only a part of postal shipments is distributed in the logistics center: letters, correspondence, shipments through post offices. The conveyor for courier and terminal shipments is now installed and test work is starting.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Lithuanian Post Logistics Center

The logistics center will be able to employ 200 to 300 people at a time. According to A. Sungailienė, manual work will disappear after all automated lines are started.

“At the moment, we cannot say exactly what the change in the number of employees will be, because right now we are in the process of informing and consulting with the representatives of the workers and the Labor Council. After that, these numbers will be known, “he said.

The fully automated distribution process at the new logistics center is scheduled to be operational from spring 2021. Lithuanian Post is investing LTL 24 million in this project. euros.

15 minutes recalls that the new central logistics center for the Lithuanian post was completed in June this year; kv. m of building construction in Vilnius.

The area of ​​the automated distribution logistics center is divided into several work zones. Most of the ground floor will be occupied by equipment: distribution conveyors, card distribution machines, workstations, etc., on the second floor – work rooms, meeting rooms, comfortable break areas – large kitchen, rooftop.

It is planned to install a solar power plant on the roof of the building and two electric car charging stations next to the building.

The new logistics center not only handles parcel distribution operations, but also performs customs formalities and redistributes international transit.
