Lithuanian liver will save the life of a Swiss citizen


April 28 Brain death was diagnosed in a patient treated at the Panevėžys Republican Hospital resuscitation. It is an irreversible result of the activity of brain structures, which is determined by medical advice according to strict criteria, checking human reflexes, breathing, etc.

When brain death is diagnosed, human death is also observed, but some human organs, supported by medical equipment and drugs, have been working for some time. Such a death is an opportunity for the deceased’s organs to be transplanted to other patients. Whether this will be done depends on the decision of the family: physicians must obtain their consent to initiate any action related to organ donation.

Faced with the pain of losing a loved one on Wednesday, the family of the deceased, after talking with the doctors and having time to decide, gave permission for the donation to donate all the corresponding organs and tissues. Once this permission was obtained, specialists from the SAM National Transplant Directorate began actions to coordinate urgent transplants.

After evaluating the condition of the organs and tissues, the doctors determined that the liver, a kidney and a pair of corneas were suitable for transplantation. The list of recipients found the most suitable patients awaiting transplantation according to various medical indicators. After overnight research and preparation, the organs and tissues were explanted (removed from the donor’s body) on Thursday morning.

A kidney was transplanted into the recipient at the Santara clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital, and a pair of corneas were transplanted at the Kaunas clinics of the Lithuanian Health Sciences Hospital.

The healthy liver, which did not suit any of the recipients waiting for it in Lithuania, was offered to foreign countries. In Switzerland, a suitable recipient was found, so doctors from this country urgently went to Lithuania on Thursday to take the organ that saved the life of their citizen.

This is the fourth international donation case in 2021. This year, liver and heart have already been brought to Lithuania from Latvia and have been successfully transplanted. Donor lungs were taken from Lithuania to Germany, not to any of the 6 Lithuanians who were waiting for lungs.

Donor organs are offered to other countries only if, for reasons of medical compatibility, a suitable recipient does not appear in Lithuania.

At the time of the painful loss, consent for organ donation can only be expressed by the deceased’s relatives (spouse, children, parents, siblings). It is always easier for them to do this if the issue has been discussed in the family and they know of the deceased’s will.

Every adult can express his will by expressing it to his relatives and signing a consent so that his organs can be extracted and transplanted to seriously ill people after death. The consent can be signed online: In this case, you are issued a token donor card.

There are currently more than 36,000 Lithuanians with a donor card. This year alone, more than 1.5 thousand people signed these consents. population.
