Lithuanian infected with coronavirus says self-isolation procedure is flawed: “It is a horse that spreads COVID-19”


Miglė Tomkuvienė, scientist and biochemist at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, explained in an interview with Laisvės TV that if the fever disappeared, nine days after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, a person can no longer infect others with the disease. Thus, in patients, self-isolation may be discontinued 10 days after the onset of symptoms.

The same was confirmed on his Facebook account by the acting Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga. “I would like to remind you that there is already scientific research showing that after 10 days a person infected with coronavirus can no longer infect others and it is safe to communicate with him,” the minister writes.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

However, D. Dokšaitė states that the reality is quite different and alien to science.

It took longer to isolate itself than scientists advised

The young woman said that in the case of her family, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) calculated the term of self-isolation for both patients and those in contact with sick relatives not from the first appearance of symptoms but from the date of receive a positive test.

In this way, the period of self-isolation of the whole family was considerably extended.

NVSC representatives acknowledge that in managing coronavirus outbreaks in families, the terms of self-isolation are individually coordinated.

Self-isolation – 17 days

According to D.Dokšaitė, his father was the first to experience symptoms of COVID-19, it happened on November 17. Two days later, he called the hotline and signed up for the trial; the closest possible date was November 23, and the hotline clerk ordered him to be isolated as soon as he registered for the test.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Mobile coronavirus checkpoint

Test results are generally obtained in one to five days. Dokšaitė’s father received his positive response on November 25. – that is, seven days after the first symptoms.

Although the isolation can be suspended in patients with mild coronavirus 10 days after the onset of symptoms, the NVSC specialists instructed the interlocutor to isolate it before December 4. This means that self-isolation will last 9 days from the date of receipt of a positive test and even 17 days from the onset of the disease.

After contacting the family doctor later, he repeated the same date.

“The staff of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) do not break down, they calculate the start of isolation not from the day the symptoms appeared, nor from the day they signed up for the test, not even from the day they the test was performed, but from the day the test result was obtained.

After all, the test can be performed even on the eighth day of the disease, and five more are waiting for the results. Family members must be isolated for fourteen days from the day of receipt of the test results, again not from the moment the patient felt the symptoms, registered for the test and not even from the day of the test ” , the young woman shared her family experience.

The test showed no disease

From the date of the father’s positive test, the duration of self-isolation was also calculated for other family members.

D.Dokšaitė said that both she and her daughter felt symptoms later, so they both wrote the test before her father had the days of his exam.

“We both tested negative, although the same day we received the test, I lost my sense of taste and smell, the most recognizable symptom of COVID-19. It is true that when both my daughter and I did the smears, my colleague repeated to the specialist who was wrong ”, recalls the interlocutor.

As the tests of D.Dokšaitė and his daughter were negative, they were not assigned to patients, but to those who had close contact with a patient with COVID-19. In such cases, a time limit of 14 days will apply from the date of contact.

The self-isolation, which they had already started by registering for the test on November 22, was extended until December 8. – as D.Dokšaitė thinks, the time limit was calculated from the day of the father’s positive test.

“And after my mother, who lived together, became ill and received a positive response, the NVSC specialist agreed to extend our isolation with my daughter for another two weeks, starting on November 28, when my mother received a positive result. “, D.Dokšaitė was surprised.

Does too long self-isolation promote the concealment of the disease?

The interviewee argued that this detailed situation of single-family self-isolation could be irrelevant for those who were not sick or had not had contact with the patient until now. However, this is an urgent issue for those facing self-isolation requirements.

“Such a system doesn’t just hurt the economy – after all, many people who are drivers, cashiers, or cook soup for kindergarten kids can’t work from home. They all leave the job market for longer than they should. But even more, such a system is detrimental to what was created to combat, that is, to combat the spread of the virus ”, D. paperšaitė is convinced.

But even more, such a system is detrimental to what it was designed to combat, that is, to combat the spread of the virus, D.Dokšaitė is convinced.

He argues that the excessive duration of self-isolation also encourages the spread of a new trend in which sick people no longer turn to research because they do not want to fall into the trap of self-isolation.

“They are better silent and choosing for themselves when to end self-isolation, more aware based on scientific research, less aware, in a way that is convenient for them and not for the members of society around them,” a very united Lithuanian warns about a coronavirus.

According to D.Dokšaitė, for this reason people also hide the contacts with whom they interacted, because they do not want to condemn friends or relatives for an unreasonably long period of self-isolation.

“And these are the best preconditions for the uncontrolled spread of the virus. And here is the institution that should help curb the pandemic, shooting us all in the leg. Perhaps the Ministry of Health will give them such instructions to count the days of self-isolation. from the date of receipt of the test result, perhaps this is the NVSC’s interpretation. In any case, a pandemic in Lithuania does not help to control it, quite the opposite, “D.Dokšaitė is convinced.

NVSC: families decide individually

Justina Petravičienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health, did not agree with the allegations: she 15 minutes emphasized that self-isolation is not associated with the date of a positive test: in case of illness, isolation is calculated from the first symptoms (rather than the date of receipt of the test), and in case of contact with the patient, from the day of the last contact.

However, the NVSC specialist agreed that when a coronavirus became involved in a family, each situation was evaluated individually, for example, trying to find out when the last day of risk contact was if a family member had symptoms or not, so NVSC specialists might recommend slightly different terms of self-isolation. nuotr./Saviizoliacija nuotr./Saviizoliacija

Suppose, if parents were caring for a sick child, the first day of self-isolation for them may start from the last day the child could be infected, 5-6 days after the first symptoms.

“When we talk about people who live together and are in constant risky contact with a sick person, other decisions can be made and self-isolation from other family members is not always calculated from the onset of symptoms. In each case, the situation is different and decisions are not always fixed, ”emphasized J.Petravičienė.

In each case, the situation is different and decisions are not always fixed, – emphasized J. Petravičienė.

Therefore, according to her, if the family contacted and isolated themselves only after a family member received a positive test result, for other family members, the isolation can start counting from the day that the test result was received. And when the second member of the family falls ill, the period of self-isolation of the remaining 14 days begins again.

J.Petravičienė also pointed out that a sick family member is not always adequately isolated from others.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We can understand perfectly, because all the family members fight, who is sick, who needs to be isolated, but that is the case, we have no other means to control the spread of the infection if not we isolate ourselves after having a risky contact ”, emphasized J. Petravičienė.

When asked to comment on the interviewee’s family experience, J. Petravičienė stated that doctors, not specialists at the public health center, decide how long they should be isolated and when a person with coronavirus is considered healthy.

“It is important that both the isolation of the patients and the fact of recovery are decided by the family doctor, not by public health specialists, so we cannot evaluate and comment on such a situation,” emphasized J. Petravičienė.

VIDEO: 15/15: S.Čaplinskas: If the government made the right decisions, we would control the virus in 6 weeks

It is true that D.Dokšaitė emphasized that the first instruction on how much to isolate came from the NVSC; only later, the family doctor repeated the same date.

And as for the terms of patient self-isolation, the NVSC spokeswoman mentioned that people infected with COVID-19 are isolated from their assessment of the disease form and can last 10 to 20 days after the onset of symptoms. .

Understand instantly

  • In patients with mild coronavirus, isolation can be suspended 10 days after the onset of symptoms.
  • In the asymptomatic form of the disease, 10 days after the collection date of the nasopharyngeal and pharyngeal smear, which was detected by PCR, coronavirus.
  • If a person suffers from a severe form of the disease, as well as people with weak immunity, those who receive supportive treatment and nursing services, those who work in nursing and supportive care institutions, those who live in nursing homes. social care, those who work in social care institutions and people in freedom. in deprivation establishments and those who work in them – 20 days after the onset of symptoms.

Shorter insulation, only in exceptional cases

15 minutes remember that the current duration of self-isolation after contact with a sick coronavirus is 14 days. It is true that until recently, everyone who came into contact with the patient was able to shorten the duration of isolation. This could be done if a lab test for COVID-19 is negative before day 10 of isolation.

However, this procedure was only valid for two weeks, from October 26 to November 9, after which it was repealed due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation.

Now the 14 days of self-isolation can only be reduced in exceptional cases: employees of medical institutions, apprentices, employees of pharmacies operating in medical institutions who have had direct contact with patients, as well as the President and his advisers, the Speaker and his deputies , the Prime Minister and his advisers, ministers. and other key officials.
