Lithuanian citizenship has not yet been acquired


For the dance, our team received 106.89 points, a total of 178.18 points in two days and on the second day of the competition, in which only the top 20 pairs fought, it beat Ukraine, two French, Japanese and German pairs. That was enough for the ticket. Our athletes received 58.39 points in technique and 48.50 points in dance. This is the best result of this couple.

That means they weren’t the only couple left without an invitation to Beijing in the race. True, the couple will now have another question: how to become representatives of the Lithuanian state at the Games, because the American athlete does not have a passport from our country.

In the free show, the Lithuanian couple appeared based on the works of Aurora Churchyard, It All Happened Quiet, and Soft Universe.

Before the start of the competition, the head of the Lithuanian Skating Federation, Lilija Vanagienė, was convinced that the Lithuanian couple could be among those chosen at the Stockholm Globe Arena and that it would be possible to start preparations for next year’s Games in Beijing. .

“Our partner’s task is very simple: we must be among the first 19 couples to receive invitations to the Beijing Games.

After the first day and the original dance, there will be 20 couples left out of the 32 participants, and during the free program you will have to overtake at least one couple and dream in your pocket.

I don’t even doubt that everything will be fine and we will have a ticket, “said L. Vanagienė.

Representatives of our country performed excellently in the short program on Friday, adding 71.29 points and entering the next round with 19 other couples.

After the short program, Allison Reed, 26, and Saulius Ambrulevičius, 28, ranked 15th out of 30 ice dances.

Our dancers improved in 2018 points in 2019. points of the short program collected in the World Figure Skating Championships.

L.Vanagienė was also happy that the Globe Stadium is a success for Lithuania.

“Basketball players won gold here. Well, maybe it would be too loud to talk about medals, but I’m pretty sure this arena will give us a ticket to the Beijing Games.

I dream a lot, but as they say, the ice is slippery and any dream can slip ”, recalled the president of the ice skating federation after 18 years of history.

The Lithuanian basketball team, led by coach Antanas Sireika, canceled the laurels of the champions of the European Basketball Championship held in Sweden in 2003 and lifted the winners’ cup at the Globe Arena.

Then the Lithuanians, who successfully started the tournament in Norrkoping, moved to the Stockholm stadium and beat the Spanish 93:84 in the final.

Now, the Lithuanian Skating Federation plans to run for President to grant US citizenship to A. Reed; Without it, the couple will not be able to appear at the Olympics, where only athletes with passports from their countries fight.

“Although tomorrow we can provide the Presidency with all the necessary documents for the citizenship of Allison. We have everything necessary for the application. However, we want to have an important document in our hands: an invitation to the Games.

I know there are countless skeptics who will once again attribute the story to Isabella Tobias. However, Allison’s situation is completely different: she has been in Lithuania for a long time, she had an annual visa, and now she has a three-year residence permit in our country.

These are very important arguments for dancers to obtain a Lithuanian passport. I hope that these arguments help to resolve this issue in a positive way, ”said the president of the Skating Federation before the start of the couple.
