Lithuanian Americans Voting for Donald Trump: We Value Works, Not Languages


Why Lithuanian Americans Vote For Democrat Joe Biden, read in the first part of the cycle.

Laurry Kiceina, who lives between Florida and Baisogala, has been involved in American politics for more than 50 years as a member of the Republican Party.

“I am a Christian, President Trump is also a Christian who believes in the right of the fetus to live, he is a pro-life candidate and that is very important to me.

President Trump also believes in keeping American jobs in America, he opposes relocating companies to China simply because of lower product prices. He believes in low taxes and in family, which is important to the life of the country. ” 15 minutes L. Kiceina said.

Personal Album Photo Album / Laurynas (Larry) Kiceina

Personal Album Photo Album / Laurynas (Larry) Kiceina

Kiceina, a second-generation Lithuanian-American, says he supports Trump and because, unlike most politicians, “he really keeps his promises.”

“Donald Trump is not a politician, but a businessman who knows how to negotiate a country, not his own well-being,” said a man who had worked for the US police for many years.

When asked if the current president has made mistakes in the past four years, Kiceina says everyone makes them. “But the liberal fake news on TV and radio is constantly talking about his mistakes, not his achievements,” he said.

Kiceina agrees that American society is divided, but believes it will return to normal within a few years.

With D. Trumpas “Lithuania will be fine”

Former US Army Lieutenant Colonel Business Consultant Kęstutis Eidukevičius was born in Germany, where his family left at the beginning of the occupation, and grew up in the US K. Eidukevičius, who lives in the state from Arizona, spent a lot of time in Lithuania before the pandemic.

K. Eidukevičius says he is voting for D. Trumpas, because he considers him the best president of the United States of all time. He praises the White House leader for keeping his promises, but admits that he doesn’t always like the president’s blunt speeches.

Scanpix / AP Photo / Donald Short

Scanpix / AP Photo / Donald Short

“It just came to our attention then. As a former officer, I always look at what a person does, not what they are talking about.” 15 minutes he said.

Eidukevičius says that after voting for Trump in the last election, “even though he didn’t like some things,” he later saw that what Trump had done for the American economy before the pandemic was “amazing.”

“Short thinks like a true businessman. I was a business consultant, I know what it takes to bring order to the economy. It does everything, sometimes it gets under your fingers, but it does everything it has to do, ”said the Lithuanian-American.

K. Eidukevičius praised D. Trumpas for the fact that during the years of his leadership the economy went up, unemployment fell, and taxes fell. He also supports the president’s intention to limit emigration so that cheaper labor does not reach the United States.

“If you need to hire people and you don’t work cheap, you have to pay a little more,” he said.

Worried about Biden

Kiceina does not support Biden: he calls him a career politician “who has never done a real job, he only does politics”, and claims that the 77-year-old candidate “is often confused when speaking.”

VIDEO: 15min explains: how do Americans vote for the president?

“He is in favor of a powerful government, high taxes, that the money is used to pay for things shared freely. He is often called moderate, but he believes in very liberal ideas. Maintains an abortion until it is time for the babies to be born. “Kamala Harris, your vice presidential candidate, cannot be trusted,” said L. Kiceina.

K. Eidukevičius assures that in Lithuania it is a mistake to think that the presidency of J. Biden would be more useful for Lithuania than D. Trumpas.

“It just came to our notice then. One of my acquaintances is Trump’s adviser, he knows that Lithuania will be fine (in case of re-election – ed.). Apart from trying to strengthen NATO, not to destroy it. Importantly, European forces should come first, not American ones. “It takes too long to move American forces to Europe for Lithuania to hold out on the front lines,” he said.

According to him, although Trump is said to be a friend of Putin, the president has strengthened the US military and NATO and tightened sanctions on Russia. And the fact that the president does not speak ill of Vladimir Putin, K. Eidukevičius calls negotiation tactics.

VIDEO: 15min explains: how do Americans vote for the president?

According to K. Eidukevičius, there is a lot of corruption in Washington, there is no shortage of politicians and universities bribed by China. He fears that President Biden will act in favor of the Chinese, not the United States.

Kiceina is concerned about the same thing, saying, “Biden’s family made millions of dollars using Joe Biden’s name for personal gain.”

Recently, emails about Hunter Biden’s son, Biden’s son, appeared in the media close to the Republican Party, talking about money being paid to the Biden family of Chinese businessmen.

K. Eidukevičius fears that if the Democratic Party takes control of the White House and Senate and more liberal justices appear on the Supreme Court, a one-party system will take effect. Democrats could then tighten gun controls, define police, which is especially dangerous at a time of unrest in several American cities.

“It is a communist tactic: it creates chaos, and then it takes a dictatorship to destroy it. The same happened in Venezuela,” he said.
