Lithuania says goodbye to actress Balandyte: friends and colleagues say “goodbye”


The farewell to legendary actress Gražina Balandyte takes place on Wednesday at the Kaunas National Drama Theater from 11 a.m. at 9 p.m. It will also be possible to say goodbye to the actress tomorrow, July 30, from 10 a.m. at 12 a.m. The urn will be removed at 12 noon.

The actress will lie forever in the Petrašiūnai cemetery.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Say goodbye to actress Balandyte in Kaunas

Colleagues don’t spare pretty words

After the news portal had previously contacted Gražina Balandytė’s close colleague actress Larisa Kalpokaitė, the woman did not hide that this news was extremely painful for her.

“In my head, she was one of the brightest people I ever met. She never hung her troubles on others, she always looked at herself and her place on this earth with humor. He loved his family incessantly, ”says L. Kalpokaitė.

The actress remembers that G. Balandytė did not give her good professional advice, for which she is extremely grateful:

“She was an extremely beautiful woman. It wasn’t as much physical beauty as it radiated from within. When we first met, mainly in Palanga, she was always in the mood. I remember that I invited her to a concert, she saw that she was already tired, maybe she didn’t want to go, but she came, we sat behind him, we talked.

She gave me a lot of good advice. Too bad my health, he gave good professional advice. I am grateful to him for being in my life “, – actress L. Kalpokaitė remembers her colleague with sensitivity.

Kalpokaitė, who got rid of unnecessary kilograms, revealed his formula for success

Actress Nijolė Narmontaitė, who says that G. Balandytė associates her with joy in the first place, does not spare warm words not only for a colleague on stage, but also for a good friend in real life.

“First of all, Lithuania has lost its joy. Lost man – joy. Definitely, many colors will fall in this life because that person, so much joy that overflows with joy in my life, has not been accepted. Personally, I lost a very good Friend, a friend I called every day, at least he knew my thoughts every day, “says N. Narmontaitė with sensitivity.

She says that she is rewarded for having recently had the opportunity to see G. Balandytė for the last time and say goodbye.

“I felt and knew everything. More recently, a few days ago, just when we said goodbye, because she wanted to see me, I went to Kaunas. She took my hand, tears fell on her, she had regained consciousness for a while, but I already realized that it was the last time I could see her. However, it is impossible to get used to such thoughts.

As an actress, she was incredibly playful, interesting, and at the same time very profound. Never in his life, even with the worst illnesses, he was afraid and said until the last minute: “I really want to live.” It is a great loss, “the actress complains.

She makes no secret of the fact that, following the path of acting, G. Balandytė was like a guide star, showing her the right path.

“I am completely happy that I had to meet her. If I remember every afternoon when I worked at Kaunas Drama Theater, being with her at home was a great celebration. And I’m not even talking about his culinary stuff … He was a very understanding person.

When I graduated from the conservatory, the only theater I wanted to go to was Kaunas because I worked there, I was very impressed with her, she was a reference actress for me and I thought it would be a pleasure to work with her on stage. And he had such a thing … ”, N. Narmontaitė speaks with tears in his eyes.

Gražina Balandytė

Gražina Balandytė since 1955. She attended the Klaipeda Drama Theater studio.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Gražina Balandytė

1956-1957 and since 1958. Kaunas Drama Theater, 1957-1958. Klaipeda Drama Theater actress (more than 80 roles).

Since 1957 he starred in film and television (more than 20 roles). 1997-2001 was the presenter of the television program “Lady Gražina’s Kitchen”.

G. Balandytė has won many awards for his contribution to the performing arts and significant cultural activities.

2014 was awarded the Golden Crane Award for Lifetime Achievement, the Theater Spring Festival (Kaunas) Audience Award and Fortune for the role of Pamela Kronki in the play “Our Dear Pamela”.

2013 She became the best actress for the role of Pamela Kronki at the D. Tamulevičiūtė Professional Theater Festival.

In 2008, he was awarded the Kaunas Municipality Culture and Art Prize to promote performing arts and significant cultural activities.

2006 – Lithuanian Government Prize for Culture and Art.

2004 – Golden Stage Cross for the role of Mrs. Schnaider in the performance “Cabaret”.

1995 – Fortune for the role of a woman in the play “Japanese Nights”.

The most important plays of the theater.


John Patrick Our dear Pamela

Pamela Kronki, dir. Algirdas Latėnas, Kaunas National Drama Theater


Agatha Christie 10 Indians

Emilė Brent, dir. Gintaras Varnas and Rokas Ramanauskas, Kaunas State Drama Theater

Cabaret Johan Shnaider

Mrs. Schnaider, dir. Aidas Giniotis, Little Kaunas Theater


Federico García Lorca Donja Rosita or Language of Flowers

Aunt, dir. Gintaras Varnas, Kaunas State Drama Theater


Jean-Luc Lagarce A distant country

Mother, dir. Gintaras Varnas, Kaunas State Drama Theater


Athol Fugard Journey to Mecca

Helen, dir. Algirdas Latėnas, State Youth Theater

nineteen ninety five:

Ken Miymoto, Shichiro Fukazawa Japanese Nights

Orin, dir. Shoichi Yamada and Junji Ohmine, Kaunas State Academic Drama Theater


James Goldman Leo in winter

Eleonora Aquinas, dir. Gytis Padegimas, Kaunas State Academic Drama Theater


Jean Michel Ribes Pilaitė, right next to the forest

Blinka Valai, dir. Arvydas Lebeliūnas, Kaunas State Academic Drama Theater


Anton Chekhov Cherry Orchard

Ronevskoya, dir. Julius Dautartas, Kaunas State Academic Drama Theater

Edward Bond Sea

dir. Cezaris Graužinis, Kaunas State Drama Theater


Helge Hageru Man from yesterday

Irena, dir. Vytautas Dapšys, Kaunas State Academic Drama Theater
