Lithuania, like the United States: Officials are allowed to shake their necks, but it is necessary to monitor the status of a detainee.


An explanation of this 15 minutes presented by the lithuanian police department.

In case of official need, a person lying on their back can be pressed on their knees, but a police officer should not restrict the person’s breathing.

Officials do not hide the fact that the methods to control a detained person by pressing against the ground by road (one of the roads is usually a pressed neck) are applied in our country and the officers are trained by them. This method is used in many countries as one of the most effective ways to control a person who actively or aggressively resists a detainee, especially for the purpose of handcuffing when the person refuses and actively resists.

“However, police officers must be clear that any use of coercion is limited to what is necessary for the performance of their duties, and that officers are also trained and supervised in annual evaluations of police performance. Physical coercion and professional tactics of each officer, such as: What torture a person has. Also, it is not allowed to restrict a person’s ability to breathe when locked up. This can be considered a critical error, “police said.

It is noted that in case of official need, a person lying on their back can also be pressed on their knees, but a police officer should not restrict the person’s breathing.

“The effectiveness (strength) of this action largely depends on how much the officer uses his body weight. Officers are trained to monitor the detainee’s behavior and condition on an ongoing basis, as the person’s health may be affected by a variety of reasons (stress, mental state, use of narcotic or psychotropic substances or alcohol, physical abuse, injuries, etc.). During the control of a person, the officer must constantly verify and control how the person feels ”, comments the PD.

The training is carried out regularly and systematically, firstly, officers receive initial training at the Lithuanian Police College, and while working at the police institution, they are required to participate in 4-8 academic hours of training exercises. professional skills every month. They also train officers on the proper use of physical coercion or special measures.

VIDEO: Violence of an official in Kaunas: pressing his neck and kneeling on the abdomen

The event in the United States reminded readers in Lithuania of an event more than a year ago, when a video appeared on the social space, raising questions about the actions of Kaunas officials in arresting two people. The footage was made public

The video captures officers who detain two people at the scene, a man and a woman. The man lay on the ground and an officer bowed to him. What happens then is what generates suspicions that a police officer has exceeded the limits of his powers. Hit the abdomen lying on the abdomen with a fist. Although this, at first glance, does not resist at the moment. Other patrols also bring a woman in handcuffs at the time. You are preparing to plant in an official car. The record shows how the detained woman was hit on the head when the car door was opened.

At that time, the Kaunas County Chief Police Commissioner began an investigation into the behavior and actions of one of the police officers.

VIDEO: All officials involved in the murder of George Floyd have been charged.
