Lithuania is preparing to change Veryga’s bans on alcohol – some want to cancel it entirely


The decisions of farmers and conservatives to reduce the availability of alcohol almost four years ago had sparked a demonstration in front of the Seimas. It also sparked a stormy debate in parliament.

Now, the Department of Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Control claims that the peasants have calmed Lithuania at least a little bit.

“Consumption was reduced by 3 liters per year per person over 15 years, the absolute amount of alcohol. Of course, this is a little more than the European average, because it would be about 9 liters, but that drop is really”, he says Renaldas Čiužas, director of the department.

Alcohol-related deaths and illnesses have also decreased. However, with the overthrow of the peasants from the Olympus of power, the rulers are now in the process of lifting some of the prohibitions they have adopted.

“We will form a working group of 3 ruling factions to review, try to reflect or poll the views of our factions and then see what restrictions and bans should be released or lifted, and which ones could remain,” said Eugenijus Gentvilas, leader of the Liberal Party. . Movement.

“Certainly there are a number of things that naturally raise questions as to whether this is limited by the fact that it has any effect and whether it creates just an additional burden on the same business and has no effect at all,” says the Producers Association. of Alcohol Manager of Importers and Blankets Zakarka.

“It is very difficult for me to understand what arguments would be reviewed. I only understand that this majority represents the alcohol industry, the pharmaceutical industry, therefore it is likely that both the legalization of drugs and the increase of alcohol consumption in Lithuania become their value option, ”said Ramūnas Karbauskis, peasant president.

The governors have yet to say what they are actually going to cancel.

“There are such illogical solutions, like outdoor cafes or beach cafes, we would like our society to go in the direction of common trust and conscience, and not just through prohibitions,” says Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, the largest of the conservatives faction.

“It seems illogical to me that he can only buy alcohol from the age of 20, when a boy has returned from service in the army, he is already expecting a second child, no, it turns out that he cannot buy a can of beer.” or a bottle of champagne, “says Eugenijus Gentvilas, leader of the Liberal Movement.

“As for the restrictions on the advertising of alcoholic beverages, which are the strictest in the EU, how effective are they, how effective are some things in general, because when we have a brand that is identical, the same, and When the word ‘non-alcoholic’ appears, advertising is already possible “- says the old man of the Freedom Faction Ieva Pakarklytė.

“The scientists of the world say very unequivocally that there will be general problems for people after the closure, after a pandemic, some will try to suppress that anxiety and psychological condition by intoxicating in various ways, so to speak,” said the former Minister of Health. Aurelijus Veryga.

Conservatives with Liberals will register their proposals in the Seimas in the spring session. But it suggests not waiting for everything to be canceled.

“It seems to me, for example, that nothing is traded on Sundays until 3 in the afternoon. Although there are colleagues in our group who say ‘nonsense’. It seems to me that there is nothing like this here ”, says E. Gentvilas.

“The results obtained may not seem so important to someone and maybe not at that price, but I think what we have today is a good result. The recognition of international organizations and putting Lithuania as an example, I think, is an honorable matter. These are certain releases and increasing accessibility might not be timely and fair, ”says R. Čiužas.

And most entrepreneurs want lower excise taxes.

“In Poland, excise duties are 2 times lower. In Latvia, they are equally lower for some types of alcohol. If we don’t look at our neighbors at all, I’m afraid we’ll get to the point that it was once in Estonia when Estonians they had to cut excise duties in half because they realized they were no longer collecting revenue for the budget because everyone was trying to buy illegally across borders, smuggling other things, ”says Zakarka.

Aurelijus Veryga, who is shrouded in the nation’s folklore due to bans, has angered people, but says it was worth it.

“It was worth it. I entered politics just for that and I agreed to go. Other countries are somewhat jealous of these measures, because it is a kind of semi-political suicide to adopt such measures, you have seen it on my coat, or on the skin of others. comrades, what it means to do it, but the countries do not hesitate because it is politically difficult, “said Veryga.

Merchants, in turn, record an increase in sales of strong alcohol and wine during the quarantine.
