Lithuania is outraged by Lithuania’s refusal to buy a more expensive vaccine: she is determined to buy on her own


Although the amount of vaccine planned to be delivered has decreased significantly, the European Commission has offered Lithuania to buy an additional 310 thousand. Modern vaccine doses. However, the government rejected additional vaccines on the grounds that the cost of these vaccines is much higher.

Moderna raises the price of the vaccine by 33% and does not want to distribute it under the same conditions. Our working group proposed not to approve such changes, “said Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys.

At the time, the companies expressed their dissatisfaction with such a decision by the government, because if only they were allowed, they would want to buy the vaccine at double the price. In this case, not only would more people be vaccinated, but also employees and customers could feel safe.

“We, like other employers, would be very interested in purchasing vaccines and accelerating the vaccination of employees, as well as the acquisition of immunity at the national level, so we would seriously consider acquiring them at the expense of the company.

We believe the state should not miss out on opportunities to purchase the vaccine, even at a higher price.

After all, everyone’s health and safety is a top priority. Every day without a vaccine costs lives, so it is necessary to take every opportunity to obtain it and to be able to overcome the pandemic as soon as possible, ”says Gintautas Vitkevičius, director of the SBA company Klaipėdos baldai.

Gina Vaitkienė, commercial and personnel director of the UAB Avitelos prekyba, also approved the purchase of the vaccine on behalf of the company. She believes that the company would be determined to buy the vaccine and begin vaccinating workers.

“The answer is firm and unequivocal, so if there was an opportunity, we would really seize it and enjoy it.

If only we were allowed to, we would definitely buy the vaccine and vaccinate the staff, and people would be happy to get the vaccine sooner.

We would definitely invest in our employees, because we vaccinate them against the flu, so we would also be vaccinated against the coronavirus ”, taught G. Vaitkienė confidently.

After inquiring about the purchase of the vaccine, the rector of the Klaipėda University Artūras Razbadauskas, assured that the university does not have those funds, but if it were possible to buy the vaccine, it would consider it.

“Klaipeda University is generally the least allocated by the state. Sure, we would think about it, but now that we work remotely, it is not relevant, we do not have pockets of the disease. If there was an opportunity, we thought, but those funds certainly not are provided. We hope that by the summer everything is resolved and the herd immunity has already been formed. And now we will work as much as we can, “said A. Razbadauskas.
