Lithuania is immersed in the black zone, and experts say only one rodent remained from quarantine


On the other hand, this week several releases begin. It seems that some epidemiologists did not like it very much – there have been evaluations that only one rodent remains from quarantine.

This reflects the government’s controversial situation: for business, some people, especially the youngest, the restrictions seem too severe and too long, and experts fear that the releases could lead to a flood of coronavirus that will lead to a return to quarantine. complete.

How is it really? All of Lithuania sank into the so-called black zone, about 100 thousand. the number of new cases in the population exceeded 500 cases in 14 days. It is true that mortality remains similar, around 10 deaths a day, and apparently due to the fact that at least the first dose of the vaccine has been vaccinated by more than 20%. Some of the Lithuanians are more vulnerable and older.

However, hospital wards for COVID-19 patients are crowding, doctors are sounding alarms, but the public is reluctant to hesitate because the situation is different from the first wave of the pandemic, with the majority of doctors and nurses already vaccinated and at least defective.

In addition, during more than a year of quarantine, people are not only tired of it, but also somewhat accustomed to the risk of contagion, so they are increasingly willing to take risks instead of continuing to suffer restrictions, especially those groups population that continue to suffer enormous economic losses.

Therefore, the government decided to continue the quarantine and at the same time release more and more activities, hoping to saturate the wolf and preserve the sheep’s fur. It just doesn’t seem to have been successful.

The impression is that everyone is dissatisfied. Experts consider quarantine releases too dangerous, and above all businessmen are wondering why so many restrictions are left that they don’t think they make sense.

Cafes and restaurants will be able to serve customers outdoors starting this week, but their representatives ask why they will only be allowed to work until 9 p.m. Market pavilion traders wonder why they will be allowed to resume operations in last place, although it is already the most difficult for them.

There is even more criticism from the “why” question of the state of education. Concerned about raising their children, parents are surprised that supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, cinemas can already work and schools continue to operate mostly remotely.

Either way, those in power cannot convince people that their decisions are correct. Polls of the population show that for some time the government has been destroying confidence, as if progress had been relatively favorable, and the ratings of the three government parties were declining.

Of course, the government often only has to choose between a bad decision or a worse one. However, the distraction of the government, the change of opinion, the speaking of different voices are also evident.

This is not surprising when the ruling coalition is made up of three parties with significantly different ideological attitudes and competing for voters from the same right.

The opposition smells of unity, perhaps less.

However, the public pays much less attention to it than to the rulers’ disagreements, especially when it comes to pandemic management, quarantine measures, and that chaos is through the eyes, only the blind cannot see.

In disagreement, R. Karbauskis and S. Skvernelis are united on one point: the real, dark, the government does not control the situation of the pandemic.

This approach is by no means new, but evaluation has recently been strengthened; It was previously claimed that the government had poor control and now it is not in control at all.

It is a natural duty of the opposition to criticize the authorities, but it is also an indisputable fact that the new relatively strict quarantine, which has lasted five months, has not stopped the spread of the coronavirus, despite the growing number of people vaccinated.

All of this provides valid arguments for the demands of various sectors of society and professional groups that it is time to get used to living with a pandemic and loosen the limitations.

It cannot be said that the government does not listen to the voice of the public, on the contrary, perhaps even too sensitive to pressure, so it promises a lot and changes its mind right here, then succumbs to the demands of individual business groups and accuses . other social groups forbidden to others.

It is clear that the Government is neither united nor strong as a granite monument, so the pressure on it should only grow.

The stability of the state is maintained, because in Lithuania discontent with the actions of the government does not turn into riots, at least as in some Western countries.

Vaccination, while also a questionable, unsatisfied and inevitable chaos, is expanding and is perhaps the most important condition for the government to survive in difficult times.

It seems that if the releases fail to trigger an uncontrollable wave of coronavirus before it subsides due to the increasing proportion of people vaccinated and the natural low tide of summer epidemics, this year’s disasters will ease a bit.
