Litgrid leaves Mr. Virbickas and a new manager will be sought for the company


Aware: 2020-10-12 10:48

Daivis Virbickas has led AB Litgrid for seven years. Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Daivis Virbickas, CEO of the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid, leaves the company by mutual agreement with the company’s board. As of October 16, the Company’s Board of Directors appoints Vidmant Gru as Interim Head of the Company, now acting as Director of the Transmission Networks Department.

In the near future, the Board of Litgrid AB will announce an open selection for the position of Managing Director.

V. Gruas is an energy engineer, he has been the head of Litgrid’s Transmission Network Department since 2011. V. Gruas has a degree in Energy Company Management from the Scandinavian International Institute of Management in Denmark and the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance.

A new stage

According to the press release, since 2013, under the leadership of Mr. Virbickas, Litgrid has implemented projects that create essential preconditions for synchronization of electrical connection with Sweden Nord Balt and connection between Lithuania and Poland Litpol Link Connection, signed in agreement with the European transmission grid operator ENTSO-E Due to the connection of the Baltic States to the synchronous operation with continental Europe, the Lithuanian Electricity Transmission System Data and Control Center was planned and opened. It will be a self-managed member of the system, will sign cooperation agreements with Polish and Baltic partners and will prepare two CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) funding applications.

The financing package for the first synchronization phase amounts to 323 million. 719.7 million euros were allocated to the second. Financing Eur. Litgrid is currently implementing 14 synchronization projects with its partners, two of which will be completed earlier than planned and the third will be completed in the first half of December ahead of schedule.

With unprecedented financial support from the EU, a new phase is just beginning, with the implementation of key second phase synchronization projects. The new manager will set goals to ensure the speed, quality and punctuality of the synchronization, says Sigismund Vaiinas, Minister of Energy, on the changes.

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