Linava Presidium dismissed Secretary General M. Atroškevičius | Deal


Romas Austinskas, president of Linava, told BNS that the association expects changes and wants to strengthen the team.

“The changes in the top management anticipate the changes or changes that the carriers and Linava need. The Presidium made such a decision, since after replacing M. Atroškevičius, we will look for a person and move forward with other competencies and the like. Until Today, there are many challenges and problems in our business, we want to strengthen the team. We have no accusations against M. Atroškevičius, “said R. Austinskas.

M. Atroškevičius, currently incapacitated for work, told BNS that he doubted that the decision to fire him for incapacity for work was legal, but did not yet know whether he would appeal against the decision. According to him, for some time the presidium wanted to dismiss him due to “internal disagreements.”

“There was information about the president’s desire to fire me a year ago. I would call it internal disagreements. I am not a very comfortable person as a manager, I am just independent, independent, I cannot be pulled by the strings, therefore not everyone can be suitable as a manager, ”M. Atroškevičius told BNS.

“The situation is twofold, there are my interests as a natural person and there are interests in our association. “You don’t want to wash your shirt in public, but if people behave illegally and exceed their authority, you can’t leave it like that,” he added.

Until the competition for a new Secretary General is held, M. Atroškevičius will be temporarily replaced by Zenonas Buivydas, the association announced.
