Life of 77-year-old man practically dies during COVID-19 vaccination: blame for comorbidities


According to the head of IWT, Gytis Andrulionis, the death took place yesterday, but the report was received on Friday afternoon.

“There was a painful case: yesterday, immediately after the vaccination, there was a death. Practically during vaccination. A 77-year-old man died, he was a man who had concomitant cardiovascular disease. (…)

The authority that reported the case affirms that the death is not vaccinated. And our institution has no data to see otherwise. Given that this death occurred immediately after vaccination, we see the need to explain it to the public, who would avoid speculation or improper treatment of the information, ”explained G. Andrulionis.

He noted that any adverse reaction to the vaccine is recorded and reported to the responsible authorities. At the same time, he said that this was not the only case: the European institutions were registering all those cases.

Gytis Andrulionis

“However, there was no data on the fact that the vaccine or its vaccination process caused death in Lithuania or other European countries,” he said.

The man’s life was extinguished within minutes after vaccination while he was in the waiting room, despite medical efforts to resuscitate him.

According to G. Andrulionis, the patient was vaccinated with AstraZeneca, the first dose. The man, he said, died yesterday morning, the medical service reported to the service on Friday afternoon.

According to Rugilė Pilvinienė, senior advisor to the ICD’s Pharmacovigilance and Poisoning Information Division, the cause of a man’s death was called sudden cardiac death.

“That is, death from an acute heart disorder,” he said.

According to the specialist, this case is seen more as a coincidence than as related to the use of the vaccine.

Immunologist: a careful examination is required

Commenting on this case, Aurelija Žvirblienė, a professor and immunologist at the VU Life Sciences Center, said she could trust the results of the third phase of the clinical investigation.

“During the AstraZeneca vaccine trials, involving more than 20,000 subjects, there were no deaths in the vaccinated group. There was one death, but then it turned out to be in the placebo group. When large numbers of people are vaccinated, unfortunately, these cases do occur. But it is also necessary to find out if it is related to the vaccine. Therefore, in this case also a careful examination is necessary. Then it will be possible to have confirmation or denial of whether it is related to the vaccine or not, “he said. to journalists.

According to the professor, from a scientific and immunological point of view, if death occurred practically during or immediately after vaccination, it would indicate that it is most likely due to some other cause, a past disease.

“It would even be difficult to explain what could have happened so suddenly at the time of vaccination about such a sudden reaction.” So it is most likely due to the comorbidities that the person has had. Of course, those cases are extremely painful, I really sympathize with this person’s family. Cases like this and more happen in the world, because there are many vaccines, especially for vulnerable groups of people, so, unfortunately, these cases happen ”, commented the researcher.

As he assured, each of these cases is examined and an attempt is made to trace the links between causes and effects.

A. Žvirblienė

When can a person be considered dead by vaccination?

Rugilė Pilvinienė, senior advisor to the Pharmacovigilance and Poisoning Information Division of the State Medicines Control Agency (IARC), said there are specific reasons why a person is considered to have died from the effect of a vaccine.

“There are many reasons why we might recognize this as a vaccine effect. First of all, to conclude that it is an adverse event or reaction related to the action of the vaccine, we must have certain symptoms after vaccination. A person has to show somehow that something is happening to his body after vaccination.

One of the most realistic adverse reactions to all vaccines in terms of effects on the immune system is one that can occur fairly quickly, in a matter of minutes, 7 to 14 minutes or more, and could be a serious reaction that puts life threatening called anaphylaxis. .He pointed out during a press conference.

As explained by the specialist, it is a reaction of the whole body that involves several systems and shows symptoms of multi-organ dysfunction.

800 adverse reactions reported

As reported by the IARC on Monday, there have been 802 reports of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines since the start of vaccination. The vaccine received 585 notifications for BioNTech and Pfizer, 34 notifications for Moderna, and 172 notifications for AstraZeneca.

Furthermore, the name of the vaccine was not provided in 11 of the reports received. 760 messages are classified as mild to moderate and 42 as severe.

According to the Medicines Control Agency, women reported more reports of suspected adverse reactions than men, with 730 and 71 reports, respectively. The sex of a person was not specified.

The age of those who reported reactions ranged from 19 to 87 years.

According to the service, the number of reports received from healthcare professionals is 112, from patients 687, and three reports were received from the Eudravigilance database.

The most common reactions

The main reports of people vaccinated against COVID-19 are pain, swelling, redness at the injection site, arm pain, chills, headache, rash, and fever. The most common of these reactions was mild to moderate and resolved within a few days.

According to the Medicines Control Agency, fluctuations in the number of adverse reaction reports received are directly dependent on the number of vaccines administered that week.

“The more vaccines there are, the more reports there are.” We cannot assess from the data provided which vaccine reports the most adverse reactions to vaccines, as there are very different amounts of vaccines consumed by the manufacturer, “the agency said.

According to data published this Thursday, the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in Lithuania was administered to 143 thousand people. 92 people, both doses – 70 thousand. 853 people.
