Life-changing reality show: Emerita found a successful business and unexpectedly found love in Maxima | Names


After more than 10 hours of beauty classes, Emerita even agreed to talk to me late at night. Sitting in the car and already thinking about resting at home, the woman found time to tell stories about the past and present of her life. And although sincere laughter was heard more often than sadness during the conversation, the woman still allowed him to watch the most painful episodes of life.

Childhood deprivation, pregnancy in the twelfth grade, studies in raising a daughter: this was Emerita’s life before the reality show “Love or money?” It was the show, as she says herself, that changed her life beyond recognition. After him, the woman not only began to receive various messages, but also thought about doing business in the field of beauty. So, without expecting anything, she implemented her idea and set up her own beauty studio and training.

Do you think that is the end of Emeritus’s story of happiness? Definitely not. While building his business, he also created something else important: love. And he met her in an unexpected place: Maxima. About that and more – 15 minutes interview.

She experienced deprivation as a child and was already expecting a daughter in grade 12.

E.Pankė talks about his childhood days, not from the funny side. It turns out that her family went through a difficult period, even barely able to feed themselves. But Emerita, speaking of this stage of life, does not stop smiling widely. She says it just toughened her up.

“I have had many different experiences in my life. From her childhood to the present. I am not saying that I have lived many years and performed some feats, but my childhood was very difficult. My mother raised me alone with my brother. I was studying and at the same time supervising my brother because my mother was up until 10 at night. work. So, after school, I took him, I prepared the homework with him, I made the food and then we went to see my mother ”, Emerita remembers her childhood days.

Personal album photo album / Emmerita Pankė

Personal Album Photo Album / Emmerita Pankė

Emerita worked a lot at home, but not only that, she also successfully became the best student in school. She recalls that she was more motivated to follow through with her mother’s words: “I didn’t learn well, so I won’t be able to help with the lessons. I also don’t have the money to hire a tutor. Therefore, what you experience, daughter, you will have. “That is why Emerita did it: she successfully won everything herself.

However, some did not appreciate his efforts. Some of Emerita’s classmates and teachers started gossiping about her. The reason for this was the girl’s pregnancy.

“In twelfth grade, the most exemplary student began to expect a daughter. Everyone was in shock. It was necessary to survive some gossip. Everyone thought, go, studied, studied, but who would come out of here? There will be nothing, they will be able to raise children. But while I was still waiting for school, I got a diploma in July and finally entered university. I signed a contract to study part-time and gave birth to a daughter two days later. It turned out he was studying in college and raising her. It is true that I was raising my daughter together with an ex-husband whom I had been friends with since I was 16 years old. So far, we quite agree ”, E.Pank<2MASCULINE> shares in her memories.

Moments from the life of Emerita Pankė – in the gallery:

The daughter became a certain impulse in the woman’s life. When the girl went to bed for lunch, she was preparing for payments, and if she had nose exams, she waited for her daughter to fall asleep at night: “I can say so much, when she wants, anything is possible. Eventually my daughter grew up, I graduated from college. I also entered the Master of Laws. I studied for a year, but then I realized that I could also learn another subject. Later, I got a good position as a marketing manager and then I started my own business – a beauty salon clothing boutique.

The reality show helped me stand up

Just before entering the realm of beauty, the woman managed to participate in perhaps the most famous reality show “Love or money?” Emeritus was brought on the television show six years ago by a close friend who was not determined to go on the adventure.

“It just came to our attention then. I didn’t know much about the registry. I also thought about participating in the project for a long time. In fact, it was a very difficult decision. Well, I took a chance anyway.

It was my way out of the comfort zone. As a person I felt that I had improved, more contacts had been made, I had met new people. Although I have not complained about bravery in my entire life, I realized that sometimes in life you have to do what you want. Therefore, my understanding of this issue has changed, ”says E. Pankė.

Emerita Pankė Personal / Family Album Photo Album

Emerita Pankė Personal / Family Album Photo Album

And he only comments on the project in the warmest words: it has become a boost in his personal life. As she herself says, the cornerstone from which things began to change little by little, she began to see herself differently. Don’t even rule out the possibility of participating in reality shows in the future. However, she emphasizes – she would not participate in it, because she is already married.

“Of course, maybe I would participate again, but not that type. No more that age and no more that state to this day. Maybe it was more of a youth show. However, I am always in favor because I gained more experience after the project. Of course, these days we all have a little more courage, but after the reality show more well-known people have appeared “, Emerita is delighted and adds that she still communicates with several participants.

Although they don’t meet every day, the former show participant is still trying to keep in touch. The woman says she communicates with them more often on social media, but doesn’t really mean to break the connection.

Personal Album Photo Album / Emmerita Pankė

Personal Album Photo Album / Emmerita Pankė

However, there was a time when all communication had to be interrupted: Emerita had deleted her social media accounts. This was due to excessive fan attention, incoming messages, and 100 to 200 invitations from friends a day.

“It just came to our attention then. Then the idea came to me that I wanted to work in the beauty field and I had to create a new profile. I thought maybe it wasn’t necessary, the year was over, but it turns out that people not forgotten. Many clients even now come and say they saw me in the project. He admits that it is fun to meet me. Some come to do paperwork to communicate, “laughs the woman.

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From marketing manager to beauty professional

Eventually, the passion of women these days began to hook less than a year after the reality show. Emerita admits that she realizes that she is not realizing herself, that she needs activities in which she can develop, and the sphere of beauty was perfect for that. Working in a marketing company from 8 pm in the morning until 5 pm the evening woman was not satisfied, so she decided to embark on a new activity.

“After the show, I thought to myself that that kind of freedom was more interesting to me. Initially, I started everything from permanent makeup training. I had a simple office and, half a year later, I suddenly found small rooms. And in about a week the idea of ​​opening a beauty and training studio came up. After that, the girls started suggesting that maybe we’re doing some workouts, maybe they could contribute and move up the race. They saw an example in me, because I did it very quickly, ”Emerita said about starting a business.

Personal album photo album / Emmerita Pankė

Personal album photo album / Emmerita Pankė

Personal Album Photo Album / Emmerita Pankė

Personal Album Photo Album / Emmerita Pankė

And that’s not all: she managed to launch her clothing line to beauty masters and open a clothing boutique.

“Perhaps I have been working with him for three years. I have created many training programs, we prepare beauty specialists of various qualifications, from makeup specialists to permanent makeup, eyebrow correction, eyelash extensions and many others”, E.Pankė presents the procedures that are performed in the beauty studio.

But does she guess everything? Emerita admits that time is not always enough for everything. If you need to reconcile work and family, you have to sacrifice something.

“I can honestly say that if I’m with my family, it’s my weekend, I strictly refuse to accept clients. If there are holidays, I start to ignore everything, I do not answer messages, calls. I donate my work because I want to be with my family. However, if I work and dedicate myself to a project, the family suffers. It is never possible to harmonize in such a way that everything is together “, – 15 minutes Emerita says.

Love was discovered in the most unexpected place

The love in Emerita’s life came like thunder from the clear sky: she met her future lover in Maxima. The woman was going to the shopping mall when Rock came by unexpectedly.

“This love came into my life under interesting circumstances. You won’t believe it, but my current husband and I met at Maxima. I am from Marijampolė and he is not, so the meeting was unexpected. We just passed by and everything started from that death ”, remembers E.Pankė the first meeting with her husband Rokas, smiling.

However, this overtaking did not end there. The man proved that he would persistently seek the woman’s attention, so he quickly found her on social media as well. Here they began to reciprocate and stopped only when one of them went to sleep.

Personal album photo album / Emmerita Pankė with her husband Rokas

Personal album photo album / Emmerita Pankė with her husband Rokas

“We began to reciprocate, there was not a second to keep in touch. So we dared to meet for coffee. We didn’t have that much time afterwards, because I was busy with work, with my children,” Emerita recalls.

The woman is not hiding: she has received messages from men before, but this generation was exceptional. And the exceptional thing was that the couple finally exchanged wedding rings.

And why did I write to him? I don’t know, I liked it. It goes out. Then when I flew to Egypt, he went to Marijampolė every day. I thought he would see me again because I didn’t tell him I was gone. Only on the fifth day did I say that they would not find me in Marijampolė and that I was not in Lithuania. But he was patient and everything worked out before we got married. ”- happy moments with 15 minutes Emerita shared.
