Libertad y Justicia approves the first five on the electoral list, part of the single-member constituencies


The first five on the electoral list approved by the members of the Board were the following:

1. Remigijus Žemaitaitis. Party President, long-term member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, member of the Economic Committee. Lawyer.

2. Artūras Zuokas. A long-time former mayor of Vilnius, a former member of the Seimas. Member of the Municipal Council of the city of Vilnius, first vice-president of the party.

3. Artūras Paulauskas. Former Attorney General, President of Seimas, Acting President of the country. Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius.

4. Diana Stomienė. Party Vice-President, member of the Vilnius City Municipal Council. President of the Lithuanian Association of Art Galleries, founder and director of the international art fair ArtVilnius. Head of MENO NIŠA, one of the oldest and most famous art galleries in Vilnius. For long-term activities in 2018. it received the award from the Ministry of Culture “Bring your light and believe”.

5. Kęstutis Bartkevičius. The party’s vice-president, a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, was elected several times in a row by voters in the single-member district of Mažeikiai. Member of the Health Committee. Long-term politician of Mažeikiai District Municipality – former Deputy Mayor of the district, member of the council. Active member of public organizations.

“As we can all see, the ‘three musketeers’ are successfully moving towards their goals. What we have not heard is that we will get angry and that we will not share. We do not get angry. We share. Not only that, it is great to work together, the team is strong, the staff is strong, we feel great support, which is also reflected in the ratings published in the society. We perfectly agreed not only on the merger of organizations, but also on the first places on the electoral list. Our goal is to unite, we will continue to do so, “said Remigijus Žemaitaitis, party president and member of Seimas.

The party will decide on the other candidates for single-member constituencies and on the order of the final multi-member roster at the next Board meeting in two weeks. The list will include Seimas members, former Seimas members, ministers, vice ministers, mayors, vice mayors, members of municipal councils and other specialists in their fields. The Party Council has authorized the Board to review the candidate lists and make final decisions on their candidacy in the upcoming elections.

During the meeting, the Freedom and Justice Board added the following to the list of candidates for single-member constituencies:

Šeškinės-Šnipiškių – Artūras Zuokas. Member of the Municipal Council of the city of Vilnius, first vice-president of the party. A long-time former mayor of Vilnius, a former member of the Seimas.

Fabijoniškių – Vydūnas Sadauskas – Member of the Municipal Council of the city of Vilnius, vice-president of the party. An active public figure. Lawyer.

New Vilnius – Jolanta Beniulienė – He has been well known for the past decade as an expert in cultural and conference tourism. A third-generation Vilnius woman who has dedicated 16 years of her professional life to the city knows the city’s problems well. An active public figure.

Paneriai – Grigiškės – Kristina Ulevičiūtė – active cultural figure, public figure. He has dedicated more than ten years to pedagogical work. Head of the Grigiškės Art School, elder of the elder Vilnius Žvėrynas.

Verkiai – Darius Radkevičius – internationally recognized businessman and consultant, expert in management and education, creator of documentaries “School of the future and / or happiness”, publisher of business books. Member of the Vilnius City Council.

Naujamiestis – Naujininkai – Rita Latvytė – president of a condominium community. Active public figure, initiator of actions and social events, volunteer. Member of the Party’s Board.

Marių – Sandra Sirutienė – pedagogue, active public figure. President of the Klaipeda City Council of Non-Governmental Organizations.

Amateur – Nijolė Požarskienė – A lawyer, he has been working in the prosecutor’s office system for over thirty years, as Palanga’s chief prosecutor for about twenty years. He has extensive experience in administration, legislation, moderation. Excellent knowledge of criminal law, criminal procedure, civil and labor law.

Garliavos – Kristina Cipkuvienė – Lawyer, expert in commercial law, specialized in international law, labor law, immigration law, company law, contract law. Recognized expert in commercial law and representative in the territory of Lithuania by the Global Association of Experts in Law. An active public figure. Member of the Party’s Board.

Jotvingiai – Rimvydas Žagūnis – farmer, lawyer. Active initiator of public initiatives in the Druskininkai region.

Karšuva – Karolis Balža – famous athlete from the Jurbarkas region. Former director of the Jurbarkas district sports and physical culture center. Active organizer of social initiatives.

At a previous party council meeting, ten of its representatives in single-member constituencies were approved: Kelmė-Šilalė – Remigijus Žemaitaitis; Old Town-Žvėrynas – Diana Stomienė; Nalšia Norte – Dalia Štraupaitė; Dainava – Loreta Jakinevičienė; Mažeikiai – Kęstutis Bartkevičius Foreign Lithuanians: Gintautas Babravičius; Sėla East – Robertas Baltrūnas; Radviliškis – Tytuvėnai – Audronė Beresnevičienė; Lazdynų – Regimantas Čiupaila; Baltic – Lina Šukytė – Korsakė.

Political Party Liberty and Justice after this meter. June 6 Congress became a parliamentary party. The party has two representatives of its party in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 6 party members occupy the positions of mayors of the cities. More than a hundred party representatives work as council members in various municipalities in the country. The ranks of the party include former ministers, Seimas spokespersons and vice presidents of Seimas, members of Seimas, mayors, members of municipal councils, cultural and educational professionals, business representatives, and public sector employees. According to the latest polls, the Freedom and Justice Party has 5.8 percent. electoral support
