Liberalization of some trade restrictions is being considered: small ones preferred


Starting in February, some restrictions on companies could be released.

The vice president of Seimas points out that the dynamics of quarantine restrictions show that the number of cases in Lithuania is decreasing, so he expects that the restrictions of some companies will be gradually released.

“Although the decline is fragile, I hope that the government can make decisions in the near future that are taken carefully to gradually liberalize business and improve conditions,” he says.

“Although the situation continues to be difficult, personally I would be in favor of having a starting point in certain sectors and freeing up the conditions for action. So, of course, less state supports and subsidies would be needed, and more jobs would be saved if they were outdoors or indoors with all protective measures, and clients are not overcrowded, they are located at long enough distances ” , adds V. Mitalas.

From the discussions in the Government, he says that he understands that as of February the release of certain measures could be considered.

Vytautas Mitalas

Vytautas Mitalas

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

According to him, the government, in consultation with scientists, could establish clear starting points: from how many cases per day the removal of individual restrictions could be considered.

“Researchers advising the government have previously mentioned 200 cases a day. In the past, I had to get interested and evaluate the capabilities of the NVSC, possibly with a number greater than 400 cases per day, without the NVCS having any major inconvenience in tracking contacts related to infected people.

When evaluating this indicator, another should be evaluated: the burden of health institutions separately by beds. Here, the situation was extremely difficult a few weeks ago. Now, with the declining numbers, it can start to improve, but doctors will have to say their word: what is the real situation in the health system, ”says the vice president of Seimas.

Traders could open first

Traders The government is calling for the gradual opening of non-food stores. First of all, they offer to open stores with an area of ​​up to 2 thousand. kv. my that have an input from the field. Mr. Mitalas supported this proposal.

“Traders must queue for a gradual opening. The sector is large and there are quite a few small entrepreneurs, a large part of them have opportunities to trade, to develop activities with an entry from the field. I believe that small traders could be in the first group that could be affected by the launch if we do not see a decrease in the near future and we do not see the arrival of new dangerous and contagious strains of the virus in Lithuania, ”he says. V. Mitalas.

sports Club

sports Club

Sports clubs will have to wait

As a result of the quarantine, representatives of sports clubs that have not been able to operate since November last year are also asking the government to consider a gradual release from restrictions, as most of the revenue is collected in the sector in October- March. However, V. Mitalas doubts the launch of the priority of this sector.

“Previously, researchers said that sports clubs are a place where people naturally exercise, warm up, breathe deeply, so the risk of getting infected with coronavirus is relatively higher, and quite a few people gather. The conditions in which sports clubs will be able to function and when they will function is the responsibility of the Government. In my opinion, there may be some separation in which sectors there is a more secure presence of sports clubs, “he says.

According to him, with the arrival of spring, some sports activities could be carried out in a relatively less contagious environment, outdoors: “In my opinion, this would be a logical solution.”

Tourism tax breaks are viewed with caution

Tourism is probably the business sector most affected by the pandemic. The Lithuanian Business Confederation has put forward a proposal to apply zero value added tax (VAT) to tourism businesses affected by pandemic restrictions first and then apply a reduced tax of 5% to health and wellness businesses. VAT. V. Mitalas is cautious about such a proposal.

“Tax changes and tax breaks need to be handled very carefully. Personally, I think that after all, we do not have to base our approach to the economy or individual industries on tax incentives, but on a clear and stable tax system in which we strive to reduce taxes and their stability.

As far as I know, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation is considering separately, and as if there was a positive attitude, allocating a separate part of the subsidies to the most affected sectors, which have been completely suspended, to reserve a certain amount. for them. Undoubtedly, the business of tourism, hospitality and accommodation services could fall into this scheme, ”says V. Mitalas.
