LGBT propagandists are already attacking priests –


The priest Algirdas Toliatas suddenly received a lot of public attention on the social network. The record of the priest was very outraged, in which he shared a letter inviting people to pray for the future of Lithuania. “The situation in Lithuania is serious. The fight is really going big. The force representing the Lithuanian minority intends to transform the lives of all of us in a way that is favorable for them, but not for Lithuania. (. ..) Therefore, we encourage everyone to continue fighting in prayer.This is very important, very.

And the other request is an action request. We probably feel that this moment invites us to come together and come together. We urge you to focus on signing two petitions (against the Istanbul Convention and against the legalization of a gender-neutral association – past aut.) “, Says a letter written by Lina Šulcienė, member of the Prayer Action Group for the family .

Derivative toilet

When the priest A. Tololia shared this letter, he was immediately attacked by famous Lithuanians, influential people and even journalists. Toliatate’s behavior is publicly called atheism, darkness. LRT journalist Indrė Makaraitytė, reacting to the priest’s record, accused A. Toliatas of such statements while agitating and participating in politics. The performer Justė Arlauskaitė Jazz expressed that she wanted to vomit from such a recording. Radio host Aistis Mickevičius called A. Toliat a “priest-pizon-hipster” and pointed out that in this context the priest’s last name should not be Toliat, but “Toilet”. Another presenter of the radio program Audrius Vanagas called A. Toliatas “Karbauskis church”. The influential Agnė Jagelavičiūtė reacted to the situation by sharing a recording by advertising specialist Jonas Banis. “

Toliat himself published another post in which he clarified that he did not want to be agitated, the purpose of his recording was a spontaneous invitation to delve into the subject. After contacting A. Tololia with “Vakaro žinios”, the priest assured that although the telephone did not remain silent for calls and messages, the cleric did not want to fall into an avalanche of humiliations for his opinion. Probably the last record published by the priest says it all. Freedom and a world without violence can turn your world into flour for freedom of expression. It’s strange. Or maybe not, “writes A. Toliatas.

Paulius Dainius Vaineikis, the chaplain of the Franciscan Gymnasium in Kretinga, recently received a social media attack on the gym’s social media account and also shared an invitation to sign the aforementioned petitions.

Opinion Blocks

Laura Jasėnaitė, mother of two children, has recently experienced that people and organizations that defend traditional values ​​and the natural family are being censored on social media. 2018 The woman formed the group “Parents United for a Safe Lithuania”, which currently has almost 58 thousand members. The group openly defends the traditional family, patriotism, nationality, free opinion. Unfortunately, the group administrator, L. Jasėnaitė, recently discovered that the group no longer works because there may be hatred in the group.

L. Jasėnaitė says that the group has long felt uncomfortable for people fighting for homogeneous associations or for the Istanbul Convention. “We do not incite or tolerate hatred in the group, we only review and approve each entry if we are sure it is correct. However, if a person expresses an opinion that it is not acceptable for their children to be taught in school gender ideology, can I block that post? It does not incite anything. However, I keep getting notifications that one or another member’s post has been blocked. After contacting the Facebook administration and explaining the content, the post was unblocked again, “L. Jasėnaitė told Vakaro žinios.

She defines this as censorship: “I know there are members in the group who follow the logs and are happy to report them to the Facebook administration, even if it doesn’t incite hatred. Although the sexual minorities themselves do not shy away from making fun of the opinions and initiatives of people who defend the traditional family.

Deleting our group will not change your mind. This situation has further united parents and family organizations, who are actively meeting in other groups and alternative platforms to communicate. Even those who were just passive observers of the group are looking for ways to contribute and help.

The attack opened

Edita Raščiauskaitė-Morkūnienė, director of the Vardan Family Association, told Vakaro žinios that the attack on organizations defending the traditional family has never been carried out so openly. “The attack became completely open. Entries and articles unfavorable to the ideology of sexual minorities are constantly blocked in the social space, even if it is only information that does not want to offend anyone. A different opinion is pursued.

This was also demonstrated by the speech of the chairman of the Seimas Education and Science Committee, Artūras Žukauskas, in which he called for brilliant family organizations. We are supposedly some kind of flat earth, probably not even reading the Istanbul Convention, although many of us pay for it almost from memory. It not only hurts, it also degrades our authority.

E.Raščiauskaitė-Morkūnienė says that organizations that work with families or their position are undesirable in some places. More and more attempts are being made to close traditional values ​​in this way. “Organizations that work in the field and have suggestions or comments are not invited to working groups on various social issues. We are unwanted even on television. The Seimas has already taken the initiative to expand the enforcement of liability for hate crimes. I have no doubt that this will translate into the fact that almost everyone who has expressed their opinion or support for a traditional family will be treated as LGBT hatemongers, ”says a family representative.

Cardinal Sigitas TAMKEVIČIUS comments on the situation:

We live in a free country, but there the priest, who expressed his opinion about the family and offered to sign the petitions, was attacked for this and concluded with words that are not repeated with the tongue. This is a bad sign. He attacked with words today, and if the dreams of the fallen come true and the Istanbul Convention is ratified, he will have to receive articles on criminal responsibility instead of angry remarks at the words of A. Tolatio. It’s a shame this is the way to go. Although surveys show that a large part of the Lithuanian population maintains a traditional family.

The clergyman has the right to speak on all matters relating to man. Although there are people in our society who would probably be very anxious to prohibit clergy from speaking and would be happy to pass laws governing it. This can only be regretted. Towards censorship. The experience of other countries shows how interested people fight as if for freedom, but they seek to restrict the people who are unfavorable to them and introduce censorship so that the latter cannot speak.

I read comments that said that the clergy had committed crimes against minors, so they should keep silent. But none of that. Anyone can make mistakes. But being on the side of truth, kindness, family is the most important duty of a clergyman. Therefore, we certainly will not prohibit our priests from talking about it and will support them if they are attacked. Everyone who values ​​the natural family will keep talking about it, even if unfavorable laws are passed.
