Lazdijai Outbreak Reveals Illegal Activities: Between Secret Athletes – TS-LKD Deputy Mayor


The facilities of the public institution Lazdijų sporto centers belonging to the Lazdijai district municipality are suspected to have been operating on the premises of the public institution Lazdijų sporto centers for three weeks, since March 22, although this is still prohibited due to the quarantine requirements.

It is assumed that, under the guise of the activities of the educational institution, the activities of the private underground sports club were carried out in the facilities installed here with funds from the European Union and the local municipality.

Audrius Klėjus, leader of the local conservative party and deputy mayor of Lazdijai district, is among those who trained during the secret quarantine. He is also one of the founders of the club and a member of its council.

The politician is also chairman of the Health and Social Affairs Committee of the Lazdijai District Municipal Council.



According to data from the Registry Center, the “Sakalas” club affirms that it does not carry out any activities, it is headed by Remigijus Paulionis, former candidate of the Conservative Party for the Lazdijai District City Council.

Deputy Mayor A. Klėjus himself does not deny having visited the gym set up at the Lazdijai Sports Center this week, but assures that it is legal.

It also has the support of Darius Liaukevičius, director of the municipal institution and director of the Lazdijai Sports Center.

“Everything is legal, we provide non-formal education for adults: fitness classes.” Delphi D. Liaukevičius explained to the journalist.

However, the director of the institution could not answer how many “students” attend these learning activities, if the institution is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports to provide non-formal adult education, what programs are developed and what Ratings are issued by the center for this “scientific” case.



The fact that sports training is taking place at the Lazdijai sports center was made clear last Thursday when an outbreak of coronavirus diseases broke out.

According to Dalytė Nekraševičienė, head of the Alytus branch of the National Center for Public Health, the outbreak of coronavirus diseases was registered at the Lazdijai Sports Center last week.

“Currently, we have two illnesses, one of them diagnosed for an employee of the institution and the other for visitors. Dozens of samples were taken, both from staff and visitors “, Delphi said D. Nekraševičienė.

When asked which visitors visited the facilities of the sports center, if the classes for the students are held remotely, the epidemiologist instructed them to look for information at the institution itself.

Mr. Nekraševičienė’s wife, Edmundas Nekraševičius, has been a conservative candidate for the Lazdijai district municipal council.

It turns out that the coronavirus was detected in a member of the sports center’s support staff and in a teacher at a local school who may have attended illegal activities.

Among the contacts reported by sick people is the local deputy mayor A. Clay.

The politician himself confirmed that he attends classes in the gymnasium of the sports center.

“We have contracts with the center, non-formal education is being taught, I also attend those classes. The monthly subscription is fifteen euros, we pay it to the center,” he said. Delphi Leader of the conservatives Lazdijai.

The deputy mayor could not answer what the contract was, nor did he explain what qualification document he would receive when he completed the so-called training at the sports center. A. Clay could not answer, and how long will they last and “these non-formal adult education sessions”

According to the activity reports of the sports center on the municipality’s website, the center runs two non-formal education programs for adults: one of them is fitness, classes are held in the gym and a total of 154 people attend classes.

Lazdijai Sports Center is an educational institution fully maintained by the Lazdijai District Municipality. Its annual budget is 0.4 million euros.

Delphi When contacted by the officially appointed non-formal adult education teacher, Coach Artūras Mačionis, when asked about his students and the coronavirus outbreak during training, the coach stated that he was “running the classes remotely.”

As you can see, classes are held both in the afternoons and on weekends. It is unclear how this is reflected in the institution’s financial documents and worksheets. It is also unclear how the money paid by visitors for a monthly subscription is accounted for, according to Deputy Mayor A. Klėja.

Lazdijai Municipality in 2019 for more than 135 thousand. Community-funded repairs to facilities now equipped with gyms and aerobics rooms.

Previously, these premises were used by the private sports club “Sakalas”, one of whose owners is the deputy mayor A. Klėjus.

Jam 2015-2017 While working as Director of Lazdijai District Municipality Administration, Lazdijai District Municipality initiated the above-mentioned premises repair project.

After the elections of the foundations and municipal councils in 2019, when A. Klėja became the deputy mayor of the Lazdijai district, former clients of the sports club now play sports, calling it non-formal adult education.

The fact that non-formal education is only a cover for the activities of a sports club can also be judged from the records of the sports hall itself on the social network.

The post, published on March 18, announces the resumption of gym activities, but not a word about non-formal education activities.

It is interesting that R. Paulionis, the president of the Sakalas sports club, is one of the first to share the newly announced announcement.



D. Liaukevičius, director of the sports complex, affirms that classes have been resumed on the basis of the Government’s resolution on the possibility of resuming non-formal education for adults, when the quarantine epidemiological safety requirements established by order of the Minister of La health is assured.

Deputy Mayor A. Clay says those requirements were ensured during the training. It is not said whether such activities were possible.

The news that the property of the municipal institution is being used under the pretext of education and quarantine requirements can be ignored came to light by chance, when the municipal administration building on Vilniaus Street in Lazdijai was disinfected on Friday. past.

It turned out that disinfection was needed after Deputy Mayor A. Clay visited here in the morning after a coronavirus test.

Delphi As far as we know, a coronavirus test was conducted for the Deputy Mayor of Lazdijai on the morning of Thursday, April 15. In accordance with approved procedures, the person must be in self-isolation after testing.

However, A. Klėjus not only came to work that day, but also went to Vilnius on a business trip. As officially stated, the visit was to the Ministry of the Environment.

The politician also came to work the next day, although he had not yet received the test results. Delphi As far as we know, more than 40 samples were taken at Lazdijai on Thursday, of which up to 16 were left for the lab to retest, and the results were presented Friday night.

A. Clay himself Delphi confirmed that he has been in self-isolation since last Friday, April 16. The politician says that he had contacts with the sick on Monday, April 12.

Clay said he would be tested again on Monday, April 19.

When asked if such a practice is common, the Lazdijai deputy mayor said that “I do everything in accordance with the NVSC’s recommendations.” If you receive a negative answer, you will be able to break the self-isolation after retesting.

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