Lawyer representing the largest creditor of V. Kučinskas: the businessman’s debts amount to about 40 million. EUR Business


Vidmantas Kučinskas, founder of the Arvi group of companies, suspected of fraud in Russia, was arrested in Slovenia, BNS reported on Friday. This was confirmed to the agency by three unrelated sources.

Laurynas Lukošiūnas, a partner at Sorainen, a law firm representing Russia’s Alfa Bank, which has been trying to borrow millions of loans from an entrepreneur for several years. 15 minutes He confirmed that the arrest may be related to a pre-trial investigation initiated by the bank in Russia into possible fraud actions against V. Kuchinsk.

“Prosecutors are taking additional measures. Here is their decision to take appropriate measures. The client did not rule out that this (V.Kučinskas’ arrest – editor’s note) is related to Russia and that this businessman could be detained according to their investigation, “L.Lukošiūnas said, adding that the bank did not deny that V.Kučinskas had been detained.

Photo by Sorainen / attorney Laurynas Lukošiūnas

Photo by Sorainen / attorney Laurynas Lukošiūnas

The lawyer said that the search for Kuchinsk had been announced in Russia and that the arrest warrant could be extended.

It is not ruled out that V. Kuchinsk may be extradited to Russia. According to L. Lukošiūnas, the pre-trial investigation was launched in Russia due to possible signs of fraud and suspicions of financial machinations.

“In accordance with international principles of criminal law, ecstasy is possible for persons detained abroad. If detained in Lithuania, restrictions would apply: Lithuania would not extradite its citizens to Russia. If a person is detained in Slovenia , it is not legally impossible to be extradited elsewhere, “said the lawyer.

Arrears amount to 40 million. euros

Russian bank Alfa Bank in Lithuania has been trying to recover some 20 million LTL from V. Kučinskas for several years. euros lent for the construction of a plant in Kaliningrad.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Arvi

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Arvi

According to L. Lukošiūnas, another 20 million. A Lithuanian businessman may owe a billion euros to other creditors in various countries, not only in Lithuania, but also in Russia, Belarus, Latvia and Switzerland.

Therefore, according to the lawyer’s calculations, the obligations of the creditors can add up to around 40 million. euros

“Many of your creditors are different groups that have suffered,” said L. Lukošiūnas.

Meanwhile, the companies managed by V. Kučinskas also operate in several countries: Russia, Belarus, Romania, Serbia, Cyprus.

I am definitely not surprised by this message. I think it is a consistent action that sooner or later should be carried out if a person maliciously evades the obligation.

L. Lukošiūnas stated that the news of V. Kučinskas’ arrest did not surprise him, because if a person abuses the breach of obligations, it must happen sooner or later.

“It just came to our attention then. I think it is a consistent action that must happen sooner or later if a person maliciously evades a commitment and does so openly, without trying to find solutions.

Then sooner or later civil law runs out and the question of criminal law violations arises. And when criminal law is activated, very different measures are applied accordingly, ”said the lawyer who defends the interests of Alfa Bank.

Trying to hide the property

The Kuchinsk Bank business in Russia, Arvi NPK, had loaned millions to build a factory in Kaliningrad. These loans were personally guaranteed by V. Kučinskas and his group companies, such as Arvi and Ko.

“Arvi NPK did not repay the loans, therefore Alfa Bank began to express itself from both Arvi NPK and V. Kučinskas. The London Court of Arbitration ruled and awarded Kuchinsky a debt of more than $ 20 million. In Lithuania, started the recovery against the businessman regarding the shares he owns, because he has no more assets, ”reported L. Lukošiūnas.

V.Kučinskas owns the shares of the holding company, which manages the entire Arvi Group, so the bank seeks to announce a tender for the sale of these shares in the near future.

Admittedly, the businessman is believed to have tried to hide the shares, rewrite them for the son and other family members, but the court struck down such transactions.
