Law enforcement officers enjoyed erotic photographs of naked women taken by Z. Vaišvila’s family


October 2 The press conference of the signatories of the Lithuanian Independence Act Audrius Butkevičius and Zigmas Vaišvila took place in the Seimas “Information about the activities of the signatory Zigmas Vaišvila, family members and acquaintances was criminally collected.”

Speakers provided evidence of information collected for criminal reasons about the activities of signatory Zigmas Vaišvila, his relatives and acquaintances.

Press release

In pre-trial investigation No 01-2-00059-17, the accounting records of UAB FF Lizingas, allegedly negligently handled by Zigmas Vaišvila, were investigated. UAB FF Lizingas in 2013 A bankruptcy proceeding was initiated, although the insolvency of the company was not established. Such is the case also in 2018. The opinion of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal was stated, but the bankruptcy case is still pending, although its high value assets have been embezzled or wasted at symbolic prices, I take advantage of the serious injuries suffered by Z. Vaišvila on 06/29/2016 and acting together with the UAB insolvency administrator headed by UAB Baltic Arms.

2020-08-03 d. of the investigating government. researcher Janina Grinevič received for signature on 07/31/2020. Copies of electronic documents were made of the material of the preliminary investigation No 01-2-00059-17. After returning from rehabilitation treatment after surgery, Z. Vaišvila began to obtain copies of these electronic documents (there are 274,415 of them) and found that almost all of these documents:

– in no way related to the purpose of this pre-trial investigation – Accounting UAB FF Lizingas;

– in relation to other natural persons, other companies, public organizations, my social and political activities, the private life of myself and the members of my family, all of which has been collected and used illegally and without their consent;

– Collect and submit to this case the bankruptcy administrator of UAB FF Lizingas UAB Admivita, UAB Skomė and the UAB Baltic weapons director Juozas Matonis, it is reasonable to believe that illegal criminal intelligence or other methods, because Z. Vaišvila has not received procedural decisions on the basis of which this information was collected.

Officials copied two 29.1 GB folders to the sent media, about 274.4 thousand. Numbered files, although in the case Information about this test, formed by the boss. specialist Neringa Puzinaitė, it is indicated that there are two parts of this evidence in total: 48.82 GB and 100.22 GB. Not all the evidence has been presented to Z. Vaišvilas.

The subject of this pre-trial investigation has nothing to do with the several hundred thousand documents that were presented to me., which are suspiciously related, in particular, to the activities of Z. Vaišvila in 2009, when he participated in the campaign of the President of the Republic; other companies, in particular, AB Oruva and UAB Oruva and Ko diesel engine production activities (during the bankruptcy case of AB Oruva Z. Vaišvila misunderstood with the Ministry of Finance headed by Dalia Grybauskaitė), BAB Oruva bankruptcy administrator UAB Documents of bankruptcy; Z. Vaišvila in litigation courts with the Parekss group court document; in the litigation courts of UAB Skom accionistas shareholders in relation to the illegal take over of the management of UAB Skomė in 2009. allegations; Documents from the shareholder of UAB Skomė UAB Infoverslas (Director Regina Vaišvilienė); documents from other companies; Activity documents of the Lithuanian Leasing Association; Activities and financial documents of the Club of the Initiative Group of the Lithuanian Restructuring Movement, which was led by Z. Vaišvila at that time; documents from various public events, 2009 Material from the presidential elections of the Republic of Lithuania, various books, publications, Internet advertising, photographs of works of art, emails from members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. addresses, emails of the signatories of the Lithuanian Independence Act correspondence, events, excursions in the Seimas, business cards, letter from the President of the Criminal Cases Division of the Lithuanian Supreme Court, Jonas Prapestis, to the Seimas on March 3 from 2009; The press conference of Lithuanian Independence Act signatories Zigmas Vaišvila and Audrius Butkevičius on the initiation of a pre-trial investigation into the activities of Algirdas Paleckis and the Socialist Popular Front (“selfie”) email zigmas.vaisvila@lrs .lt, commenters, email postal addresses, the IP numbers they use, the city and the comments themselves; March 31, 1990 Agenda of the meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania; Description and sketches of the movement medal; Personal data of the UAB Oruva ir Ko 128 employees: name, surname, position, personal identification code, date of birth, date of employment, salary, telephone number, address; photos of strangers, cars, athletes, policemen; List of jobs; e-mails from many people I know who do not know photos of publicly known people (Artūras Račas, Vytautas Landsbergis, Kęstutis Girnius, Rūta Grinevičiūtė (Janutienė), Vytautas Matulevičius, Dalia Grybauskaitė, Vytautas Radžvilas, Neringius. Matckienčimčira Radžvilas, Neringius. Prunskienė, E. Makronas, Valdas Adamkus, etc.); Work computers and personal data of UAB FF Lizingas employees; some people’s passports, etc.

However, what was most shocking was what could have been illegal information obtained by criminal intelligence or in other ways from Z. Vaišvila and his relatives, close acquaintances, friends. personal photos of Zigmas Vaišvila, his wife Regina Vaišvilienė, their daughters Vaiva and Jūratė (also on the beach), their friends and acquaintances, daughter Jūratė diary, Z. Vaišvila and his wife Regina, mothers, relatives, Family photos of Edita, sister of Z. Vaišvila, photos of friends from the Czech Republic and Germany, Regina Vaišvilien’s workplace Photos of events of the Lithuanian Medical Library, Z.’s father, photos of family friends celebrating in their apartment.

If UAB FF lizingas documents (former name – UAB Parex lizingas) could have been obtained from company computers, then other companies, organizations, online archives, and obviously personal photos of Vaišvilai and other family members only These criminal intelligence could be collected from people’s computers or media. His period is much earlier than the period under investigation in this criminal case (12/01/2007 – 11/13/2013). However, the possible criminal offenses investigated in this criminal case are minor and do not constitute the basis for the application of the criminal intelligence methods established by the Criminal Intelligence laws and the CCP.

In this case, the boss. The material produced by the specialist Neringa Puzinaitė is related to the personal activity of Z. Vaišvila, which has nothing to do with the UAB FF Lizingas. The activities and personal life of the members of the family of Z. Vaišvila and other natural persons are in no way related to the work and social activities of Z. Vaišvila. The material collected, which is not related to the object and subject of the investigation of this criminal case, had to be destroyed immediately after knowing it. This is not done.

Therefore, the court to resolve this criminal case, which is used for a manifestly wrong purpose, is requested to the Attorney General – for the initiation of a pre-trial investigation for Vilnius regional prosecutors Rasa Bekišienė and lead prosecutor Arūnas Stankevičius , who led this pretrial investigation. researchers Janina Grinevich, chief. specialist Neringa Puzinaitė, it is requested to determine how and by whom the material compiled in this criminal case was presented: what material was presented by UAB FF Lizingas bankruptcy administrator UAB Admivita, UAB FF Lizingas creditors UAB Skomė and UAB Baltic arms, other persons who have initiated the recognition of the bankruptcy of the UAB FF Lizingas as intentionally through false arguments, other people.

Please provide all assignments to collect this material and access it, your disclosure documents. This material was communicated to the insolvency administrator of the UAB FF Lizingas, UAB Admivita, on September 28, 2020, in accordance with the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code. turned over to court without first notifying Zigma Vaišvila of the suspicion and without filing an accusation.

It’s no fun living when you’re naked and clothed in control of bodies or, heck, you know what? This requires the Internet, modern smartphones, and other technologies. All you have to do is have legal or illegal access to the Internet connection to which you connect, and in this way you can copy the content of your computer, the media to which you connect. Seeing what the so-called law enforcement is in Lithuania, no one is surprised anymore. Time to sweep up this Lithuanian manure.

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