Laurynas Kasčiūnas: calling a person a Nazi is now fashionable


From a politician’s point of view, even love for the country is no longer an obvious unifying factor of liberals and conservatives: “They are talking about two different Lithuanians who may start to hate each other. Memory struggles, culture wars are dangerous, they break down and then the Kremlin arrives and declares itself a defender of traditional values. If we try to explain that the conservative worldview belongs to the Russian world, then we are simply handing over conservatism and the Western Christian tradition to Russia. “

Among the labels affixed to opponents are not only clichés of the alleged work for Russia or Ramūnas Karbauskis, but also identification with the Nazis. “It is fashionable to call a person Nazi. I react calmly to this, but I want to ask: if a part of society has a fairly categorical approach to some phenomenon of social liberalization, can we control the expression of those people and indicate what it is? tolerable and what not? Who will we assign the function of censor? “, Asks the politician.

According to Kasčiūnas, the people who defended the natural family and the Catholic tradition at that time belonged to the worldview of the so-called “Russian world”: “It is especially sad when politicians show such disrespect.”

Conservative-Crickham emphasizes that its like-minded people respect the rights of LGBT people to decide who and how to live. “It is a question of their private space, so we have registered a bill on coexistence that does not create family relationships, legally regulating the practical aspects of that life,” he says.
